What you guys doing while everyone is sick or dying
What you guys doing while everyone is sick or dying
Other urls found in this thread:
Shilling the board
eating my stash
Watching tv with mah dick on my lap
Got uni assessments that I'm finishing off.
Running through woodland trails with my dogs
Studying, drinking, learning C++, exercising
smoking weed listening to music, might play some games on steam later on
got some dextromethorphan coming in the mail but it's late, saving the little vodka i have for when i feel like drinking it
Fucking and Sucking
Going to work and then going home to sleep
planting garden - veggies and pollinator
why C++?
being cured of the coof
lol pleb
smoking crack like viper would
>Not working from home
Why not C++?
Because it’s cool and I like it
sounds comfy user
Soldat is on Steam now
cigarettes, calisthenics, movies with jack nicholson
based c++chads
everyone else is tranny rusters or some other memelang
oh yeah, and going to work lmao
Not worth it, nobody uses that faggot Bjarne's language
eh not my kind of game, i play red orchestra 2, hoi4, gmod sunrust server where they let you say nigger
Digging a grave , my German shepherd., Rambo , died this morning of natural cause .. 10yrs old ... I feel like killing somebody ... I'm trying to deal with my pain but I feel like I'll burst in rage soon enough ...
Training foir the happening.
Cooming to death
Then what should i learn? Seriously.
did you burn his body and say goodbye?
took some moon pics.
zero chance we went there.
I'm using this time to get away from it all. I got a really good deal on this cruise all around the world. It's pretty packed in here.
smoking weed....
I'm sorry for you loss user, German sheppards are based.
C++ is good, don't listen to that faggot
Go isn't a meme language.
Python is your friend user, AI and Machine Learning is the future
Remodeling my home.
based. Red Orchestra 2 is god tier
shit posting as usual.
That's no moon...
Working. In one of the "essential" trades.
>Mostly just working on multimillion remodel projects for cash
t. Attic sick not China sick
Do you use the cheats? I love killing whole teams with my cheats.
got some daytime ones as well
no I'm not a nigger
a maxlevel mg34 is just as good
playing around with muh guns. its almost boog o' clock
In not burning him , I have a huge land , I'm starting a cemetery in a quiet corner ...
routing for total collapse and a return to the territories and no more states or government.
law of the gun. only the strongest will survive.
Thank you fellow leaf
Posting on Yas Forums for that sweet sweet deity Kek dubz prophecy power
he die suddenly or hang on awhile? if i had a dog i would probably consider giving him some downers if i saw he was on his last leg
Rolling smokes, playing games, drinking heavily and popping amps from time to time
Oh yeah and jerking off a lot more than I used to
I work as a remote software developer. I started learning how to sketch. I'm making a tech blog
Never leave my house anyways. My life is pretty much not affected at all
>and popping amps
>Oh yeah and jerking off a lot more than I used to
amps? if it's a cns stim then that is why
Well how about that
He died while sleeping ... I say its the best way ... yesterday he was fine , sun bathing and very happy ... this morning , gone ... I know it the best option for a death , but still , I lost my friend and I don't thing ill be able to own an other dog .
what I want to happen:
>nomadic road warrior killing raiders and rewarded by Pilgrims with their virgins
what will actually happen:
>step on rusty nail after week 2 and go insane from the infection and jump off of a cliff
Fishing. I've been on a boat every day by myself. No way to even get infected.
Languages have specific uses. What sorts of things do you want to make?
For a total beginer, chosing a language and sticking with it until you can think of a goal and then achieve it is better than any amount of arguing over what language is best.
C++ is a great language, even for biginners, though it isnt a language a beginner will master easily. C++ also is basically required for embedded programming (microcontrollers), so if you want to make little chips do stuff, C++ is a good language.
But again, what you are going to do really can matter. For instance if you mostly want to do web\mobile stuff, C++ isnt quite right.
But remember, the most important thing is sticking with it, it's dry and boring at first, but once you learn to do stuff and think in loops and structures and patterns a little bit, you can immediately start making cool stuff.
Here is what I recommend
If you want to do embedded (arduino, pic, ESP32, etc) - C++ is required basically. so stick with C++
Web dev - learn javascript. dont bother with frameworks and stuff. learn to use javascript to do normal programing stuff - math, loops, etc. then move on to leanring html css to go with it.
Data Science - Python, with pandas
Anything for science, engineering, math - python
Video games - unity and C# or Unreal and C++
Mobile - Java for Android SDK, Objective C\Swift for iOS
This is by no means an attempt at claiming one thing is best or the only option. You could decide to learn any random language, and as long as you stick with it, the outcome is the same.
If you find you want to really be a nerd, one of my favorite thigns ever is this book\website 'nand2tetris'. nand2tetris.org
This lets you use a VHDL interpreter they provide to build up an 8 bit computer, and write an assembler language and C-like high level language for it, all of which runs in the virtual machine. I really enjoyed it.
hope you find a way to feel better user
greenie coofer in denial
>AI and Machine Learning is the future
I love when absolute beginners are like 'im learning machine learning!'
> its the future!
Drawing and watching Netflix
Thank you user ... what you just wrote is already helping me more than what my stupid surroundings are telling me ... I wish you the best in life
Realizing it's all the jews
These are awesome, keep posting please. What did you use to take the pics? I almost fell for one of those little cams you attach to your cell phone that's supposedly good for moon shots, but haven't bought it yet
Eating edibles & playing with my 2 year old. I talked my boss into letting me come in on “my own time” while I collect unemployment, so I can get away from my wife a few hours a day.
Feels good to not have Yas Forums aids
vacuuming my backyard with a shop vac since theres tiny pieces of old roof fucking everywhere
you too, leaf
Good fucking call. My wife is working(nagging) from home and it's driving me nuts
That old scar will heal man and you'll have another loyal dog. Theres dogs out there that need you.
I too must learn to code
Learn C then use C++ as a set of supplemental libraries
Learn how to work with Linux since pretty much the entirety of the higher level computing world revolves around it
Learn Python because it's actually really good but still really inefficient in terms of hardware cost
Learn JS because it's great for webdev
Learn SQL and where to use it, along with where to not use it
Don't learn Java unless you really want to get in to mobile
Don't learn C# unless you intend to only build things for windows or want to work in unity making games