In an anarchist government, how do you enforce laws?

In an anarchist government, how do you enforce laws?

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she really is a goblina...

peer pressure

Anarchists dont believe in government you absolute retard

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Ugly ass puta

there is no laws to enforce if you wan to try anyway.

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thats a non-issue since there are no laws

might is right

Nasty shitskin. WAY the fuck to much ingun in her.

>>t atrocidad...

Do you guys see her rhinoplasty scar?

I'm a plastic surgery addict and I spot shit like that.

With corrective rapegangs.

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You wouldn't take back your property? Are you scared faggot?

What are you, anarcho-monarchist?

Anarchists aren't real. The lefty ones are just unironic totalitarians who couldn't give less of a fuck about the contradiction and ancaps believe in government by corporation, but government nonetheless.

this spic is fucking disgusting.

what a stupid question

>Anarchist government.
I see you don't understand how this works

The feminist overlords and their harem of beta orbiters just repeatedly tell you to have sex. It's real fucking gay shit that could be easily exterminated by any patriarchal society with a hunger for domination.


Simple. You don't enforce laws because everyone will realize the magic and do the right thing all the time.

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>tfw no cute Latina to make white babies with

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What if you just want to go surfing and fishing at the beach everyday and just not pay any taxes, buy anything or deal with laws?

>anarchist government

your typical high iq nordic asshole

there are no laws

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might is right

I have a big gun, i make the laws

next question...

next person to post this bitch on Yas Forums no longer gets to be my friend

Coof??? Not sure

give it a rest user grow up

Why is she so cute? Man I wish I could make 6 babies with this cutie.

You don't violate the NAP, its that simple.

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A bigger gun

We're going to have to find our own Latina cutie and impregnate them, unfortunately.

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If you believe a corporation counts as government, government removed, then you'd have hundreds of governments at once that are competing against each other. Sounds like a better recipe for progress than two groups of idiots that hate each other too much to agree on anything. Corporations actually get shit done and believe in science.

anarchist don't understand that when anarchy comes, there will be war.
those who have guns, and the biggest ones, will win.
anarchism was always about a bunch of weedsmoking lazy faggots whose most polished skill is filling beer bottles with gas.

In a non-anarchist government, how do YOU enforce laws?
>"I call my local police and request them to utilize force unless they tell me to go fuck myself"
What then faggot?

Laws are a joke and only the perceived threat of violence is what makes "Laws" worth a damn, people don't beat each other up because they are scared of getting beaten up in return.

We are all currently living in a system of anarchy, pussies like you just choose to remain ignorant of this.

Dont listen user, this is a good question.
Theres an old American writer named Henry David Thoreau, wrote a piece called Walden. In one of the opening lines, he presents the idea (im paraphrasing here), that the only true and just legal system is that of anarchy, or the absence of government. However, we are only going to inherit this system of self governing when we, as a collective people, are ready for it.
This is no different from 'a republic, if you can keep it'
The point is, that the only way that an anarchic state can prosper, is if every individual in the society is pure in intention. Another good example of how every governmental system is representative of the populace that it governs.
tl;dr- In an ideal anarchy, you wouldnt need government, people would self-govern

I guess the idea is that there's not power hungry predators with broken empathy centers parading around as humans.

Anarchism is a transitional state

>In an anarchist government,
you don't
Anarchy is simply a transitory state. Usually anarchy precedes totalitarianism.

haha nice video I was thinking of that one too, watched that many years ago and it is totally right.

You can't have both, choose one.

but historically the constitution doesn't really limit government, it was just something they patched together to create a big powerful government to rule over the colonies and once it passed they pretty much violated the constitution constantly, ironically enough.

are there enough qt latinas in North Dakota? Or in the midwest

armed drones and robots will enforce the Artificial intelligence algorithms decisions on what will make the earth stay safe... ps the zero sum algorithm will determine, kill all humans

>armed drones and robots will enforce the Artificial intelligence algorithms decisions on what will make the earth stay safe... ps the zero sum algorithm will determine, kill all humans

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>/leftypol/ reddit commie tranny faggots still posting this ugly spic

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stop posting this goblina faggot

Florida/Southwest is your best bet

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Stop posting this snubnosed garbage

>t. seething faggot

Laws are spooks

Wow she is haggard

>posting this same shopped pic and obvious joke tweet
lol. Triggered, snowflake? Why are you so mad that you save fake pics like that? lmao

I can't believe she spent money on her boobs and doesn't even show them off.

Kill the niggers and no laws will be violated.

lefty faggots in a nutshell will simp for a woman who doesn't even show her tits


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You make your own laws and enforce them if you feel like it. Everyone is the anti-government. Also most people would probably be doped up or dead so I wouldn't worry about it.

So niggers can't exust

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You don’t

Yeah. For me to coof on.

She probably would for enough money, if all her pathetic simps weren't already giving her money for nothing.

>people don't beat each other up because they are scared of getting beaten up in return
They're scared of getting beaten up by the state, put in a cage, or killed.

You're country's gonna be a whole lot less than 56% by the time I'm done with her.

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>being this triggered
ahahaha. Well? You gonna share why she makes you so mad?

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Caked on makeup and fake tits COPE

Reminder average Latinas have square frige bodies and their nipples look like brown Miracle Whip bottle caps.

The "good looking" ones you see overrepresented in American media are the minority and usually have a bunch of plastic surgery. Fake tits, fake ass and a ton of makeup.

Dios mio... leftist reddit fags shill for THIS?

Lmao imagine seething so hard you have to shill an ugly guac goblin

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Until you realize that a system strives for efficiency and mega corporations form monopolies that essentially turn into mini-states of totalitarian rule.

>brown Miracle Whip bottle caps
why are big nips and areolas bad? better than thin mutt lips and mosquito bites

and she's hot

The guy with the biggest gun and the most people in his posse.

unironically a qt

Nothing wrong with some nice big, puffy nipples. If those nipples are brown, however...

Don't forget the filters.

>this much autistic rage
LOL still can't answer? Take a deep breath now, and try again

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I dont hate big nips and aerolas, but when they are brown they are kind of ugly.

Brown mosquito bite > brown mayo cap

of course its relative to tit size. Bigger aerolas should go with bigger tits. its jarring seeing small tits and big aerolas.

who's the wrinkled old 56% roasty

Why the fuck is she so fucking greasy? Is it the makeup or her genetic make-up?

You dumbazzes need to understand that anarchy doesn't mean "no rules" or chaos. it just means no rulers. Also the only way it can be achieved is if the people in an anarchistic society are balanced within themselves, which is the natural state of being, only the current society/programming we live in is fucking that internal harmony up.

>anarchy doesn't mean "no rules" or chaos. it just means no rulers
ok retard. if there's no rulers, then there's nobody to enforce rules. why would anyone follow rules if there's no consequences?

In Yemen if you shoot someone, everybody shoots you.

>ugly spic

We had this before in first Rzeczpospolita. All nobles were obligated to enforce court rulings. If you stumbled at someone sentenced to prison, you could catch him. If he was sentenced to death, you could kill him. If he had a private army, you could gather your own private army and attack his mansion or city. Then size his belongings. There were shitload of nobles poorer than serfs, so everyone wanted to jump the occasion.

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Everyman by themselves

>why would anyone follow rules if there's no consequences?
the community makes the consequences, but this presupposes a non-degenerate high trust society

There's government in anarchy.
Everyone is the president until they get shot in the fucking face.