NO sick fags allowed. Recovered chads are welcome as well
/Immune/ General
Reporting in
coof coof motherfuckers
What do I do now that I'm immune?
I cosy up to cooflets and take a deep luxurious breath, steal their wallet, and briskly walk away.
They can't do shit about it.
It was nothing
Does nick hang with anyone who isnt a gigantic butthole plunging faggot?
it begins to wear of myself i had the sticker before guess it really was just a flu
how do i know if i am sick
coof check
A-am I sick?
I'm immune to your faggot illness.
I think im gonna coooooof!!!!
just a little coof
I will not suck OP´s dick! Give me back my glorious Kek-chan!
Go away nigga
Hi can I hang out here guize
*coof coof*
Don't worry it's just allergies.
Feels good to be recovered friends.
Who is the guy on the left and who is he with?
Zoomers dont care about these things
>911 controlled demolition
Zoomers are now considered OPTICSBOIS
They care more about their image and popularity then true redpills
Their leader is another zoomer who lives in mommy's basement.
Beware of these anons, they are blackpilled beyond belief and spread misery around them because their power levels are too low, too weak
>redpills cannot save them
Because they care too much for OPTICS..
They will use buzzwords that dont mean anything anymore like
>zion don
They dont have KEK anymore only BLACKPILLS, only despair
So my question is how do we save them or do we cut them off to be hardened by the world?
I feel these new OpticsBois are irreparable and non fixable as they are in a POPULARITY CONTEST with eachother and other retards.
Fuentes confirm for being a bottom. Just compare those hands
I lost my emoji, so I might get sick again.
Milo should eat with knife and fork, like Trump / Palin
So happy to be with other clean anons. Who wants to make some luxury soup?
Standing by...
How do you do, fellow immune chads?
How do you get infected on here? Also how do you stay immune?
hey guys, i'm f-feeling a lot better, I swear!
reply, get replied too and have your post next to an infected nigger
Guys...I don't feel so good..
>no sick fags
>posts most disease ridden sick piece of shit he can find
Dont interact with the Italians.
You will never reach the health.
it isn't fair.
Guess I need to take the test.
What a pathetic flu. Didn't even coof.
i'm finally feelng better bros
Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be fine.
Am I cured yet?
I’ve recovered like twice already
Recovered Chad reporting in. The cure is vitamin c zinc Tylenol and kratom!
Unfortunately I am recovered I liked being sick.
can i get reinfected? I had worldstar face like 8 hours ago.
Back off coofers
You don't have to lie to make the filthy infected trash feel better. There's no hope for them.
>posts a pozzed homosexual
Not my /immune/ general
I’d rather have the coof than the aids
OMG who do u think has the bigger prolapse? I mean you THINK Milo cuz the BBC but what if it's not? Nick Fuentes on
I'm perfectly healthy goyim, *coof coof*
based immune
I am immune.
Coof check
I did though, was infected yesterday, recovered got re infected a few hours later and I’m fine now.
Immuno-chad the invincible here. Still clean lads.
You get reinfected.
I'm fine
that guy on the left has aids
finally a *COOF* safe *COOF COOF* space
I am ok.
my immune system is a Chad
Man i was just thinking about that fag. Hope he's alright
Feels good man
I coof all over y'all's pizzas
You arnt clean mutie!
Oh yes daddy coof in my mouth it's useless
hey guy- *coof* guys. can i hang out here with you, im not infected *coof coof*
Get ready to coof
Purging the scourge.
I took a long nap after had a fap, now I feel much better.
Any team minis from last year?
*coof* wanna try a sip of my tea? *coof coof COOF* it really helps with the allergies *coof*
Naw your ok digits will protect you
Immunity test
I wonder if I've recovered yet. I need immune replies to check
That wont save you
coof coof
*coof coof coof*
Statistically, which demographic is getting the virus. I assume the immunocompromisd white boomers are getting this the most
Recovered chad checking in.
How does one get sick or immune?
oh god im COOFING
coof coof
How did you recover?
Giving yous gets you sick
Said the asian leaf, wow you'd really say anything to move the attention from yourself
no it doesn't. it's random.
that's gay as fuck, nigger
Begone, coofers
god i want pizza
See ya in hell (you sooner)
You are now.
Reporting in keeping everyone safe COOF
Fucking so gay
So you're saying I got the coof now?
What happens when you get sick?
Alpha immuno chads, join me in saying...
Fuck infected
Fuck recovered
Fuck niggers
Fuck jannies