Facebook's diversity recruiter is suing the social media giant for $100 MILLION

>'I'm here with my client, Anastasia Boone Talton, a senior talent acquisition specialist, who was hired to diversify Facebook,' she says.

>'We are here to announce that Ms Boone Talton was not able to do her job, and as such she will be filing a case for $100m against Facebook in the San Mateo Superior Court.'


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>'[Facebook] would simply fly out a candidate just to make the quota of saying that they interviewed at least one diverse candidate, but nine times out of ten, that person was not hired,' her Lawyer says.

Only 10% of new hires were black. WE CAN DO BETTER

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another nig trying to outjew the jew

More systemic racism.
Sorry nigger, nobody fucking cares.
The virus killed white guilt.

>Ms Boone

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I want a black gf but not that one.

Das rite

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make-work position given to useless retards


>Ms Boone

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God Bless any girl, white or black, who sues the hell out of Zuckerberg and his Faceberg project that was started by the CIA to make Americans to voluntarily hand over the personal info to a "college kid" sitting in his dorm room wearing a $20 buck hoodie sweatshirt and skinny jeans

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is diversity the biggest meme ever? 100 years from now it'll be on par with lobotomy and shock therapy

Not sure who to root for

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Is this why Facebook has been worse than usual this last few years? Diversity hires fucking shit up.

US population is like 10% nigger. This 10% academically performs like shit and usually get into universities on diversity merit and get graded under a diversity standard. Still if you would reflect the percentage of technical degree holders as a whole of the black population, this percentage would be lower if you'd compare it with whites. So it should be just if much more hires would be white statistically.

In many cases the jew has dug its grave so deep that this kind of SJW bullshit can fly and have large consequences if the proper evidence is collected. I'm not sure if Boone here collected enough evidence to substantiate a real case of bias. If that would be the case that could mean a heavy fine for facebook.

Hopefully facebook needs to pay the full fine tho. Faceberg, amazon, microsoft, google (alphabet) are just cancer on society.

On one side outjewing the Jew is based, but it also sets a precedent for niggers to sue even more because they weren’t hired

Prolly going to settle our of court for a few million. She knew she struck oil the second her foot was in the door.

no not the heckin facebookoreenos ohhh fucknoareeno

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>Only 10% of new hires were black.
I'm sorry 13% can't be 50% in everything.

Couldn’t happen to a better company.

This, this is an example of 100% company waste. That is how much money they have, they can have useless dipshits on staff doing literally nothing but being a hinderance.

Do you know how hard it is to find a black who can speak proper English?


Facebook needs to die imho

> Mr. Jewers

>hoisted by their own petard

id coom on her black tiddies for free

>uppity sheboon's name is Boone

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Green master race

I fail to understand how stock holders do sue these companies. how does have a workshop on company time and money talking about trannies and otherkin make money?


tech companies legit want to hire women, negros, and especially negro women. They can usually find positions for white or asian women that won't ruin the company too quickly but I don't know if I've ever met a black woman that could even install software, let alone engineer software.

Facebook. This is going to the supreme court of California. It can eventually lead to some restrictions in diversity hires

imagine losing your job making sweet bux you don't deserve in a useless easy job on a giant tech company because of virtue signaling lmao

Why are some anons green? What happened?


the nigger. fuck facebook and fuck the zuck.

>diversity recruiter
This is why China will win.

Look at that fake hair

They considered it a cost of doing business cause of all the bullshit reasons they can be sued. Lawyers probably tell them to do this even though they get sued anyway. Welcome to idiots in charge, they really aren't that bright and just listen to whomever without any real thought. They network and worm their way into a lucky break once, then they just coast along on that from then on. I have been around too many board members and heard too many pitches from them that are so fucking retarded it is painful.


>In 100 years

I hope it doesn't take that long. Well, shit, in a lot of places in the world they've already gotten over this stupid claim

nah this one is easy
sign with the dumb negroid whore, nothing will make Fortune 500 America hate diversity more than having their useless diversity officer successfully sue for $100 million

>hiring based on race releigion etc is illegal
they cant have a 'gentrification officer" whos job is "to hire white people"
why is there a negroid officer whos job is to break anti-descrimination laws?
fuck this biggot and the biggoted company it works for.

>a senior talent acquisition specialist
>sends email to people who do the same job elsewhere
>reads resumes
>sets up meetings
what a tough job.

I want to be greener. How do I do it?

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>senior talent acquisition specialist

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>Weave & Balding
>Niggers FIghting Corporate Crime


Is this the next step for D&I faggots, to sue their employers for discrimination against them?

Our company has an HR President, HR Vice President and some other 3rd position I can’t remember. Just take a guess of the genders of these individuals

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yes. i'm glad this is happening. let's give those social justice tards a taste of their medicine

>legally required to diversity hire due to affirmative action or else get sued
>diversity hires are so awful that you have to fire them but they sue
damned if you do, damned if you dont

>on par with lobotomy and shock therapy
and tranny surgery.

Jesus, we have like 200 people and literally 1 HR person.

you're infected with the coof now btw.

>I want to be greener. How do I do it?
Use treehugger flag.

None of those 3 positions have anything to do with hiring people, that’s the job of another 10 other cunts. HR in our company is just a big woman daycare

Yea, I've heard of it, it is always fucking retarded. They outsource all the actual work anyway to fucking ADP or some shit, so they really don't do anything. It is just welfare for worthless women.

If someone "coofs" beside your post you get infected. Someone infected me on /heem/ sadly.

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That is the most stereotypical "bLAcK LiVeS mATTeR, pAy rePAraTioNS nOW!!!1!@!!" looking nigress I've ever seen.


its like pottery

It's their own fault for hiring her dumbass. You can usually weed out fucktards in the interview. People make fun of me for running my interviews for 2 hours and following up with each candidate whether I hire them or not. I have had more people than not say my interviews were a pleasure even after telling them they didn't get the job. I refuse to play faggot corporate games and I have yet to have a horrible hire or a complete retard come in to interview. I screen all my own candidates, do all the work, fuck all these useless retards.

fakebook users get the coof

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Almost checked. Completely true, though. I can see how they'd be excited to hire some nigger bitch who probably screams about diversity on socials.
But they made the fatal mistake of hiring one that will never be satisfied with just having a fucking job.

posting in troll bread


Now that this nigger is a $100 million liability they'll never hire someone like her again. Cool.

Good. Facebook needs more black programmers programming dem algorithms. Dem algorithms is raysis as fuck. Everybody knows dis sheeeit.

100 million ...fuck dat...should be 100zillion.