Coof coof

coof coof

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Disgusting faggot. You need to leave Yas Forums forever.

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Oh shit...


coof coof buddy

w-what's wrong *coof* user?

are you died, user?

i am.. gone..

Please don't die.

Breathe, sing if you have to, but please breathe.

I'm ok just coofing a bit

Am I getting sick?

Look, I've found a cure for your coof!

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Yeah you got the coof m8

She's cute, you sure she'll help me with my coof?

Don’t coof on me bro

How long do I have?

hi friend

Yes, you'll be back to good health in no time!

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God is punishing us for our decadence. It can't be stopped

I think I am getting sick. Let me coof in your mouth to make sure.

Get hydrated, you must get hydrated, user! Drink Water or pedialite,

Get the 1,000mg Vitamin C packets and take one a day while keeping hydrated.

Eat enough to keep your gut active but not more, you will have bouts of single flush Diarrhea.

Rest, and practice deep breathing exercises.

If you have the money, get a Spot Oxygen Meter and a glucose meter to track your vitals.

fren do not do the die

Keep track of your urine discharge volume too, so you know how much to drink to not overburden your kidneys.

I am freaked out. Am I really getting sick? Will I be contagious? I don’t want to get anyone sick. How long will it last.

This isn’t fun anymore.

Somebody please help me.

das raciss coof, coof

You ded bro, this is the only cure for you now


Stop breathing on me you worthless faggots. I am not feeling very good.

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A-ha. The cure is wifi! Fuck yeah.


yal postin in a slide thread

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Not long *coof*

you coof gunna be okay
coof it's just a f

rip in peace my man



Not so fast!

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Recovered or Trump loses 2020


Am i gonna make it anons?

Fuck. I think I am catching a cold.

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Fuck. Coof coof.


Dam it

heh, i'm still clean. Coofers will NEVER touch me.

Eat shit

wasted digits.

These green boxes are stupid and the "people" using them are attention whores.

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False flag imo, coof is fake news

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Test test coof coof

Yu just jelly yu not infekted.

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Gib coof please

And I still am coof free.

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Hahaha I'm immune

No digit wasted sicko

Such is life.

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i am coof aloof ;)



Heres some good coof on you

Muh green box code!
You nerds are worse attention whores than females.

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*dies in chinese*

You don’t look well. Are you feeling alright? Coof coof.

Doesn’t get it. Coof coof. Soon.

It’ll be over soon user

Take some antimalarials fren


fucking coofniggers stay back

Coofy coofy baby

You’re good. Coof coof.

This guy are sick.


Soon. Coof coof. Soon.

Why are some posts greenish ?

A-At least we're still alive, right?

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Coof coof. No reason. I am totally healthy, and not contagious. Coof coof.


If you call this living. Coof coof.

i shit on a whale

Coof for coronachan

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