Why do Africans have bigger brains?

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-01 Everything Scientists Could Learn By Looking At Your Skull.png (644x362, 252.41K)

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They don’t. Their brains are smaller. They just have weird animal skulls.

That picture is bullshit.
There is no significant difference between human racial groups.
We can all interbreed and produce fertile offspring, therefore we are the same species.

They have elongated skulls and underdeveloped frontal lobes.

You don't have to be the same species to hybridize dipshit

Not what constitutes a species, coping mutt

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Look at the frontal lobe area, idiot. It's smaller

Because they are so goddamned fucking smart. Just look around you. Every good thing you see came from a nigger. Go to any section 8 district in your area to find the highest grade intellects in the area.

Thicker skulls for weathering blunt objects

niggers have no prefrontal cortex which is why they're so goddamn stupid. They're hominids and not related to humans

Attached: Race_brain_size_cranial_capacity.png (1227x597, 25.33K)

>being this retarded

They don't. They have less brain mass than Europeans and East Asians.

Got any maps that aren't based on racist bro science?

This. Stop looking at skulls OP. This isn't the 1920s. We have neuroscience, behavioral sciences, and statistics which prove Africans have peanut brains.

>Same species means same Genetically
Pic related is me coofing on you

Attached: Coofer.jpg (320x228, 21.3K)

gotta be b8

Frontal lobe looks way smaller. Coof

Ok nigger lover

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Golden retrievers and pugs are the same species too

all these other posts are fucking retarded
there are differences between humans skulls and brains that are notable

the difference here is that it says sub Saharan when you look at how these fucks mostly still live they live in a fucking primitive lifestyle in which you gotta run a lot and one in which you have to memorize a shit ton of different paths this then results in bigger and more efficient brains but if they stop living this way and come to civilization their brains become normal after a while .

you can get your brain to be like that if you run a lot and memorize spacial information

I think their skulls are just thicker

Attached: bait chan.jpg (900x1357, 117.5K)

You guys really need to watch this.



Alright I quit

Beefalos are fertile. (you) BTFO, /thread

Polar Bears and Grizzlies can interbreed and produce fertile offspring.
Are they the same species?

Facts be all muhfuckin rayciss n sheeit.

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niggers are inferior

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im halfway through this video and I have yet to see any science

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Knocked up your mom. Can confirm.

Over half of this video is his just stating things and expecting you to take him at his word. the only "science" or source is an appeal to authority from 1998... before the genome was even sequenced.

Thank you for the bait, you deserve another (you)

Would that mean the rest of the brain is proportionately of a regular size?

they arent even looking in the same direction. what a disingenuous image

For rote memory tasks. Like knowing all the words in you language or all the skills you need to forage and hunt effectively

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All photos of europid skulls so far posted are very brachycephalic but it wuld be easy to find a dolichocephalic specimen.

Nigger brains are full of shit.
They are literally shitheads.

That reminds me of that one cartoon I watched awhile back. The protagonist is a German White guy. Anyway, in the end the Jew ends up being killed by the Black guy.


look at the shapes of their skulls you sped.

All I know about polar bears is that they're all descendants of Irish bears.

Still interbreeding, and breeding for the best of your genetics is more important than what you might think you want for yourself



yeah, you just saw one

Lack of frontal lobe. Also, coof.

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They don't.

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>since a shitbull and a german shepherd can mix that means they're both the same kind of dog
B8 detected

Tell me which skulls are African

Attached: Guess the racial classification.jpg (2008x987, 433.31K)

They forgot to flatten out the forehead of the white girl bottom left
Notice the flat forehead on the first pic of the black girl
Africans do not have Neanderthal DNA
This was the evolutionary step that grew our frontal lobe
The frontal lobe is responsible for rational and emotional thinking, empathy, etc


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god i hate niggers
I also hate OP
Fuck You

Look here: .

This makes sense because apparently the Neanderthals were wiped out due to the senseless violence of hominids. Neanderthals weren't as savage as hominids so it makes sense Europeans wouldn't either if they inherited those genes.

It was an ancient ethnic cleansing.

Because they use way less of it

This thread is a shitshow. Of the pictures sent in this thread that are somewhat scientific, they are just showing a certain part of a scientific paper, with no source. Can I just get the real answer with up-to-date science? Not fake shit to make you feel superior when 90% of your are mutts. Wish there were real scientist on the board, not wannabe NEETs who think a bunch of infographs and Google all of a sudden makes them experts on race.

There is and humans and Neanderthals interbred too. Does that mean that Neanderthals are Homo Sapiens?

>Sample size of 44 and 25
>also no source given

how do you know that the frontal lobe is responsible for that?

Attached: Muh frontal lobe.jpg (754x195, 37.69K)

Go build me a helicopter nigger boy.


Plus, only Europeans have ever been part Neanderthals.

Who would have guessed?

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Big eye-sight area to see prey on African plain (big eye holes too)
Small think area