Why is the modern Yank so frail and effeminate? What happened to them?
Bong Takes a Yanks Eye Out
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Glassing seems inherently feminine.
This is what universal healthcare brings: fights because neither fighter has any risks.
yankoids must perish subhanallah
>Be Bong
>Having a proper night out with all your pals, necking a few bevvies, getting a boogie on with the local slags
>Suddenly, you hear a nasal colonial drawl being emitted from a little man
>Give him a friendly glassing
>Lads eyes fly out
I didn’t know American was a race
Should've done a faggy "Brighton" accent, at least.
Damn if some limey fuck did that to me first thing I would do would be grab the next nearest bottle and stick him in the throat, eye's fucked might as well go all out and kill the guy
That guys going to have a sick fucking scar though and he can wear a fucking eye patch, worth it
All my neetbux say the attacker was black or muslim
Considering the term 'white' has no actual meaning in America, it is best we just refer to them as 'Americans'.
White has a meaning, our government just goes out of the way to blur the lines so that the silent coup of our country isn't as apparent.
Nah it fucking sucks, no depth perception, worse vision. Americans should be allowed to keep their guns with them while travelling overseas
American White Males are such fucking cucks they can't defend themselves.
>glass him
Word from the glowie grapevine was this was a revenge attack for the American glow wife that escaped her Queen's justice.
>anyone asks
"You should see the other guy."
Inbred island will pay for this.
This is what happens when your mother country is basically a single mom
Guy was probably attacked for being a Jew. Look at the nose.
12 years in prison, I'd hate to see what a bong prison is like, replace bubba with Mohammed
>get 12 years in prison
nice job retard
Nah, if the assailant was """Asian""" then he wouldn't have gotten anything worse than community service.
bet he couldn't handle the bants
Good god, why would you ever go to Birmingham? I avoid the place.
>brit calling other accents nasal
the purest boyo the purest race
Dunno why but this gave me a giggle. That makes you gay cause I'm a man.
one less eye to see the sorry state of England in it's fall
truly you blessed this man
it was in birmingham too... cant think of many accents more nasal and irritating than a brummie accent. maybe aussie.
Kek, mutts really are as stupid as the memes say
I would glass that motherfucker too. Britains aren't special. That faggot deserves it just for wearing that scarf.
>rich cunt goes overseas to celebrate something trivial because this is his special boy day!
Literally can't feel bad for him.
Was the attacker British, or 'quintessentially British'?
12 years for not having a glassing license. Ouch.
Based bong
his dad is english and he was visiting relatives
thats shitskin city right?
no you wouldn't
also not rich, they started a gofundme to help pay the medical bills
yeah pretty much
>Get glassed in UK
>Get flown back to USA with half your eyes
>That'll be $550,000 plus +10% tip
Fucking hell.
cesspool factories
He would. And so would I.
Naw, he is going to look like a deformed retard, not like a cool mercanary.
True true I'll bet my trump bux also
Some how I doubt he was an actual bong
Well it's better than getting chibbed.
It's what happens when you go to a shit hole. Lessen learned for him
Yep. Known for high unemployment and diverse crime. Even had its own paki grooming gangs.
Wow. Britbongs are no better than niggers.
Poor fella went to Londistan and is now in the commie NHS. He'll get top care in that crap system being American of course. Mohammed gets next in line, than the bong.
Beyond that I'd need context.
He got Norfed
>he is going to look like a deformed retard
the brummie just wanted to help him fit in better in brimingham
admittedly 12 years in Australia isn't the greatest.
Update on what he looks like
Tragic, but mutts should know by now that they are hated across the world, even among their own "allies".
brexit means brexit. nuff said.
thousand bucks says he was talking shit in a neighborhood he didn't fucking belong in
You know the norf memes were made by Brits, right?
Bongs and all Europoors drool over mutts when they are there. You're not fooling anyone Mohammed.
Feel bad for the guy:( he looks like my brother
he has a prosthetic now
Bong newspaper said his brother got into a altercation and he tried to stop it and the guy smashed a pint glass in his face. They also said it was a "racist attack" and the attacker wasnt shown or named .
That wasn't very nice
I'd be gen suprised if this was just for being American haha prob was being autistic as shit like most foreigners doing local shit
That's what happens when you say nigger.
Better update than I posted thank you
>not opting for an eyepatch
We Americans should know not to go to Muslim countries...
lol whatever achmed, go worship your faggot pedo false prophet. also let me sage this stinky europoor thread, ew
this is what you get traveling to a 3rd world country.
How it went down
>Anglo points at shiela "ey luv you well fine innit"
>yank"thats my sister fuck you burger king diabetes"
>anglo "speak white ya gubbin poof"
>yank "im 100% germanic ubersmench ree"
>Anglo "ill ave you ya moufy git" thrusts glass in to face
>Anglo "get up ya ponce its just banter"
>yank cries so much his eye falls out then he sues the anglo
Its a tale as old as time.
Is he half poo or what? It's hard to place his ethnicity.
>be american
Get glassed
Glassing is pretty based, and he probably deserved it. But pulling that shit here would get you a chest full of 9mm. California residents excluded.
You only opt for eyepatch if you can grow full facial hair, not patchy.
Why would anyone want to go to little Pakistan, anyway?
Nothing but inbred limeys and paki subhumans there.
racist attack? since when is mutt a race?