What do you know about the hexagon on Saturn?

Why is it one of the only planets In the visible universe with a ring?
Why was Cassini sent there to self destruct upon impact?
What are (((they))) planning?

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abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?cm_sp=SearchF-_-TopNavISS-_-Results&kn=the saturn myth by david talbott&sts=t

Well obviously it must be because of gods and magic and devils and other nonsense
but seriously kys

That it's hexagonal and it's on Saturn

Next question...

its where jews come from

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all of my stuff on satanism, its symbolism, philosophies, the crimes etc. in one posts sorted by subject

(OP) Symbolism
Their believes and philosophical framework
True Tinfoil stuff

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Fuck off coofnigger

thats rare, but still pretty common process in nature

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>Why is it one of the only planets In the visible universe with a ring?
We've only have detailed pictures of 8 planets
>Why was Cassini sent there to self destruct upon impact?
because NASA faggotry
>What are (((they))) planning?
They wan't you to coof

they are gates...

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Based kraut
That’s true. What does it mean? What powers of the universe do we not know about?

>Why is it one of the only planets In the visible universe with a ring?
It isn't, Uranus and Neptune both have rings too.
>Why was Cassini sent there to self destruct upon impact?
They didn't want to leave it floating and have it crash into Saturn's moons which are hopeful places for further exploration.
>What are (((they))) planning?
To brainwash your kids in school and through the media while you sit here and stare at Saturn like a schizo. Even if weird subsects of the elite are ALSO schizos, it doesn't make magic and planet demons real.

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>Why is it one of the only planets In the visible universe with a ring?
It's not.
>Why was Cassini sent there to self destruct upon impact?
Because they didn't sterilize it and didn't want to contaminate any space object it comes in contact with.
>What are (((they))) planning?
Jews in space?

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Hexagons are just how it be sometimes, ya know? If we had two visible ring planets you would be asking why our planet was cursed with two. Stop using the honeypot parentheses

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>Even if weird subsects of the elite are ALSO schizos, it doesn't make magic and planet demons real
Doesn’t make them fake, either

>What powers of the universe do we not know about?
well, you better ask what powers of the universe we do already know for sure, aside of The Four Fundamental Forces. so we know pretty much shit 2bh. and everything they tell in popular books and documentaries are mostly theories, hypotheses and even speculations (like dark matter and energy).

>They didn't want to leave it floating and have it crash into Saturn's moons which are hopeful places for further exploration.

>Because they didn't sterilize it and didn't want to contaminate any space object it comes in contact with.

These reasonings do not satisfy

>one of
You said "one of the only", 3 out of the 8 planets in our system have them so it's not rare at all you fucking brainlet. It'd be like saying "you, Canada poster, are ONE OF THE ONLY schizos on this board" and then someone looks around and sees all of your schizo friends.

>Doesn’t make them fake, either
True, what makes it fake is the astounding lack of evidence.

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They satisfy me, and they have a lot more going for them than "bcuz da space demons". Interplanetary contamination is a serious concern.

On the other hand we have:
>18So He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.
In hebrew lightning means baraq
and high place (ie heaven) bamah
I saw satan fall like baraq (o?/from) bamah
I assume they wanted to give his CIA cover name some satanic touch

can you explain me about baraq and bamah? you mean the antichrist is jewish?

>You said "one of the only", 3 out of the 8 planets in our system have them so it's not rare at all you fucking brainlet.
he said one of the only planets in the visible universe, not just our solar system you big dumb faggot

>he said one of the only planets in the visible universe
It isn't, there are 2 more that we can see from Earth with a home telescope, there are plenty more exoplanets with rings. To say "Saturn is only planets In the visible universe with a ring" is wrong and retarded.


You're projecting what counters your opinion as grotesquely exaggerated

That won't resolve to you being correct

Are you 7

well, in this case i think they just wanted to give his name some satanic touch, relating his name to satan. As for the antichrist being jewish, no idea. Issue is that kikes are not descendentso of judah as they claim but edomites . The edomites come from the amalek, traditionally the nemesis of the israelites (kikes for example claimed nazis were the amalek displaying their typicall projection). As such it would be fitting the antichrist comes from this line.
Others say he must come from the line of Judah, or David specifically to have a claim to rule which then would mean that it cant be a kike. Maybe its just what they claim as they claim already to descent from judah either way.
However im not aware of a prophecy speaking of his lineage either way, so its just speculation really.

because math, temperature, physics, clouds, winds and shit

it's just some kind of storm, idk

>saturn is one of the only planets in the visible universe with rings
>haha no it isnt retard we can see two more
two. out of how many fucking billions or trillions? idiot retard

3 of Saturn's moon has the potential for life. Introducing Earthling bacteria could vastly change the ecosystem for the current inhabitants. If not that the Earth bacteria could adapt and start living on the moon which could fuck up our understanding of how life forms on other planets.

It's fake obviously. It shows that jews control everything you see they're rubbing it in your face

everything listed on that link is evil. fuck turtles

>What do you know about the hexagon on Saturn?
Isn't it like a giant hurricane? What do I win?

Whoever built that planet at NASA was bored and Jewish.

thanks user, really love being teached especially by a german, god bless

The hexagon only showed up after we turned on the LHC.

the hexagon is electromagnetic in nature


cassini was for shits and giggles. not like it was going to come back anyway. who the hell knows what (((they))) are planning

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>kys for starting a thread about an unexplained hexagonal formation on the pole of Saturn..


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Ancient power lies In this eternal vortex, whether It be some portal to another dimension, or the seal of some omnipotent god.
If the kikes have been worshiping this space cube for thousands of years, the energy It omits Is definitely negative.

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>hexagonal formation
Needs a 10mm socket.

And bees


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the fuck sake where did i get this shit again. I've just cured.

why is trump admin giving fed power to 'blackrock' finance group. bad

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>Why is it one of the only planets In the visible universe with a ring?

Planets are wandering stars. The word planet literally means wanderer. All apparent objects in the sky are actually within the firmament, and are not objects but angels. This includes the sun, moon, and stars.

Saturn is a visible manifestation of satan. The planets are named after "gods" because they actually are visible manifestations of the fallen angels who rebelled against the Father and have already been judged.

>Why was Cassini sent there to self destruct upon impact?

This is fiction. There is no outer space, and there sure as fuck aren't any "probes" floating around. At best you have balloon-mounted devices that travel around the surface plane of earth using the four winds (the winds that drive the oceans).

>What are (((they))) planning?

They is no man. Satan's plan is simply rebellion against the Father and to get as many dopey men and women to follow him as he can. He does this by convincing you that secular answers to common questions are somehow more "rational" then the logical answer of accepting the truth that everything we see was created by the Father, and that everything in the Bible is true.

You want to find this book. The original, not the new revised edition.
abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?cm_sp=SearchF-_-TopNavISS-_-Results&kn=the saturn myth by david talbott&sts=t


>Why is it one of the only planets In the visible universe with a ring?

It’s not you fucking rētard. Neptune & Uranus both have rings too.

Jesus are you too stupid to set up a blog?

I know it's a slide thread

Make me pleb

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Take it to /x/ you uneducated low IQ subhuman

Saturn itself is the god. All the planets are gods

Aliens brought us here. Probably to farm diamonds.

delet this

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Metatron's cube is one of the most important symbols of sacred geometry. Saturn worship is crucial in understanding much of the monotheistic symbolism we recognize today.

You can clearly see what is known as a "star of david", an occultic symbol now assicoiated with judaism - originating from late-judaic esoteric circles.

A hexagon is the 2 dimensional representation of a cube. Try outlining a cube for me.

Muslims pray to a cube in mecca every day.

A cross is an unfolded 2 dimensional representation of a cube. This is the symbol of Christianity. Ultimate truth revealed.

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>Why is it one of the only planets In the visible universe with a ring?
Half of the planets in our solar system have rings. Saturn just has the most visible rings..
>Why was Cassini sent there to self destruct upon impact?
So it wouldn't wind up crashing into one of Saturn's moons and possibly contaminate it with microbes from Earth.

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eat shit and die faggot

It's not nonsense, it's the truth

Hexagons are a natural extension of the spherical form when tessellated.

Think honey comb and why circles are a poor choice.