Holocaust-denier provided the following math:

Holocaust-denier provided the following math:

Average time to cremate a body--2 to 2.5 hours.

6 million x 2 = 12 million cremation hours.

12 million/24 = 500,000 cremation Days (Assuming 24 hour operations)

500,000/365 = 1,369 cremation years

WWII lasted 6 years.

1,369/6 = 228

To accomplish this there would have to be 228 incinerators running 24/7 burning bodies assuming jews were in camps with incinerators for the entire time (which they weren't).

I could tell that these assumptions were absurdly narrow, I was still curious.The Wikipedia article on "Cremation" quotes a primary source document:

At present there are four crematoria in operation at BIRKENAU, two large ones, I and II, and two smaller ones, III and IV. Those of type I and II consist of 3 parts, i.e.,: (A) the furnace room; (B) the large halls; and (C) the gas chamber. A huge chimney rises from the furnace room around which are grouped nine furnaces, each having four openings. Each opening can take three normal corpses at once and after an hour and a half the bodies are completely burned. This corresponds to a daily capacity of about 2,000 bodies... Crematoria III and IV work on nearly the same principle, but their capacity is only half as large. Thus the total capacity of the four cremating and gassing plants at BIRKENAU amounts to about 6,000 daily.

This means that the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp alone, operating for 365 days a year at 6000 people per day, would be able to cremate 365*6000 = 2.19 million individuals in a single year, or 6 million individuals in 6M/6K = 1000 days (2.7 years).

While other camps had crematoria, it's important to note:

Many bodies of holocaust victims were disposed of by burning in open-air pits, or just plain buried, and practices varied greatly from camp to camp and over the course of ww2.

Many victims' bodies were dug up and cremated only after they had been buried, in an effort to hide what had happened.

The 6 million Jews weren't the only ones either.


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Other urls found in this thread:


The hall of cost didn’t happen, but was the claim that all 6 gorillion were cremated?

trust me, destroying 6 Million Jews was easy.
It's the russians that are hard to kill.

Only 1 oven?

No good arguement?

stupid cunt
germans have MORE than 1 oven for corpses.

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Bullshit. The most crematory muffles that ever operated simultaneously at Birkenau were 38 and only one body could be loaded into each at a time.

Which furthermore proves that the 6 million corpses burned is even more probable considering if Birkenau could take on that number in 2.7yrs, then more than one oven definitely could.

From wikipedia

>The daily capacity of the crematoria (how many bodies could be burned in a 24-hour period) was 340 corpses in crematorium I; 1,440 each in crematoria II and III; and 768 each in IV and V.[61] By June 1943 all four crematoria were operational, but crematorium I was not used after July 1943. This made the total daily capacity 4,416, although by loading three to five corpses at a time, the Sonderkommando were able to burn some 8,000 bodies a day.

You show me modern crematoria that can burn 8000 bodies a day. And if you find them, tell us how much fuel they use.

You can always do the math, but the fact that we never had a debate with a Holocaust survivor versus a denier really cements my affirmation that the Holocaust wasn't an exaggeration, but rather a massive fabrication.
The Holocaust never happened

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And now we wait for Not French Not Jewish.

That sounds like their figures are taken directly from the fraudulent Bischoff report. What a joke kikepedia is.

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citations 61 and 62. It says Piper pp 159, 164

>Auschwitz 1940–1945: Central Issues in the History of the Camp is a five-volume monograph about the Auschwitz concentration camp in German-occupied Poland during World War II and the Holocaust.[1]
>Editors Wacław Długoborski and Franciszek Piper

No one who has thought about it for more than fifteen minutes actually believes in the holocaust.
Anyone who believes that they dug up bodies to cremate them is a genuine fucking retard who should be treated like a nigger. At that point, they are slaves, and the only there's only one way to treat a slave. Tie them up, tell them their name is Toby until they'll admit that Cookie Monster can't bake that many cookies.

>Many bodies of holocaust victims were disposed of by burning in open-air pits

The reason funeral pyres and crematoriums exist is because human bodies are 70% water and can’t be lit on fire and “burned in open air pits.”

You know that conveyor belt in Schindlers List that’s dumping dead Jews onto a pile of burning dead Jews? Yeah, that’s not real.

This is the point where you just start to sound stupid

How, can something that recent and that big could ever be fabricated, i agree that the numbers were rounded up, did they do it for economical gain or to have bigger resonance around the world? This i can't know, but i've met holocaust survivors in person and you really can't lie like that when you are past your 80s. Denying it is like denying environmental pollution, its detrimental to everyone and just an all around stupid thing to do. I am the first to hate jews but i dont go so far out of my way just to spout retarded shit like a fucking donkey mutt

No doubt Piper was quoting the Bischoff report, he is a hardline exterminationist. He is the kind of character who would ignore all other evidence to hang onto the idea of 2 million having been killed at Birkenau.

I'll risk the coof just to tell you how fucking stupid the americans can be, the only holocaust deniers in the world are in the Usa, what a surprise, the highest concentration is found in the dumbest first world conglomerate of countries. You are free to believe what you want, that's the problem with you, you think there's no need to study, to have a critic sense of knowledge, to inform yourselves anywhere that's not the internet, just because it's MUH OPINION, and there comes anothe retarded mutt that takes your opinion for a fact, luckily you are also full of niggers and tumors so maybe you will be devastated soon, hope coronachan really breaks your backs


I don't believe in the holocaust narrative and my grandfather's jewish family fled mainland Europe during WW2. I've heard the sob stories and been to camps and I still don't believe this shit.
If you have an actual supported argument for why you believe, present it.

>i've met holocaust survivors in person
I bet you also know people whose kids died at Sandy Hook right Shlomo?

>the only holocaust deniers in the world are in the Usa
Because it's literally illegal to question the Holohoax anywhere else kike.

Just did. Read first post.

I wasn't talking to you and I already addressed your first post as being bullshit.

And this the point where you sound stupider
We had all these years, all these decades where people can openly argue their cases, but they were never given the chance.
Is it because it's such a tragic and unfortunate event that survivors won't be able to debate the horrors correctly, or are they afraid that these debates will raise brows and call into question the discrepancies and misinformation that will result out of it?
It's alright, "Fellow Yas Forums Guy and definitely not JIDF or Useful Idiot." It's ok if people get skeptical over controversial things. Whenever I debate this with Jews, they always play down the arguments and always resolve with a compromise with "6 million may have been a bit of an exaggeration but a lot still died from them [GOY]!"

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bump in case Italianon is still writing

I know jack shit about american propaganda and you probably have all the rights to be such a paranoic conspiracy theorist since your government hides everything to you, bombs its own land and gets your private infos without consent. Still i've met two holocaust survivors because our lyceum, or as you inbred swines call it, junior high school, organized a meetup where we could talk with them and ask questions. I asked all kind of questions about how they killed so many and what actually happened because i was a retarded kid just like you are being now, and i got my answers, they were pretty linear and clear to me, that old woman wasnt there to cheat anyone, she was merely telling what she had passed. You'll have retards born in 2040 believing 9/11 never happened because you are THAT stupid.

My grandpa was in "concentration camps" during WWII. There were no death camps. Most were war camps. You got shot if you stole, sabotaged, etc. Were there asshole guards who shot people for fun? Sure. Was it a mass genocide of Jews? Obviously not. The camps wouldn't be work camps, they would have to spend all the time BUILDING the "killing machines or gas chambers," BURYING the MILLIONS of bodies or ash, every POW who was held by the Nazi's would have a story of being involved in the process of BUILDING and BURYING dead Jews. Yet, NONE have these stories. Also, the Jews got rounded up during the last few years of the War. So it would have been ALL HANDS ON DECK to kill even close to 6 million.

Also, ask yourself why the smart Germans would send THE MOST VALUABLE RESOURCES they have, TRAINS, full of Jews from the front instead of soldiers, war vehicles in need of repairs, etc? So the Germans, instead of shooting Jews on the spot, sent them around the Reich on much-needed trains and wasted much-needed fuel to send Jews to places to then be shot or gassed? That's literally the most ineffective way to kill people by the most efficient people in the world.

>No doubt Piper was quoting the Bischoff report
kek it wouldn't surprise me. They can fabricate enormous lies by referencing one another in one incestuous web. I've seen something similar with the pro-mutilation "studies" pumped out by kikes and greedy doctors.

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>was the claim that all 6 gorillion were cremated
If some werent, then show me the bodies.

>Many bodies of holocaust victims were disposed of by burning in open-air pits, or just plain buried, and practices varied greatly from camp to camp and over the course of ww2.
And no significant amount of bodies was ever found.
Jewish memetic magicks must end

They mostly met children, not adults.
Children are easier to trick and not as knowledgeable.

>Each opening can take three normal corpses at once and after an hour and a half the bodies are completely burned.

Nope. Physically impossible. The ovens weren't large enough to hold 3 bodies at once. The ovens were designed for individual corpses (not a good design choice for a murder factory!), and OP is fucking delusional if he thinks 3 corpses could have been cremated in 1.5 hours. Impossible. The human body is 70% water and all that water has to evaporate before anything can burn. Stacking multiple corpses into a single oven would DECREASE the efficiency of the cremation due to the water content reducing the temperature of the oven. They were not designed to efficiently operate with multiple corpses.

Your calculation also assumes no downtime whatsoever. There HAD to be downtime to clean the ashes/cremains from the ovens. And your calculation takes no consideration of the long time it takes to heat an oven to temperature.

>Many bodies of holocaust victims were disposed of by burning in open-air pits, or just plain buried, and practices varied greatly from camp to camp and over the course of ww2.

Except the allies took Aerial photographs over Auschwitz during the period of time when these open-air cremations would have been at peak operation, and the photographs show no such open-air pits.

>or just plain buried

Then where are the bodies????

>practices varied greatly from camp to camp and over the course of ww2.

"Practices varied" because each camp got its own lore from the Poles/Soviets who made this shit up, which is why every camp had a different method of gassing. Zyklon B in Auschwitz, a DIESEL ENGINE at the so-called "Reinhardt" camps (this was ret-conned to a gas engine after a revisionist proved that a diesel engine was a ridiculous choice for genocide), carbon monoxide tanks at Majdanek, etc.

Anyone who wants to see how full of shit OP is should watch this video: bitchute.com/video/D1Vm1x8sTJcR/

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Thanks for the bump

I wasn't compromising at all, i just said what i think, i believe the numbers have been rounded up and obviously something is being hidden because of a greater interest, but i just dont care about that because i wont ever be able to find the truth if nations decided to cover it.

I truly hate jews more that you could know, i've grown up with my dad telling me everyday how they tries to fuck every other race from the beginning of history. And that's why i think they have actually been killed. Another point is, why would the germans ever deny it if it wasn't true. Have you ever seem a guilty man plead guilty? They tried to cover this shit for years and years, it's like saying that ww2 never happened because the numbers dont add up.
Whats your point in denying an historical event, does it bother you that jews died? Or maybe you are angry that jews used it, like they used literally everything, to their gain?


In court when you live an fallacies are exposed you lose credibility.
People will devoutly defend the holobungo despite dozens of laughable nonsense.

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Not even modern furnaces can take 2k bodies in a day, even considering 24 hours activity and infinite resources to burn all these bodies (burning bodies is not cheap).

That is to say, the 6M x 2 is retarded as well; the big ass furnaces at concentration camps could take more than one body at a time.

In my opinion, there is enough evidence to believe that the holocaust did happen, but it most likely wasn't in the numbers they said it was, and it most likely wasn't planned (at least not completely). Many aspects of it seems.. improvised, and many of the decisions ended up generating unnecessary debt when you actually calculate the resources they spent. I think there was something that triggered the holocaust, but i'm not quite sure what was it. Perhaps fear of rebellions because of lack of food.

Yea, but you on the other hand are so much knowledgeable, you studied your facts, you did your research, and can surely say that people weren't killed in bunches.
>Why would they use trains and fuel to deport jews
Why did hitler lose the war? He was such a strategic genius and not military retarded at all.
Tell me, why would the Einsatzgruppen lie to every court, saying their objective was to kill every jew, gipsy and politcal opponent?
There are records of people telling with pride what they did , what good could prove them lie like that?

Now this is a better rebuttal. Account for the fact though, that I just mentioned Birkenau and not all the other available crematoria, and this still doesn't account for the gassings that happened as the method of death either.

Wow, the fucking Sopa de BRacao can understand it but amerimutts simply can't. What is so wrong in your education that you end up THIS stupid and unable to get your informations anywhere that's not a googled infographic?

>Have you ever seem a guilty man plead guilty?
Yes it's called an Alford Plea.
The real brainwashing of the Germans wasn't National Socialism, it started in 1945, Germany has been subjected to horrific psychological warfare since then.

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Daamn, that worked pretty well for them, germans are still whining about this after what they did to Europe? guess Italy should make a fake holocaust soon, we have tons of jews and could use some more economical prowess.

We had fascism, we hanged, knifed and burned alive jews gypsies and fags, we literally did it, why is it so hard to believe what germans did? They weren't even close to the numbers they claim but denying it all just sounds stupid to me, all the math about crematoriums and bodies is completely useless.

>math is useless
You sound like a dumb wop. Are you from the south by any chance?

I don't even think "cremation capacity" is the strongest argument. Where are the cremains? The Holocaust narrative says that the cremains were dumped into ponds next to the camp, "Ash Ponds." But not a single ounce of human remains have ever been excavated from these "ash mounds".

So there are no cremains for these hundreds of thousands of people, no mass graves. They just disappeared out of thin air? You can't make the cremains of hundreds of thousands of people disappear out of thin air.

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>electrified conveyor belts
>burned instantly
>literal Tesla-tier technology

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Why did we believe these insane stories? Why did we believe what we were taught about homicidal gas chambers disguised as show rooms?

This video shows why: bitchute.com/video/UeYLVgA34nIS/

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I have a lot of a reason to deny it, mostly because I'm a natural skeptic. Why fabricate evidence for an event that already happened?
The Nuremburg Trials, for one, is the greatest shitshow to happen because the accused were beaten into confessing, genitals mutilated and all.
With the media, the Jews control sympathy. They control context, so they essentially control the world. They do so because it's all based on top of the Holocaust.
It is the greatest stain in WW2 because it's charged ammunition that will always be used again and again against opponents. They will always be the victims under every circumstance and their opponents will always be painted antisemitic nazis. They have power over people like it. It's addicting to them. People like Bernie Sanders will always call someone like Trump an Antisemitic racist despite his actions saying otherwise because Jews only need a label to stick on someone to ruin their lives
Germans may have hated Jews with a passion, but I have to say they never exterminated them because Hitler didn't want them to. A lot of soldiers in the German army were even partial-full blooded Jews despite laws restricting Jewish enlistment and officers knowing their heritage.

Had the Holocaust NOT exist, Hitler would have been seen as a tragic hero instead of a villain overtime, and the Jews can't let that happen

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Believe it or not, the "electric conveyor belt" claim has been dropped by the Holocaust hoaxsters, but they still claim the ashes of Jews were used to fertilize cabbage fields. Yes; cabbage fields- specifically.

One lie was dropped, the other lie was not.

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After the end of the war, 97% of captured SS officers said that their understanding of the solution to the Jewish question was not execution, but deportation. The good the lies would do is stop them from being tortured in custody and/or having their families threatened.


>i met these 2 people that said it totally did happen
case. closed.


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based and vitamin C pilled

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>all of auschwitz scanned with ground penetrating radar
>no body dumps
>no skeletons
>no ash
>the chimney is a fake created by the soviet union and not even attached to anything

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The holocaust happened. Jews suffered. Thats why they have israel now. They need their own home for their own people

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What chimney? The one attached to the underground vents you mean?

Most were just shot and thrown in mass graves that may or may not get set on fire.

>Jews suffered
Have you ever watched Curb Your Enthusiasm? A jew could figure out a way to suffer on MDMA in a hot tube surrounded by beautiful horny women.

Finally someone with sense. Holocaust deniers are just as bad as Hitler himself!

useful measurement

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>the rabbi caused that feel

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It's the biggest conspiracy of all time. They are still being cremated

No, it's a 'talking' point akin to the feminists and their wage gap bullshit, but in this case it's quite justified. It doesn't mean exactly what it is implied to mean but it gets people scratching their heads and is a good way to lead to serious arguments, like how all the "death camps" happened to be in soviet controlled territory and all the ones we actually investigated after the war were just work camps with bad conditions.


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