
We’re all just going to forget that talmudvision channels aimed at children are encouraging a lifestyle which makes the sufferer a physically and mentally ill, unemployable shut-in alienated by the entire world that ends in suicide almost half of the time?
This shit makes me fucking nauseous.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Network Television
anyone still watching cable is a nigger.

imagine watching tv, or ever letting your children watch tv.

do children still watch television? because all i can imagine is most their shows are seen by grownups to use them to promote their shows whenever they insert someone that is either gay or trans

This. Fuck them

television is obviously pozzed even kids see it. its actually redpilling kids rather than indoctrinate. they pushed the tranny/pedo message way too hard

This dumb fuck attitude of individuality is what is rotting this country and our moral and ethical guidelines from the inside out.

>if you dont like it, just dont watch it! I don't!

Shit like this and actual subtle in-show content flies under the radar constantly. Good hard working members of your community dont know this is an issue. They come home from work, park their child in front of the TV to watch some "harmless cartoons" for a half hour while making dinner and being dog tired from their day, and tyreese flirts with Becky on the set of middle school musical 4.

People who arent autistic shut in Yas Forums users arent as privvy to Dan schniders sickening behaviors, or cartoon network tweeting in support of transgender people (and I'm assuming children as well).

Enjoy sheltering yourself and your family from these freaks and throwing your neighbor to the wolves who doesnt have the time or knowledge to see whats going on. Its the future world you and your family will have to live in.

Ignore it and run from it while you can.


You got to remember the kind of people that actively persue jobs at children's TV networks. They're not the kind you want hanging around your children.

lol who cares. Kids are retarded anyway.

Yeah based man, just cum to internet porn, get drunk, and forsake God!



>We're all just going to forget
Who said we're going to forget?

but jordan peterson says individualism is the greatest achievement of the judeo-christian west

You deserve to have your children indocrinated and made into faggots/trannies who end up hating you and killing themselves if you give them unfettered access to the TV and internet.


>daddy government fix it NOW!
Cringe. Individualism is cancer, but so are you.

Very true. I would bet my house that the people running these twitter accounts are either trannies, Jews, or both.
Almost all trannies on the internet are predators who are trying to reproduce through indoctrination. And it’s working to a non-insignificant degree.

>>Still giving network television (you)s
Stop doing that.

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Yeah just let kids cartoon networks support trannies!!

You sick freak

Yeah because not accepting people for who they are is totally "red pilled" right? Fucking gimp.

>but jordan peterson says individualism is the greatest achievement of the judeo-christian west



Theres no such thing as transgender you retard. Youre a long way from reddit

Absolutely correct. Individualism has failed and the west is dying with it

Imagine being this retarded. Call it mental illness or whatever you want, these people exist.

Nice,less people is not that bad of an idea.

For now

You literally just said “who cares, kids are retarded anyways”
What makes you so racist against children, you bigot?

I feel the same way about the "climate change" freaks. The shit they're doing to childrens minds is pure evil. And it's in every fucking school too. Pic related sums it up.

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Go somewhere else you dumb fuck freak. Nobody wants to listen to your degenerate fetishism bullshit anymore

What's worse is dysphoria can be managed through spiritual means and overcoming trauma. I experienced dysphoria due to a lot of abuse and trauma from childhood, overcoming it really helped everything. I'm so glad I never transitioned and fucked myself out of a chance to have a normal life.

Like that Nickelodeon guy who got busted on to catch a predator

deluded maybe but never calling them transgender because it's just another way to call them delusional

Who would let their kid watch tv? I approve every show they watch on Netflix. Mostly nature docs. I approve every show they watch on Disney (basically just the classics). Mostly they play old nes and snes games. Although we have very little screen time in our house.


correct. FPRBR

>who would let their children watch tv

90% of whites who dont have dozens of hours per day of freetime to get "redpilled" online, so theyre largely unaware of the damage they do showing kids this shit

That’s not “who they are” you fucking tranny jew
The idea is implanted in their minds by someone else

This is so brave in this current climate of bigotry! Stand proud, transfolk!!

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Based dad

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good post.

No. Don't turn them on in your house.
You're going to have to curate whose house they can sleep over at. My parents underestimated Cable, and my "best friend" had a single mom.

Why was Cartoon Network shut down only in Israel?

Fuckin' doomed - The Motion Picture

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Eh, it's more of edgy High School level bullying. Yeah, they aren't heros and the oppression cult has a tendency to worship them for being in the laughable predicament they are, but they are still a thing. There is a small minority of people who deeply feel they are part of the opposite sex. Saying they don't exhist is like saying "no one is born gay" or "bisexuals don't exist". It's a reaction to something you don't like and more importantly, incorrect.
You're not entirely wrong, but you're mostly wrong. There are obvious cases, like the crazy woman in Texas or some shit who is forcing her son to be a tranny for oppression points, is obviously cruel and delusional, but tannies are still a thing. I think you're having a strong emotional reaction to something horrible and are trying to simplify an enemy.
AIDs wiped out a good chunk of boomer faggots, but they just repopulated with a vengeance.
Learn to think critically you seething faggot

Nobody gives a fuck. Stop pandering for tranny freaks. This circle jerk of justifications is boring and runs us down these endless debates.

>Dont delegitimize them bro! They just have the dysphoria.

They're freaks who make a bizarre sex fetish their entire identity. Youre a massive faggot for trying to waste time online pulling technicalities for them

If you don't like it, make your own, better cartoons.

Why would trans people not just make their #1 goal in life to pass and blend in? Why do they keep saying “I’m a woman just like any other woman” and also making a huge deal about how they aren’t really a woman?

Facts don't care about your feelings, yamaka boy.

This is the worst part. Trannies are treated like the retarded kid in middle school, everyone pretends to be so friendly and caring about them. There’s two I know of in this blue state university I go to and everyone has to grit their teeth and pretend these men aren’t excruciating to be around with

What facts? That a person born male can miraculously develop a working womb and produce eggs that can be fertilized for childbirth? Or a vagina that isnt just a massive sickening gaping wound?

There are no facts. They're just disgusting predators who want to spread their freak fetish to others. And youre a freak for trying to justify their actions.

>tranny day
>on April the first
Can't make this shit up

you retarded faggot.

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>celebrates you being authentically you
They literally have to get surgery and take pills for the rest of their live. Not to mention shit like training their voices and learning how to walk and sit properly. That shit is as fake as it gets.

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>park their child in front of the TV
Disgusting pieces of shit of a parents deserve getting their "gender reveal day". It's your children you fucks, you don't "park" them.

And thats why you'll never reproduce Ivan. Back in the day kids used to be able to go outside and play with friends for this time so a parent could have a brief moment of respite, but now that the US (and soon Europe) are multicultural hellholes, no one feels safe doing that.

it has nothing to do with individuality. if you're not using streaming services or direct downloads, in 2020, you're a poorfag who shouldn't have kids. when did i mention the individual? get over yourself, nigger.

Yeah, they aren't biological women. No shit. Thats their whole predicament. They deeply feel as if they're a member of the opposite sex. However you feel about them, they're a thing. Why is this such an issue for you?

Doing God's work, user. You can't shift your responsibility of your children upbringing on the TV and the Internet.


But if we did try to tell those people about it, all we'd hear in return is how we are evil nazis and then shunned entirely in every way possible. There's no saving them once the mind rot sets in.

What? It's pretty safe in Russia, I still see kids playing outside.

>They deeply feel as if they're a member of the opposite sex
They are obviously highly delusional and need to be locked up with "I deeply feel that I'm a Napoleon" people.

Wow... she's hot

Someone say sike rn. Don’t make me go on tw*tter to see