Guys I'm unironically off the trump wagon. It was all fun a d games shilling for that narcissist, but now we are looking at a massive disaster. If only we had a female leader who put people over profit, like New Zealand does. Now we are going to lose people and destroy our economy because of trumps constant desire for praise and short term success. Voting for Dems this year even if they run Biden.
Guys I'm unironically off the trump wagon. It was all fun a d games shilling for that narcissist...
> Voting for Dems
But you are still stuck in the false left/right paradigm like a stupid /sheeple/ though...
To what end?
So what ?
Lesser of two evils
>occupy democrats
I knew OP was a faggot. Besides why do I give a fuck what a kiwi nigger thinks?
hiding behind memeflags
Ok nigger
>taking anything a kiwi says seriously
Donald trump will use his second term to destroy china.
Fuck off cunt.
Our PM's decisions are being determined by the males around her.
She's nothing but a commie kike.
Paul Thomas is also a dumb fuck boomer no one cares about, he works for the New Zealand Herald, a shit show of Jew media.
Americans get off on making people mad, but so do I.
Wow, I sure to care what someone from New Zealand thinks.
I wonder how much he cares what an American thinks of New Zealand politics. Probably brushes it off since why would an American's input matter?
Archive Q drops offline in preparation for the darkness.
Can confirm, this is what everyone here thinks of Trump. Please vote blue no matter who in November.
Shill proxy.
I never said that.
Can confirm, it's hilarious watching you guys crash and burn yet I feel sorry for people like OP who still have a conscience
the fuck do I care about a Chinese satellite state for
you biden shills suck dick.
Asia thinks liberals are cucks and lauigh at west
How much are you being paid cunt?
>other countries
>chastising Americans about racism
You fags are all more racist than Americans you don’t know it because you never have to interact with other races
>Guys I'm unironically off the trump wagon.
You never were on.
If you are getting off the Trump train for thot leaders you're getting off at the wrong stop. There is a reason it is called the Trump train and not Trump kingdom as he is only a necessary transition to a better, freer, more secure and prosperous land.
nice photoshop faggot
Trump has a surprising amount of popularity here, it's just not from anyone important. The young and urbanised usually don't like him, but it's explained by a strong digital media influence and general political bias. The older, more rural base has a surprising amount of support for him, many like his straightforwardness and share the same views for immigrants and other issues. His biggest turn-off for people here is his general "i'm the best" and flouting his greatness attitude, we have a phenomena called Tall Poppy syndrome down under which really fucking turns people off at shit like that, whereas the mutts love it.
New Zealand Herald is fucking jafa trash anyway, take anything they write with a grain of salt. Jews put a paywall on their news so no-one reads them anymore
I'm not, Aotearoa is a very liberal country, how can you be surprised that most of us here think like that?
Ask me how I know you live in some liberal hellhole like Wellington.
Not surprising considering you're a chink and he's been kicking the shit out of you and now you're going to starve. Better stock up on bat heads, chink.
>Under qualified
This is America, not a monarchy. Any chump off the street can be President. Trump fits the handful of qualifications easily.
Sounds like you like the idea of deep state puppet leaders.
your arguments make zero sense.
man/woman? i thought gender didnt matter
lefties bitch Trump didnt lock down country fast enough, but Governors who actually run each state are the ones NOT closing things down.
then when things start closing down, then they bitch look how the economy is going to shit
dem governors even BANNED the cheapest easiest treatment for the covid
this virus is a meme made to order to help bail out floundering dems.
Slave labour is the lesser of two evils?
I hate my country and it's spineless liberal leaders who oppose change in any direction
Auckland, fuck living outside of a city. I couldn't stand not having modern conveniences and being surrounded by rural retards.
Well, at least he's not a trannie. He's got my vote.
Hildawg 2020! She's killed more than Coronachan!
To the Kiwi town of Christchurch rode a stranger one fine day
>rural retards
Proceeds to live in the city with one of the most highest living costs in the country and most expensive housing market there is. Doesn't that make you retarded?
Not to mention the fact that it's basically the united fucking nations there with Mohammed and Wang.
>couldn't stand not having modern conveniences
Yet tries to call people who live in out in the country retarded, but this cunt can't go without his muh modern conveniences. Low IQ brainlet
There's a high chance you're probably Chinese. After all, you're living in Southern China.
lemme guess, north shore or central city?
It's not the united nations because despite your racism those people are Kiwis and most Aucklanders would feel like they have more in common with them than with racists like you.
>muh racism
They are ethnically not from New Zealand, therefore they aren't New Zealanders.
It's like if my parents moved to India from New Zealand and I was born in India. I am not Indian, I am a New Zealander.
Typical faggot NZ liberal and muh waaaaycism.
Most Kiwis put on a welcoming face, and then snark about the shitty Chink driver on the way to work and rant about Indian immigrants being parasites when Shane Jones comes on the TV at the dinner table. Racism is alive and well, and it's often only Maoris who have the balls to speak their thoughts in public
>ethnically not from New Zealand
So only the tangata whenua belongs here? I'm all for decolonization but that's a bit extreme even for me.
Based. This is exactly how it is
Nobody is native to NZ as human presence is extremely recent, but the country is the product of Anglo-Saxons and would exist as such without or without the Polynesians. I love NZ, but Christ the Maori worship is sickening. They would have turned NZ into a wasteland just like their cousins did with Easter Island if the British hadn't arrived.
>all for decolonization
But can't live outside a city with modern conveniences?
You faggot libtards just contradict yourselves all in the name of virtue signalling.
Maori's weren't here first either, they originated from South-east Asia.
That "New Zealander's View on Donald Trump" was written by Paul Thomas on 08/21/2015. Two years before Trump entered the Oval Office.
“Trump personifies everything the rest of the world despises about America: casual racism, crass materialism, relentless self-aggrandizement, vulgarity on an epic scale.”
I think the author has a problem with America itself, just as Democrats seem to hate the idea of America.
>all right wingers are rayciss who want LITERAL SLAVES for DINNER
go back
normal party but horse guys
>Sounds like you like the idea of deep state puppet leaders.
This. And from a leaf too. WTF?
>Guys I'm unironically off the trump wagon
Why the fuck would burgers care about what someone who fucks sheep thinks?
Trump was born in the USA and is older than 35 so he's qualified to be the president.
kys memeflag cunt idk who that faggot even is but I'd punch him in the face at the pub for sure
sage bitch
One thing you could say about Trump is that he unabashedly loves his country and actually does not care for the rest of the worlds opinion. The abject outrage and disdain he elicits only seems to deepen the pathos of his foes.
Four more years !!!
This pretty much unironically sums up 95% of New Zealanders
meet me at the pub cunt
He does not speak for every NZ person.
New Zealand also rejected their savior
You don't seem like you were ever a Trump supporter.
Like most normal people I'm sick of the 4-year-long whinge-o-rama about Trump, but his main selling point was always that he was an outsider, not that he was super competent. So whatever his limitations, at least he wasn't going to start another pointless war in the Middle East. The flaw with this is, what happens when you have a crisis like coronachan that requires actually knowing what you are doing?
youre a faggot