Migrate to the northeast!

Excluding NYC and the major nigger ridden cities the NE particularly new england is the Best place to Live in the US.
>Liberal yet you meet the most vocal racists
>Still segregated, niggers hate the cold
> Real history and architectural beauty with european influence
> yes you can still get guns
>Minimal interracial friend groups
>minimal coal burning
>your sons will play white sports like lacrosse and hockey
> You can go a whole day without hearing spanish
unlike in the south being a WASP is ideal in terms of sex appeal to women not a sound cloud rapper

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Other urls found in this thread:


Stopped reading there

Fuck off we're full

Is it true New England girls love MED cock?

Don't come to PA, we're full.

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most of us are irish/italian mutts.

>You can go a whole day without hearing spanish
also not true.
massachusetts is mostly non-white at this point. my entire high school was mostly haitian/dominican/salvadoran.

my germanic/celt mother married an italian

Delaware is a fucking chink infested garbage dump.

Mid-atlantic is better than New England but both areas are full. Fuck off rest of the world.

Literally too full in NJ and no one could afford the gentrified housing market we have anyway. Stay tf out, shoobie cunts.

The tiny satellite cities that dot the Northeast Corridor are indeed islands of scum but those are containment zones. Town/municipal-level segregation is a very real thing here as OP had stated, more so than the South. Those richer towns are practically white ethnostates.

This and checked

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Masshole here, it's fehkin gahbage kehd. I left for nearly a decade to TX and came back to be with family.
After getting a taste of freedom I should have moved to NH or ME instead of MA, but fuck you they're full.

Southwest PA is comfy as hell

>minimal coal burning
>the U.S. state of Maryland

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Maryland isn't New England

I saw more coalburners than I ever saw in my life when I spent 2 nights in Philly on business. The Airbnb I stayed at had a cookie shop that was open till 3 AM though so that was cool

Whenever I see the name Maryland my immediate afterthought is niggers

I live in Western Massachusetts.

You are absolutely full of shit.

too many people



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Everywhere outside of Philly and Pittsburgh metro areas are a utter shithole.

Philadelphia is a black shithole

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fun fact maine was the first place in the US to have a KKK rally

This. Stay the fucking fuck out.
Or else.

Do you mean the city is ass or the country is ass cause pa country is pretty chill with mostly nice people and little crime besides your druggys

sticks and stones

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No jobs. Jobs are in the city

This, I literally lived in California and felt homesick to the point of vomiting, surrounded by soulless Urban sprawl and Mexicans, now I'm back in the comfy northeast with real buildings and culture and couldn't be more satisfied. Come home, white man

jobs attract undesirables.

It's a literal shit hole. God couldn't save you from the imposed taxation here, and God can do anything - think about that.

This is the literal worst part of the country to raise a family and live BECAUSE you are affording your family a low quality of life unless you have a very wealthy (10-20mil+ in assets) outlook. Middle class ranges from 55-350k / year salary or some shit like that. It's not worth living here:

-Homes are old and dilapidated.
-People spend more on their taxes to live in their box that is falling apart than are able to spend on basic repairs of said box.
-Jobs are not plentiful unless you enjoy the commute to NYC everyday.
-OP lies... You hear a lot more than just English, Spanyo, and Bix Nood in a given day.

The very few benefits are grossly outweighed by the negatives.

If I could leave I would - taking care of family comes first, unfortunately.

who else NH in here?

>niggers hate the cold.

Must be why they don’t live in Detroit or Chicago or NYC.

its not the westcoast/austin screeching autistc liberals its the classic boomer liberal since everybody that lives in ne is old as shit

>>Still segregated, >niggers hate the cold

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Baltimore is a hellish nightmare

>tfw white Masshole who grew up playing hockey and lacrosse now residing in the all white Berkshires and spend summers at your family's estate in the south shore

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Southerner here. East coast absolutely dabs on the west coast. I thought Cascadia would amazing (always wanted to live there.) the reality is that it’s a cold, rainy shit hole. Portland is really shitty looking modern architecture and Seattle looks the same, only slightly better. Even the coastal towns, besides the ones off Highway 101, were really drab looking. Compare this to Charleston SC or a quaint New England town by the sea.

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That said, it is noticeably much whiter outside the big cities, which are themselves much whiter than any city on the east coast. The data may say otherwise, but I didn’t feel like such a minority as I do here

>You can go a whole day without hearing spanish

You are clearly not talking about any place in Connecticut or Massachusetts. They literally have to do the COVID daily press conferences in Spanish in some cities because so many of the Puerto Ricans refuse to speak English.

imagine promoting massachusetts as a good place to live

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>Those richer towns are practically white ethnostates.

And they are full of liberals and assorted other retards who have never met a black person before, but vote to give them more gibz and will call you a racist if you point out their crime rates.

you have no idea how fucked the people in MA are, it's like a whole new level of alien social behavior.

Fixed the photo for you.

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NHfag here, thanks for being the one Masshole in the state that stays the fuck out. You can buy our alcohol if you want though

Don't listen to this faggot. It's a lefty shithole.

Looks like where Charlie and Frank lives

The liberals aren’t wrong on everything. Do you really ascribe to this neo-liberal/tax cuts for the rich/slash regulation and workers’ rights BS?

There’s nothing wrong with being socially conservative and economically left, as the Democrats were before the 60s.

This is true; an ethnostate for themselves but not for anyone else. But these are ironically a white supremacist dreamworlds (not white nationalist though)

Yeah nobody migrate to New England, we're full. Go to the Dixie

This faggot is an expert on shit holes

>classic boomer liberal

Those people are the worst. They are the ones that voted for decades to ruin this country and turn it into what it is today.

I hate to say it, but having significantly less niggers and spics doesn't inherently make a place better to live. Example: my country.

Stat outta Maryland. Hive of niggers.


Economic leftists should be purged.

>There’s nothing wrong with being socially conservative and economically left, as the Democrats were before the 60s.
The "economic left" in the US is the nigger loving diversity hiring border opening left.

Are winters brutal?

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>Hartford, Connecticut
>-OP lies... You hear a lot more than just English, Spanyo, and Bix Nood in a given day.

OP is obviously clueless. You can buy yourself a $1M house in a nice suburb, a brand new $100k SUV -- and if you live within an hour of any ghetto, chances are at some point niggers will come through your neighborhood looking for cars to steal and homes to break into. Sometimes the spics and niggers even break into the house just to steal the keys so they can steal your car.


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fuck off we're full, take some people with you

Not western MD. I don't know about the eastern shore, though. Central MD, absolutely (PG county, AA county, Baltimore, Howard county).


orly? The last president to spike legal immigration was H.W. Bush who doubled it with the 1990 Immigration Act. And the borders left open under Democrats and Republicans?

The Republicans pay lip service to it as a big trick. They would never cut off the cheap labor spigot for the rich. I voted for Trump by the way because he was funny, talked about immigration, and seemed to be a populist. What has Trump advanced exactly, other than tax cuts and regulatory cuts which would be expected from the bipartisan neo-liberal agenda?

Embrace the third-position. This is a National Socialist board, Boomer. Get with the times.

Upstate NY ftw

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This right here. We'll cut you with a knife then plant a car bomb and blow you up.

Look it up, it's the socialists in the US who started social justice in the late 1800's. Their party imploded when they couldn't agree on if they liked niggers or not and the nigger lovers were absorbed by the part that became the modern democrats.


The racist progressive Dems of the first half of the 20th century were the based ones. They were economically left and socially right. And if Glenn Beck hates them, isn’t that enough to like them

>Th-the left are the real waycists. Baste Lincoln!

I feel targeted by this post but you're not wrong


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Imagine thinking the northeast is sanctuary.

I want to move to Maine

>The racist progressive Dems

More like leave the continent.

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