Black nurse exposes the lies. Tells it like it is

You're all retarded sheep.

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Fake and gay this a lady dressed up like a nurse in a walmart break room?

>trusting oogabooga

I'm sorry OP. This bitch is really dumb. You should have known better than listening to a nigger. Especially a female nigger.



She's a deli worker with a face mask on.

>80 degree heat kills the virus.
98.6 degrees the average temp of a healthy human. Hmmm is there some nigganomotry goin on here or what

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Pay attention anons. The wise nigger is speaking da truf

this is fake. nurses only release tik tok dance videos

Also why is this sheboon constantly touching her face? Gonna be funny reading about this stupid nigger in the obits.

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I hope you get Corona and I hope it destroys your inside so much that you'll be hooked to a ventilator the rest of your fucking life. Don't have to worry about spreading your fucktarded genes because corona will have destroyed your testicles.

whys she wearing a showr cap and mans dress shirt?

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This is the nigger giving granny healthcare. This is why people are dying not the chink flu.


She's going to disappear soon.

idk guys... her channel is pretty based and redpilled...

unfortunately most people here will dismiss her because she is black.Corona is a Psyop made by ((them)) and for (((their))) purposes. wake up sheeple.

She is thinking this is some normal virus. This is a bio-weapon and doesnt follow your conventional spread/survival on surface etc.

>80 degrees kills a virus
>body temp of it's host is 98.6+ degrees

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that's a lunch lady

Without a host it's more vulnerable. UV also destroys the fuck out of caronaviruses hence why you get "colds" when it's cold out

dr. sebi cured cancer

ITT op acts like he's not a based retard NPC that stockpiles beans.

>calls us retarded
>listening to a nigress

Wearing a coverall that has holes in it so anything can get through, wearing a fucking lunch/cook hair net. 80 degree heat. Holy fuck OP neck yourself

AIDS a disease transmitted by blood, somehow needs to survive 5 days on the package of someone sneezing? Nice affirmative action American, nice diversity quotas u have there and lastly nice medical professional.

She's just some bewildered nigger
She goes on a rant against 5G in the first half of the video

Her hair net doesn’t seem to be very effective

>why doesn't everyone in the world have aids
>close window
Yeah, this bitch is dumb as a box of rocks.

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>you raciiis
>all viruses same

lol she turned comments off

that's not how you wear a hairnet

probably this

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Why even wear that fucking hair cap if you’re just going to let your hair out of it. No way she’s a fucking nurse

Still can't refute her

whats worse than a schizo? a nigger schizo

The fact is that you already are carrying the common cold and the flu virus in ur system, and when it mutates then it gets bad, you will be immune to it but others will not because ur mutate version is different from theirs and hence it infects the host and spreads.

We Blacks r IMMUNE

But I thought this isn't AIDS.

This looks supper staged/fake.
>Viruses can be killed in 80 degree heat.
Holy shit, flat Earth tier.

This is who you choose to defend you?
>muh virus dies in 80 degree heat
holy shit
>why doesn't everyone have aids?
she's a fucking lunch lady

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>trusting a 70 IQ sheboon
Lmao, the absolute state of nothingburger shills.

she lost me completely when she went on about 5g like it's ionizing radiation or something. Radio waves aren't ionizing radiation like Gamma radiation you dumb nigger.

>listening to a nigger
why are conservative qtards so fucking dumb? Seriously what happened to their brains

u can only get aids trough blood to blood contact, and by fucking a disease ridden vagina or ass.

its a dumb nog. she's realized its a hoax, but she articulates poorly, she not going to convince many normies. Also, pulling this stunt has likely cost her her job.

Outside of the body NIGGER

> this a lady dressed up like a nurse in a walmart break room?
Difficult to say for sure, here in the states just about every damn building or business have the style of a soviet housing block, so it's anyone's guess. On the other hand if a black kid is every right on any subject it's by accident.

Why hasn't Yas Forums evolved to realize that larping is a mental disorder, and that it's on a rise due to the rise in schizophrenia?

>aids would be used as a biochemical warfare
this woman went to college?

how is this still up

She keeps going back to aids as an example but aids isn’t transmitted the same way as rhino viruses. Some viruses are also more stable than others.


Can't refute her

>wears protective gear
>hospital doesn't have many cases because she lived in bumfuck nowhere
>"lol it's nothing everyone, it's just the NWO"
>"if disease can spread so easily, then we'd all have colds"
but we do have colds every year and the bubonic plague happened. disease is real

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I think that she is trying to make a valid point but simply lacks the ability to do so.

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She looks like a Russian agent.

If it's a hoax who benefits? Why would the dirty jews ruin their own economy ya dig?

my god a warehare

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>Why would the dirty jews ruin their own economy ya dig?
Why do they always BTFO themselves and get themselves genocided or kicked out?

>where do I begin where do I start over twenty times in a row

Census : nigger

can be killed with 80 degree heat.... yet lives just fine in a 98 degree body or even 100 with fever. bull.... shit.

>the moment a black woman saved America.

=:) imagine your surprise

This retarded nigger literally said that viruses can't survive in 80 degrees F temperature, then how the fuck does it survive in your body at 98 degrees F?

Then this dumb shit is like we would carry the diseases of bible times. Those fucking diseases are still out there, bubonic plague is still out there. It's medicine and soap that has kept our asses safe so far.

wtf she's mistrusting the media but she's also stupid

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Just report the video and they will shut her whole account down for misleading information on the Chinavirus

You are the dumb nigger why don't you just sleep next to an always on microwave shithead.

There is tons of shit, even cellphones have disclaimers you aren't supposed to keep it next to your head while calling. You are aren't just ignorant, you're fucking stupid.

Energy can only be conserved.

at least she's thinking guys. i mean, i can totally say "come on, that 3m mask brushing against that dustmop she calls hair has probably seen as much action as the turn signal in her nissan sentra", but its conflicting to realize she is eloquently dropping some wisdom.

>here in the states just about every damn building or business have the style of a soviet housing block
imagine being so anti-american that you say a lie this massive

in all seriousness, what in the everloving fuck is your retarded traitor ass saying?

>that aids diatribe

fucking idiot, HIV doesnt survive in the air because it isnt an airborne fucking disease

>its conflicting to realize she is eloquently dropping some wisdom
She's on the right path of thinking but she took too many redpills so she's delving into schizo realm. She's also operating soully on personal perspective rather than really knowing what she's talking about

its not an airborne disease by nature you dumb fuck

>subversive Marxists

Never mind.
She's a whack job

Start with truth and end with whack

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Yeah a palliative care nurse

aids is not airborne you stupid motherfucker

30 sec in.
>is she retarded????

>UV also destroys the fuck out of caronaviruses hence why you get "colds" when it's cold out
This. I learned this from my grandmother. If I got a cold she would tell me I need to get outside and get some sun. Worked every time. I think it's the UV radiation and the Vitamin D that your body produces because of it. And this is why I had my family outside building a raised garden all this past weekend. Wife and I have a mild sunburn now and the baby looked dang cute in her sun hat.

we're reaching levels of falseflag not thought possible

neither is covid19

lol she keeps saying decimate instead of desiccate. this bitch is an agent of lucifer and idiots who want to believe this is a nothingburger will use this idiot as proofs

Ok lets say nurse Shaniqua's walmart medical hospital is right. probably a chinese nigger spy

>free thousand dorra
>allowed to neet with no repercussions
>destruction of the economy
>degeneracy at an all time low

this seems like a nice government sponsored baseness.

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>virus died at 80 degrees
She is a nigger but i thought id hear her out. After a minute of talking nigger the nigger made this comment. Jesus christ

Cold spread rapidly because in the winter/cold months we are all huddled close indoors most of the time faggot. Hence why you never hear of cold/flu season in south florida.

decimate means to kill or destroy
dessicate means to preserve

Also forgot to mention she can't even pronounce COVID.

She's talking about once the virus is outside the body and exposed to air. Which is true, they break down very quickly, thats why you have stuff like the 6ft rule. The oils in soap quickly breakdown the protective membrane of germs and they die. So saying a virus can survive for DAYS outside the body is indeed retarded.

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you are an idiot. jesus christ what are you 12

no decimate means the roman general lines up all the men in the army unit and kills every tenth one. it means one-tenth destroyed

6 years later I'm still captivated by her


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This has gone on too far.

I want some AIDS now.

I don't dismiss her for being black, I just can't stand listening to her fucking "sub 90 IQ speak" for more than one minute. It's immediately obvious this bitch is out for clout and nothing else, psyop or no

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very retarded person