Baba Venga predicted the Coronavirus end of the United States

For those of you who don't know, Baba Venga was a Bulgarian Clairvoyant who predicted quite a few things - including 9/11. Her prediction in 1989 was:

>"Horror, horror! The American brothers will fall after being attacked by the steel birds. The wolves will be howling in a bush, and innocent blood will be gushing."

She predicted this amongst other thing that turned out to be true, from the fall of the Soviet Union to the rise of ISIS.

One of her last predictions before death was:

>"The 45th president (of the US) will be with a messianic personality, who will be faced with a great crisis that will eventually bring the country down".

She also said that the 45th president will be last person to hold the title of Commander in Chief - possibly pointing to a global restructuring of power.

Bare in mind that she died in 1996 and as such had no clue of the upcoming wars or 9/11 except for what she had predicted. I found her through an old documentary on the fall of the Soviet Union and decided to look her up on Wikipedia to find this revelation.



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Other urls found in this thread:'s_Future_Prophecies

>who will be faced with a great crisis that will eventually bring the country down
So america is confirmed kill?

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Shipton predicted it three hundred years before she did. Here's the prophecy and she says it was RUSSIAN AND CHINESE:

"And yellow men great power gain
From mighty bear with whom they've lain.
These mighty tyrants will fail to do
They fail to split the world in two.
But from their acts a danger bred
An ague - leaving many dead.
And physics find no remedy
For this is worse than leprosy."

And here's the link:

From the venga bus?

sorry muhammed no one gives a shit what a woman has to say let alone a femcel blind harpy

>end of the American Republic
>beginning of the American Empire

lets hope her prophecy will be correct

I am usually very sceptical of these sort of predictions as they usually employ vague language so they can change the meaning later to claim they predicted it all along.

But her prediction is in plain language. With a clear timeline. It honestly has me spooked a little bit.

>Bare in mind

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English isn't my first language so please excuse my mistake.

This witch did accurately predict 9/11 no joke.

Didn’t that Barron trump time traveller book also mention Trump would be the last president?
Or the same author did another book called the ‘the last president’ or something I can’t remember now.


"She claimed that in 2003, any person would be able to think in synchronicity with others, allowing for a form of secondary existence. "

2003 was when Yas Forums was created


People who believe these psychic clowns twist their words, add and subtract words to their claims to make them correct.

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Holy shit I completely missed this one. She predicted Yas Forums (or the internet in general).


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she cute

Baba Vanga can see timelines

Same. To me, Mother Shipton, to some extent Baba Vanga and especially Alois Irlmaier were the real deal. Irlmaier's predictions are the scariest ones as fuck.

>The 45th president (of the US) will be with a messianic personality, who will be faced with a great crisis that will eventually bring the country down
Her supporters made this up
She never said it
>Vanga's supporters also claimed that she predicted the 45th president
What a bunch of fucking crap

She predicted a relative's death cause accurately.

Other interesting predictions are:
Assassination attempt on Russia's Emperor
New Muslim immigrant waves, this time violent

She also has some weird predictions so kinda 50/50.
Also I get the chills whenever I see a picture of her.


Read the visions of Alois Irlmaier. WW 3 coming soon and after that God's wrath on a biblical level, part of the Book of Revelation. Most of us will not grow old. It will start when people walk around being preoccupied with their "black cigarette boxes" (cell phones). Diseases and natural disasters, earthquakes and volcanos. Russia will suddenly overrun Europe. War and civil war everywhere. Pope will flee and be killed in Germany by "soldiers" using bullets and arrows. The Three Days of Darkness, where the sun doesn't appear and the gates of hell are opened. You can only survive in a room with completely covered windows and locked doors, praying non stop for 3 days. No electricity only candles will work. Demons roam free and will imitate voices of your loved ones in an attempt to lure you out. If you do it you die a horrible death. If you peek through the window you die instantly.

Whole nations will disappear overnight. Russians will drop a bomb in the Channel, flooding London for one, but whole coastal region past Denmark.

At least half the world population will die. Muslim immigrants will commit terrible atrocities.

The sign of the cross will appear in heaven and remain there for ever.

In the end a Great Monarch will rise. Christianity will rise like a phoenix from its ashes. He will win every battle and ultimately create a new Holy Roman Empire greater than pagan Rome ever was. He will put his seat in Jerusalem, that will no more be under jewish rule. Most people will convert to Chrisitanity, expect the jews.

A new moon will earth have after the asteroid collision, a small one like Mars has, possibly after 2029 with 99962 Apophis (the great dragon).

Brace yourselves for what comes, get right with God today.

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Btw she never was specific with any dates and numbers - just events.

The future is unwritten
America has cancer
Let's fix this shit.

strange that this guy has no wikipedia page

oh, and Trump will be the last president (just like Ingersoll Lockwood said), the USA will suffer natural disasters and civil war, will ultimately spread in 3 parts. coastal cities sink under water, possibly LA and NY. Might be because of Yellowstone coom. One of the parts will unite with Mexico.
Chinese will attack US/post-US in their hour of greatest need, like the insects they are, but ultimately lose.

The ones that scare me are "the high-flier president" will be mortally harmed in The Balkans (I think Trump is aware of the prophecy and stayed away from the Balkans; the danger period was fall 2019), and especially the tsunami bomb that inundates and destroys London. This part of Irlmaier didn't make sense until 2018. Putin in 2018 announced the Marxists have developed a tsunami bomb. It's capable of destroying London and most of England.

yes, most of the info is in German as he was bavarian. He was one of the best predictors for our times. There is a good documentary on jewtube but again in German.'s_Future_Prophecies

here is an older version with predictions until year 5079.

Three Days of Darkness is coming FAST. It's definitely this year. 2020. I believe it's due to an atomic strike in Asia. China will end this year but it's unclear how. It frankly appears to be someone not the US doing it. That makes no sense to me under current circumstances.

That's fucked up.

All of her predictions come from her supporters - she wasn't literate and wrote nothing down. However the supporter sources are older than the events they predicted as well so this is inconsequential.

Aber ist sie basiert und rotgepillt?

Who dressed this bitch. Bitch all blind and shit. This bitchs handlers had not fashion sense if ya gnome sayin niggers

A rogue 3th party?

The complete Alois Irlmaier, everything the man ever saw or said. Click translate. Have fun. This man's visions turned me back into a Christian.

Stupid goat herder doesn't understand timelines and probable outcomes change , and we are now on the optimal & best case scenario timeline , fuck what bangba vagina said, she was drunk.

and the tsunami will also wipe me out (live near coast in Flanders), the Dutch and the Danes. Nations disappear overnight - could very well be this.

The great man that would be killed, his murderers would be a white man and a black man, so I agree Trump is the likely candidate here. I hope he takes adequate precaution.

Can't figure it out. My gut feeling says North Korea or Pakistan but that makes no sense... why? Both are Chinese allies, but my gut won't let go of this, a third actor does it but in our name. Again, makes zero sense.

I meant whomst nigga

Bulgarian here, Vanga did predict many things like 9/11 but also many people either mistranslate what she said or put words in her mouth. She mostly spoke of dark events for the world perhaps talking about the apocalyptic timeline described by Project Looking glass.
Here are some other predictions she made:

>Many new diseases will appear, seemingly healthy people will drop dead on the streets ... In 40 years there will be diseases different from those today, they will affect the brain"

> "In 200 years Hungarian technology will establish contact with extraterrestrials"

> "At the end of the century in 1999 or 2000, Kursk will go underwater"
She was not talking about the city but the nuclear submarine

>"In 2016 the muslims will conquer Europe"

>"2023 changes the Earth's orbit"
Talking about the new Solar Flash and Earth moving into the highly charged part of our galaxy?

She also predicted weird things that sound way too ridiculous to take into account, like the universe ending in 5000s.

Ingersoll Lockwood predicted the same thing, that the 45th president would be the last.

I don't know about this year but I would definitely say this decade. I'm worried about 2029 asteroid Apophis, look up who Apophis was in Egyptian mythology. And then you have Greta and AOC saying that we only have a decade left... they know what is coming.

You need to watch Germany and just stay away from Russian troops who suddenly enter. Irlmaier says those who gather at the German mountain marked with "three crosses" will survive. You know the right thing to do, user. If you were led to Irlmaier's prophecies the Lord intends you to stay alive.

Forgot to add that the virus prediction was made in 1979

>Tasty, tasty! The western world will overcome a great reluctance to placing the mouth to where the food comes out. The tongue will be howling in the bush!

>predicting that America will go to war with somebody in the future
well shit, call me clairvoyant cause I can do that too

Oh yeah I know about Apophis. I think the greater danger for us all is Yellowstone. The Chinese hope to trigger its eruption as pre-retaliation for the Three Gorges Dam, which was predicted as doomed and will end their nation if destroyed. But the Three Days of Darkness is verbatim THIS YEAR. Please don't ask me how I know. Just get your holy candles and do what the instructions say. Asia is doomed and curiosity will kill MANY.

Few years ago I've read this prophecy for the USA. But I didn't saved the link of the source. Too bad.
(this is my version of the original prophecy that I read).
Read it carefully and really think about it how very possible it is knowing that Chinese wrote the "ART OF WAR"

China will trick stupid war hungry Americans into several military conflicts all over the World.
And when the blood thirsty evil Burgers get so stretched out then China will attack and nuke America from the sea and air, and their operatives living in the US on the land.
And the US will be damaged very-very badly and on the verge of being totally destroyed by Chinks.
Russia will watch that with great interest, but knowing what Chinks are planing after conquering USA... RUSSIA will decide to help you and to save you you unfriendly Americans,
and RUSSIA will attack and destroy China. But USA will be reduced to a Second World country after that.

AMERICANS....Save this post, so you can remind yourselves from time to time what your future will be like.
It will be very bad for you, evil assholes.
But after that New America will be born. Gentle friendly honest America

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where the predictions at nigga? i want to read that shit

Well then be specific and go for yours. Good political predictions are always welcome here.

When pictures seem alive with movements free
When boats like fishes swim beneath the sea,
When men like birds shall scour the sky
Then half the world, deep drenched in blood shall die.

For those who live the century through
In fear and trembling this shall do.
Flee to the mountains and the dens
To bog and forest and wild fens.

For storms will rage and oceans roar
When Gabriel stands on sea and shore
And as he blows his wondrous horn
Old worlds die and new be born.

A fiery dragon will cross the sky
Six times before this earth shall die
Mankind will tremble and frightened be
for the sixth heralds in this prophecy.

For seven days and seven nights
Man will watch this awesome sight.
The tides will rise beyond their ken
To bite away the shores and then
The mountains will begin to roar
And earthquakes split the plain to shore.

And flooding waters, rushing in
Will flood the lands with such a din
That mankind cowers in muddy fen
And snarls about his fellow men.

He bares his teeth and fights and kills
And secrets food in secret hills
And ugly in his fear, he lies
To kill marauders, thieves and spies.

Man flees in terror from the floods
And kills, and rapes and lies in blood
And spilling blood by mankinds' hands
Will stain and bitter many lands

And when the dragon's tail is gone,
Man forgets, and smiles, and carries on
To apply himself - too late, too late
For mankind has earned deserved fate.

His masked smile - his false grandeur,
Will serve the Gods their anger stir.
And they will send the Dragon back
To light the sky - his tail will crack
Upon the earth and rend the earth
And man shall flee, King, Lord, and serf.

But slowly they are routed out
To seek diminishing water spout
And men will die of thirst before
The oceans rise to mount the shore.

And lands will crack and rend anew
You think it strange. It will come true.

>imagine being american


What, are they gonna coof on us again?

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What a bunch of bullshit. Low, even by Yas Forums standards.

China will trick America into war? You mean Israel?

t. Infected kike

the only prophecy is the pol prophecy. this isn't a happening because its not part of the pol prophecy

Yet blessed by Kek, unlike your worthless leaf ass.

Global warming fags have been saying the world will end in ten years since the 60's. They would only be a broken clock at best

This documentary on Alois Irlmaier is highly recommended

I am making English subtitles but it is a long ass work and my German isn't fluent so I need to check and recheck my sentences. It's a slow progress but better than nothing.

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It makes a lot of sense when you see what is happening over there. China keeps sending faulty medical equipment to countries, pocketing their cash, and even stated they were getting ready to open the wet markets. Many countries while doing somewhat bad, at least believe they have a future, but what if it was a country with nuclear weapons that believed it didn't have a future?
>country catches coronavirus
>China offers to sell them medial supplies to help with the small coronavirus problem they are having
>The country accepts them
>Now only do the supplies not work, but they are also infected with coronavirus
>Viral infection count massively explodes in the country
>Another Chinese owned company in the country buys up all the good supplies that didn't come from China, and ships them to China
>Now a country, overblown with coronavirus due to China, ripped off in funds due to China, also loses all their good medical supplies to basically China spies, and they own nuclear arms, with no future of them surviving this in sight
>Other countries do offer to help them, but they feel like its another trap, even offering free supplies, the country thinks they are corona infected traps, and refuses help from anybody

I could see all the negative things that happen over there due to China having a bad outcome.


She already shit like aliens wrong and world war 3. How do you retards eat up this garbage?

> Another prediction attributed to her is that the 44th President of the United States would be the country's last Commander-in-chief.

says 44th not 45th

More Gypsy shit.

If you really want to shit your pants, look into how Trump inherited Tesla's works, including blueprints for a time machine.

his story "the last president" takes place in the early 1900's as i recall

But who would do it? NK? Surely not Japan? Maybe SK? They might, if pushed far enough. I could see India do it without a doubt.

Are we in the Based Timeline yet fellas?

so we get Putin, a leader that actually gives a shit, as a leader?

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Ngl this factor has me spooked as shit

Thanks, I will folow your advice, already stocked up on holy water and have some blessed candles. I will attach aluminium foil layers to the windows when it comes.

I would be lying if I didn't admit I am shitting my pants because what is waiting for us. We are supposed to not fear and have faith in God, but honestly hy heart shrinks at the very thought of what is coming.

We were warned, the good will die with the bad, and the survivors will envy the dead. God have mercy.

more like
>beggining of warlordism for decades to come

america was never 1 country in the first place you fkin pleb

insha'allah brother fuck the smelly indians

So this means we buy Chainlink, right?

Unclear. The Wiki page says that it may be 44 or 45 based on if you consider the two Grover Cleveland terms, two presidents or one. Since 44 has already passed without a great crisis, we can assume it was 45

I've prayed steadily. What I keep "getting back" after prayer (from God, I hope?) is the phrase, "You will live, but you will witness things that will make you wish you did not." This chills me.

>2010: WW3 begins
>2011: Radioactive Showers kill the northern hemisphere
>2016: Aliens

Schizos go to bed

this does stand out in her Wiki. it's said to be one of the very few outliers examples of a negative interaction she had with visitors
