The federal government established a Somali colony in MN so that we could suffer this shit.
The federal government established a Somali colony in MN so that we could suffer this shit
What is this gross nigger ooking and eeking in her mud hut language?
Good thing she hates Jews, but loves to be bleached by bwc.
essentially "thank god" or "glory to god"
And Lutheran Social Services.
this. traitors before enemies and whatnot
i had no fuckin idea and they even cheer about it on their fuckin website, god damn can i get an erik rudolph for these joints holy shit
built for BWC
What did she mean by that? She is happy that Americans are going to die of the Chinese virus?
there's no other way in standard arabic or in context to interpret it, it's a word that denotes elation or thanks, and the quoted tweet is about a shitload of people dying
I’ve noticed a lot of people who hate her are strong supporters of Israel
even a kike shill is right occasionally
fuck Israel but still fuck her too
Islam is based. Islam hates Jews. If we in the West had HALF of the balls Muzzies do we would have ZERO problems with Jews, Whores or Faggot. They literally just kill them.
If you hate Muslims more than Jews, you need to reevaluate your priorities.
At least Islamists are still warriors at heart. They are 10x more a threat to Israel than we will ever be.
The reason Jews want Islam in the West is to weaken Islam by making them materialistic, AKA more like us. Our own women and governments love Jews more than our own men.
Christfaggots are fucking traitors in this country. They should be punished worse than the shitskins for their traitorous bullshit.
This true statement can be rephrased as a play on the old chestnut "even a stopped clock is right twice a day". Let's try...
"Even a gassed kike was right twice a day."
I feel like the above can be made more clever, but it needs to preserve the short, monosyllabic cadence of the saying.
What frustrates me most about Ilhan Omar is that she gives Somali people a bad reputation. There were a fuckton of Somalis where I went to college, and without exception they were decent, hardworking, religious, reasonable, intelligent, overall based people who were nothing like Ilhan Omar.
We can hate the triforce of jewish bullshit, all of them are enemies and traitors. Christfaggots are the pussies of the jewish cabal, jews are head, muslims are the enforcers. Fuck all 3.
forgot to mention that they have good food too
fuck these Somali shitskin niggers. deport them all.
Somalis are fucking retarded and violent, fuck off with this shit. All traitors get the rope.
and yet, look at who they elect. they are a dangerous subversive element, and need to be destroyed.
Omar called out how American politicians bow to AIPAC. Respect.
Fucking soiboy cuck. “MUH FOOD” how about you drink bleach you pathetic excuse for a man!
I grew up Lutheran baka
and she bows to the muslim brotherhood. she isn't american.
It's closer to "Oh my God" which is a neutral exclamation that could be used positively or negatively.
>but muh upper class somalis are okay
>but muh food
Holy fuck, you are such a cliche milquetoast civic nationalist that it actually frustrates me.
Go move next to a Somali neighborhood for year and report back.
Schizo retard. The Muslim brotherhood doesn’t exist anymore after the Arab spring
Gibs-me-dat BWC
This shit pisses me off. Ilhan Omar pretends to be a faithful Muslim ("subhanallah!") to pander to the PC identity politics crowd, but then she votes for abortion and gay marriage.
Your government literally funds these programs through the Churches. I'm not joking, look it up.
>going to college
That's a very high bar you set.
The smarter Muslims vote for that kind of thing in the west because they know it will accelerate its collapse.
>Islam is based.
She also hates white people you dumb nigger lover
ahh yes, the churches
it's just another jew get rich quick scheme by milking tax payer dollars and dumping scum in our country that needs cradle to grave welfare
The absolute state of America
I know, didn't say they were innocent either.
what would the alternative be?
church and state merger?
I'm not keen on freedom of religion, cuz why would i want a bunch of sand niggers or jews in this country, but most religions are ok and shouldn't be taxed for that belief. i don't know how to handle that.
plus religion has a broad context in the law per my understanding.
>Somalis are subhuman savages
>Oh of course the Somalis you met are ok because they were in college
Of course people without a college education are going to be dumber and more violent than people with a college education. It has nothing to do with being Somali and everything to do with being uneducated.
>evolution stopped at the neck. it's all environmental.
boy are you in for a shock
>muh school meme
Being educated means jack shit. Intelligence is what matters, educating idiots just means you have idiots with information they can't process. I have no college degree, I just read. I have been a network engineer for 12 years and a network manager for 3. I got a fucking bonus during this fucking shit cause I'm that needed. I get constant offers, I haven't interviewed in years. Even in a management position, I can run technical circles around these supposed "educated" but then again, I come from a family of autodidacts and scientists. This just in, genes matter.
As society became more atheistic and donations from parishioners dried up, both the Lutheran and Catholic church got in bed with the Governments. As funding became more than 50% from Gov, the churches dropped religious crusades such as anti-abortion and went full globohomo.
I'm pissed at my Church becoming a puppet of the globalist kike. The clergy are all corrupt homos.
Interested. What ingredients did we buy them to cook on their stoves that we bought them in the sectional 8 housings that we bought them?
She seems to like bwc quite a bit.
What the fuck? Why am I green again?
>Catholic Legal Immigration Network
>all hideous kikes
why is this allowed?
Checked and christfags constantly go around "helping" 3rd world shitskins whenever they can cause they're dirtbags. They do it for money, cause they don't believe a god damn thing in their books.
>d-don't look down on me for not having a degree! I'm smart too you guys!
Just the start.
I don't speak nigger. Can someone translate for me?
>next two weeks very painful
War declared on china?
Yes! Thank you Amelican!
Does Yas Forums not realise what an important role multicult plays?
It's designed to make you racist and engage in ethnic conflict so you don't look up.
Mass immigration is class warfare
Prove me wrong
>Mass immigration is class warfare
It is more than that. But it is that also.
burn this country to the ground and start over
>hurr, some guy talking to you make you smart!
Remind me again, did bill gates, or old jewberg complete college? HURR, they must be dum dums. I'm sure you're a very successful kissass or some useless bullshit.
Ilhan Omar is unironically a beautiful woman. I'd take her over the average white american woman, who's fat and stupid and ugly.