ITT we're not infected

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Green coff niggers get the bullet.

Master immunity race checking in

i am still in despair, and that's worse than any viral infection.

cool coof niggers




Please someone explain my emoji

fucking chinks getting everyone sick

u cured

bat soup, I don't feer to guud


jannies have id'd you as a tranny



I’m gonna coof


am i ok now?

The infection will go away tomorrow, probably.

G-guys? I-I'm not feeling s-so well all of a s-sudden. This v-virus it's j-just a meme r-right? *COOF COOF*

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Coofers get the rope

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Coof coof. Please let me in

I'm immune fucker

Am I ok?

fsck, someones gotta ruin it for everyone

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Fuck off you giant faggot
Fuck off you giant faggot
Fuck off you giant faggot
Fuck off you giant faggot
Fuck off you giant faggot
Fuck off you giant faggot
Fuck off you giant faggot
Fuck off you giant faggot
Fuck off you giant faggot
Fuck off you giant faggot
Fuck off you giant faggot
Fuck off you giant faggot
Fuck off you giant faggot
Fuck off you giant faggot
Fuck off you giant faggot
Fuck off you giant faggot
Fuck off you giant faggot
Fuck off you giant faggot
Fuck off you giant faggot

It's great not being a coofer

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I was infected until I cleared my cookies and changed my IP.

i dont feel so good guys

Imagine being a COOFER

I hope I don't have the coof. Digits confirm?

I want to have the Shanghai Shivers and spread it to you all. I want to pass it along to every single one of you cock mongling butt sniffers


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I was never sick to begin with.
Oh well.

I don't have the coof

I hope I’m better now


Your coofs do nothing

Nope, still


I no longer have the coof but my anus itches

i'm very very ill and need your help to cure.


Wow, being immune is awesome isn't it bros?

Do you think we can die from the infection anons?

May God bless you and heal you user.

should be cool.

what does the fucking smiley face mean? am i a recovered chad or a dead dirty nigger?

I'm kind of surprised that the Yas Forums admin is going and doing something like this. I mean it's fun meta board shenanigans, but it trivializes the situation too. I wonder if they realize that or not. It makes the modshilling and jannieshilling posting seem incredibly hypocritical in light of their shillingposts. All the accusations of anons not having x or y, in terms of ethics, morals, etc and now it's "lulz ur infected because your post is green."
Really jogs the noggin.

Finally a safe space

Can someone explain why some post are green is it when your in an infected area or some game ?

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4channel isn't linked, is it?

I am a doct-COOF *ahem* doctor. The gr8 coof is caused by out of balance humors in the human body so make sure that if your infected you bathe in leaches 3 - 5 times a day to balance them out.

If you click twice on the infected you get immunity. respond to this post.

The Asians have launched yet another viral attack

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Test post. Please ignore.


Test post. Please ignore.

But what does the smiley face shit mean? Have I recovered from the gook flu?

Now you are infected. haha. Enjoy the coof.

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Okay ?

>trivializes the situation
>jogs the noggin
Woah, admins are trying to have some sort of fun on April Fool's day when we're all facing a worldwide crisis? What hypocrites!
Rope yourself.

It means you are immune. Reply to this post and get smilied.

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Basically you just caught the bug. We figure its a quarantine game. infected by replying to other infecteds.


Oh I see yet I’m not infected so far

Free for what my dude?

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I've been cured!!!

Just hitting up a few of my CLEAN and PURE bros. Stay clean and pure dudes and don't let the green fags get to ya.

I had the smile but I would rather have the virus to spread to my nearest synagogue. They deserve all our possessions at this time and for reparations from the 60 million.

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I thought the infection happened in phases? First it was the name being distorted, then biohazard, then green aura. How did I get to this stage so quickly?

whats wrong mate? Is everything..

Bwaaaaah! Coof!

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>April Fool's Day
Ah, I hadn't noticed the date. You have a valid point. I don't really pay much attention to April's Fools type stuff so the situation eluded me that way. I take back what I said. It's perfectly reasonable considering the day. Btw hi mod. Don't be so butthurt over a misunderstanding that's easily cleared up.