There's a subreddit called "against hate subreddits" run by commies and trannies that spam and false flag other, based subreddits so the Reddit admins will remove them. Just within the past few days, they decided to jump the gun and spam cp into a few other subs. It was a lot of cp, too.

We don't have a lot of info on who these people are, but the video that i'm posting here confirms that they have a secret discord where they coordinate and spam cp. These lizards need to be infiltrated and exposed. The mods on against hate subreddits are almost certainly involved. Please, anons, we need your help.

>Video proof by whistleblower:

>Proof of secret discord and cp spam:

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-01 at 10.29.14 PM.png (1468x1358, 2.01M)

Other urls found in this thread:


also damn this is glowing, almost went blind.

so hard to see with the glowing I almost forgot to COOF


Call someone who gives a shit. Like the cops.

nigga while noble of you, sounds like a sure fire way to get V&. just report them to the FBI and hope our resident glow bois fuck them up

Bump for v& discord trannys

Report all tranny discord cp-spamming reddit mods, get them v& irl.

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why should I care about what retards do on reddit?

because my favorite BASED sub (r/the_milo) got raided and you have to stop them

Obvious glowniggers are obvious

Have a bump. I hope they end up in jail.

Honestly this

Yup, good research user
Pedos get the rope
Send the proof over the Breitbart, ZH, and all the media the mainstream loves say are 'alt right'. Tag JamesWoods

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Post CP here without 7 proxies and the FBI will be kicking your door down in an hour. We need the authorities to monitor reddit like they do here.

sunlight is the best disinfectant.

Get those faggots v&.

BUMP. Lefties are pedos.

i remember when cp kept the normies out. fuck moot and his effective moderation. now look.

The FBI is too busy carrying 6 gorillion body bags for people coughing to deal with kid-fuckers, which is a shame because all kid-fuckers need to be flayed alive then burned at the stake.


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I made a detailed report on what's happening, included their Reddit and everything.
Hopefully they'll get them.

>Ladies and Gentlemen
We got em.

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Bruh we finna dab on these niggas


Everyone else make a report so we can get these creeps like the old days

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Hasn't this been veritably true since Reddit's inception?

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Hahahaha what a bunch a faggots!

Yesterday you asked us to raid these guys because they hurt your subreddit.
Now I’m order to rally a personal army your asking us to search them for cp?
Yesterday you asked us to spam their subreddit with gore and cp.
Now you’re saying they used the same tactic?
Me thinks the baiter doth protest too much.

kill all pedos, also coof

Well I already told the FBI so ig this balls rollin now lol

You will die soon jew. Slowly, and painfully. Mark my words, you know who i am.

milo is a pedo faggot, kys

Reddit turf wars are cute

based also coof coof

pick one?

>CP so disgusting it makes a tranny faggot pray for God


I’m not saying don’t get the fbi involved. DO.
I’m saying yesterday around this time some user came here asking us to raid this SAME SUBREDDIT with gore and cp because this subreddit ruined his favorite subreddit called r/political compass memes or some shit.
I’m saying that I think this is some sort of glownigger trap to bait Yas Forums into attack some literal who reddit board.
They may be fucking pedofags but the fact that someone yesterday asked us to brigade them with gore and cp sounds AWFULLY SUSPICIOUS.
That is all

You can't be retarded enough to think that authorities give a shit about CP. the Elites ARE THE FUCKING PEDOS, YOU DUMB MUTT

Why miss the chance to slit reddit by the throat and let it bleed out and finally fucking die? You a fucking queer or something?

You glow more than my Corona-green post

Post the archived thread from 4plebs archive then. I believe you are from AHS and are attempting to keep this under wraps.

Remember, discord keeps logs of everything you ever say. You may not pay today, but you will pay dearly.

I'm not missing that fucking chance, bump motherfucker.

AHS is the biggest sub for these people to coordinate attacks on anyone else's clubhouse who they disagree with.

>t. MDE user from way back

also fuck most of reddit but there's a few good subs out there.

I'm thinking doxxing their discord would be fun as fuck right about now. Take that back to your "comrades" you fucking faggot.

Also let me throw this in. AHS isn't "literally who" its the biggest sub for you commie pieces of shit to coordinate your raids on "our" people. Fuck off and find something else to do you filthy unwashed tranny faggot.



That was it. I don’t give a FUCK ABOUT REDDIT.
But that was suspicious to me.
If you want to raid reddit, have at it.
I’ll keep shitposting about the wuhan wiggle hitting my favorite boards.

There's good people at the ground level

Well, the FBI is involved now so I hope you aren't one of the pizza spreaders



Also I’m not some pedo fuck.
I don’t need groupthink to decide my life for me.
As such I was only bringing up some that that seemed oddly specific.
Maybe that user dug deep on his own and found some shit.
Hopefully if they are a bunch of pedofags they’ll get rope too.

This. Archive and report to authorities. Do not report on Reddit, these freaks will just find another place to burrow. Also

Oh really ? And what are you going to do about your bosses, then ? Huh?

>Yas Forums is one person

You have to go back

Gtfo. Enjoy your v&.


Report to FBI or local cops. Look for officers without pink hair.

lol actual discord trannies?
I thought that was just a meme

>Call someone who gives a shit. Like the cops.
the cops...


Old fag here. Reminder that the shotgun boy meme blew his head off live-streaming to us because of these trannies getting him to give compromising pic’s over the internet and then blackmailing him to take hormone treatment and become a bitch. The political correctness is only a cover for active paedophile networks.

I remember that and I post about it every so often to remind anons that there's a fucking discord tranny cult that's been preying on /r9k?

Why not both? Why not have some fun cucking reddit?

Wait a minute.
Fuck what I said. If these guys are responsible then there is a moral obligation to take them down.
I had no idea.


Attached: discord.png (1080x1920, 716.24K)

This is from a couple years ago.

Attached: aero tranny.png (2484x2072, 1.59M)

What's a subreddit?

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Yeah fuck that. I just read the imgur. Someone needs to report these fags.
I apologize for doubting the legitimacy of what anons are doing.


looks like larp

My God..
I saw him on bestgore a little while after he did it, never knew.
Got any more story about it?
So fucking sad
I will make it my mission to find these people.

It was real. Check the archives. He posted that before he “larped” a ksg blast into his face.

No clue. OP seems to look at peedo shit on there and knows a lot about it too. Might want to steer clear of that one.

i stand corrected

most tranners arent schizos though ofc every groups is going to have a few loonies that doesnt make the whole group crazy

I did, more anons should.

There's video of him blowing his brains out with a shotty, definitely not a LARP

Dumb new fag cancer.

I remember seeing stuff about that on 8/r9k/ a while back. Basically, trannies, like all sexual deviants, enjoy targeting and grooming vulnerable people. Either people will join their cult, or at least be compromised and destroyed if they try to back out. Fags, trannies, cucks, findom, all of them. There is no such thing as "what consenting adults do behind..." That was always a spell cast to disarm those who would call out the predatory nature of sexual deviancy, and how it is used to flex power against vulnerable young people who have no guidance or protection.

All of these people need to exposed, named, shamed, and punished. They must be rooted out, all the way up to the richfags and institutional power that back them.

Good idea. Thanks.
Have a spuurdo.

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Reddit cracked down on jailbait many years ago after media reports threatened their business plans but the subs just went private. The admins are kiddyfucking leftists so they're fine with that. The only problem in their eyes was the negative press.

lol is this real?

Excellent. I offer you this in return.

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If every user in this thread made a tip to the FBI, these faggots would be in jail by Monday.

>Got any more story about it?
Maybe in 2018 I saw some threads here about how there were pedo/trannie jannies who were blackmailing young impressionable men. Threads got nuked and soon after there were threads on 8 chlaims

Time to do some HUMINT. o7 Happy hunting fellas.

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