What’s life like in the Deep South?

As a bong who’s never visited America the south is always the most interesting part for me. The unique humid climate, the nice sounding accents and the history of racism. I have to ask,Deep southern anons (pls ignore Florida mostly, I couldn’t find a map without it). What’s it actually like? Are people actually based there? Is it comfy or African tier shithole? What’s up anons?

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Lots of niggers

Lots of mosquitoes

Disgusting climate and filled with niggers

Most people are friendly but there are lots of niggers and some extremely poor areas.

If you visit. Dont come in the summer. You will wind up in the hospital because it gets fucking hot. It takes years for non local white people to adjust to the heat.

What's it like to be a dataminer?

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Some areas are nice, some areas are shitty. Depends where you live, just like most places.

This. They're fucking everywhere.

and everyone is dumb

White supremacy lives on, in secret.

Imagine living somewhere where black people make up 25 to 75% of the population.

southerners are such mutts


Will you be my friend? I have no one that loves me.

Do white areas exist in the Deep South?

Niggers, mosquitos, and nice close knit white communities.

Oh, this same fucking identical thread. Again. Can be comfy, but still obvious shill sliding.

it's just sad

the only good part of the south is Appalachia, the coast, the Ozarks, and Tennessee/Kentucky

Attached: Florence, Lauderdale County, NW Alabama (2010) 04.jpg (1524x685, 155.27K)

Are you a bot? Or just on the clock?

>White trash, morons, obesity everywhere, poverty
Never going back that's for sure. I'd rather be in niggerland.

Niggers are everywhere.

Sticky air nigger land

More conservative and religious than I'd like but people tend to be friendly and helpful.

Nah. Go to the mountains. They're scared of the mountains.

watch my cousin vinny and thats EXACTLY what bama is like

t. urbanite

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Negroes (colored peeps to you) have separate bathrooms and water fountains and must sit in the back of the bus.

Exactly the same as the last time you posted this thread. Don't reply to this data mining kike.

>the nice sounding accents
that accent used to be your ppls before it became all "prim and proppa"

Its like Molasses sticky and black


These guys are Dixie.
Yes but they are very rural, or mountains.

the coast aint bad but any place more inland is a shithole, cities are double shit compared to northern ones. There aint shit to do besides fishing and drinking so you better enjoy em, if you dont avoid the south

I've lived here all my life. You never get used to it you just learn to cope

basically, look up a US racial dot map

Attached: Renaissance Ross Bridge Gold Resort, Hoover, Alabama (2008).jpg (2576x1932, 684.17K)

Attached: Vilonia, Arkansas (April 28, 2014).jpg (2019x1514, 848.29K)

I live in Houston. Literally the most culturally diverse city in the US. Most of our workers are from Lousianna. the south is full of spics and niggers. It makes me realize that the north/liberals has NO FUCKING IDEA how shit these people are. Blacks are shit and dumb. Spics are 50% dumb/ghetto and 50% anti spic. Lots of asians. Some are based some are shit. Whites have been taken over yet provide ALL the benefits to sub humans. Don't come here.

Attached: Community Theater, 2nd Ave., Pine Bluff, Arkansas (2011).jpg (3024x2268, 1.53M)

Man don't count Florida out of it. These people say there are nigs everywhere because they can't afford to live in an area where they don't exist.

South Carolina checking it. I just fingered my ass and sniffed my finger to make sure that my armpits didnt smell as bad by comparison.

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The white areas have good values and are bastions of a era past that many in here fantasize about. Some areas are abject shit holes like Mississippi and Arkansas. Parts of GA, TN, AL, SC can be a paradise for most people here. In fact we're getting flooded with northern and Cali retards. If you stay out of black areas or have lots of cash its great. I highly highly recommend visiting Charleston, Nashville, Athens, Mrytle Beach, New Orleans, the islands outside of Savannah, Orange Beach, Destin. Big cities like Atlanta can be nice in some parts, but you really need to know where to go and there's not much for a tourist to do but lots of business and decent to live.

Attached: Main Street, Blytheville, Mississippi County, Arkansas (2018) 01.jpg (3648x5472, 1.67M)

Attached: Main Street, Blytheville, Mississippi County, Arkansas (2018) 02.jpg (5434x3610, 1.88M)

Houstonian here as well, you just need to learn how to exploit the spics and niggers bro.

Try Miami.

It's great, the Negroes only reside in Mississippi, Atlanta, Memphis and New Orleans, within the cities. The rest is beautiful rural mountains and lakes. Where I live there are zero blacks and I'm in Tennessee. We have some Mexicans they are very few and they are the Mexicans that wear cowboy boots and hats and keep to themselves, nothing like Mexicans of California. People are friendly and like to do lots of outdoors activities like fishing, going to the lake, mudding. The ladies are better too, they are feminine and know how to cook which is important in the South. Other than the Midwest, we have retained our culture, traditions and identity more so than any people in the country with mid-westerners next and then South westerners. Even our negros are hospitable and are not uppity like blacks in the north, they still fear white people for some reason

Florida has a lot of Mexicans and Cubans
The Cuban teens can be hot but they never learn English.

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Savannah here, commute to a pulp mill out in the sticks of GA. I moved from up from South Florida not too long ago. The total area has been a 180 from what I experienced in soflo. The people are based (lost of republicucks though), the cost of living is dirt cheap, and the blacks and whites mainly keep to themselves as how it is.

Attached: Lower Ninth Ward, New Orleans, Louisiana.jpg (1920x1080, 275.15K)

Tennesseefag here.
We don't like going down there, it's too damn hot.
Culturally, it's mostly the same as it is here in West TN (outside of Memphis), but even more conservative and evangelical.
The blacks down there, even in the large cities, tend to be quite religious, though their ideas about religion tend to be antiquated.
They'll often pray for nonsensical things, such as the release of an imprisoned family member.
More generally, there's a deep-rooted authoritarianism, masked in the guise of moral righteousness and, ironically, the preservation of freedom.
There are lots of busy-bodies of all colors, justifying their interference in your personal affairs through both religious and secular arguments. Some people call it being neighborly, but there really is something more sinister to it.
If you're not part of the in-group, you will be distrusted and possibly ostracized.
That's not to say you can't have a good life there; living innawoods seems like it would be fine, and if you're the sort of person that likes to gossip about people not going to church, or going to the wrong church, you'll fit right in.

niggers and wiggers EVERYWHERE

Southaven Mississippi here. West of Oxford, just south of Memphis

Shit ain't changed much, I would still be working but I have a bad sinus infection from allergies.
Most of my area is distribution and nigs so when the virus hits us, good luck y'all, we got the FedEx distribution hub.

I haven't been in several years, but I love Tennessee. If you're white, everyone treats you like family.
>"Hey hon, how's a yank enjoying this neck of the woods?"
>"Yall look mighty hungry, come on in and I'll cook you up something right quick, sugar!"
And my favorite:
>"Yall come back now, ya hear!?"

That was about 60-70% of my experience every time I've been there, but I'm from the northeast.

I have family in Houston. I can't understand why they like living there. They larp as being southerners! Houston and DFW are pimples on the southern butt of america.

Attached: Luverne, Alabama (2012).jpg (1844x1383, 866.38K)

everyone's out walking their dogs every day.

Awful, now you never have to come here

Why do you make this thread every week? Go to /trv/ for better answers, they're dying for anything to talk about given the international travel shut downs.

Attached: Slave Quarters, Faunsdale Plantation, Alabama (2008, c.1860s in the carpenter gothic style).jpg (2151x1613, 1.78M)

>More generally, there's a deep-rooted authoritarianism, masked in the guise of moral righteousness

excellent description of the white deep south mindset

Well, we are more religious than anywhere else in the country.

Perhaps a good hunting spot for you, old chap, not much of a place to have a gaff though I must say.

is no where near is diverse as nyc

Part of what you highlighted in your little map is called the Black Belt. It's the highest concentration of black people in the US. They're there because that's where they were when Lincoln freed them, 155 years ago.

wrong nigger

This. Alabama reporting in. I don't really like to leave my house aside from going to work without my husband because of it.

It's also really hot and humid most of the year. Lots of insects, too. Gross weather.

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I feel obliged to point out that Arkansas is not part of the Deep South.

>We have some Mexicans they are very few and they are the Mexicans that wear cowboy boots and hats and keep to themselves, nothing like Mexicans of California.

the kids of those cowboy hat mexicans will be cholo gangbangers with face tattoos who talk in ebonics.

All accurate. I've lived the majority of my life there and any attempts at leaving have been met with failure but if you're moving to the US fresh I'd absolutely not recommend it.


Absolutly this

Hot, humid and full niggers and spics. I've lived here my entire life and I'm moving away from all of this shit after Corona-chan wrecks everything.

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I live in Florida.
It fucking sucks.

Looks nicer than my bedroom at home.
t. 24 year old college grad making 22 an hour.

>Arkansas is not part of the Deep South.

Maybe, but you're still fucking hicks regardless.

I live in rural south georgia. It's shit. Niggers everywhere, plenty of spics now too. Maybe 1 in 3 people are white. Everyone is a christcuck and vaguely cuckservative, they're too low iq to actually understand conservatism, they just believe whatever they hear on fox news, their beliefs shift when the overton window does, i.e. no one's speaking out against gay marriage any more, niggers and white women out in public. Flags of israel hanging outside of bars. It's ugly, both everything natural and manmade. Literally everything, the billboards, the houses, the cars, the people, the trees. The pine is an ugly tree. Every radio station is rap, country, or christian. I haven't had a good haircut in 3 years because these country hick barbers are too subhuman to do a good job. Dollar generals every half mile. Everyone is fat.