Fuck it, let's summon an old god

ITT: we get digits and Covid-19 mutates into its full-blown apocolyptic form.

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Aight, let’s roll for devastation.

aliens touchdown in a week

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I summon yee god,come back for this decade of woe and bring prosperity

Rollan for: Aliens touchdown in full stealth, realize we're all fucked retarded then leave.

Zoomers dont care about these things
>911 controlled demolition
Zoomers are now considered OPTICSBOIS
They care more about their image and popularity then true redpills

Their leader is another zoomer who lives in mommy's basement.

Beware of these anons, they are blackpilled beyond belief and spread misery around them because their power levels are too low, too weak
>redpills cannot save them
Because they care too much for OPTICS..

They will use buzzwords that dont mean anything anymore like
>zion don

They dont have KEK anymore only BLACKPILLS, only despair

So my question is how do we save them or do we cut them off to be hardened by the world?
I feel these new OpticsBois are irreparable and non fixable as they are in a POPULARITY CONTEST with eachother and other retards

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No prosperity, just hard times. Lots of death and learning the hard way about why community matters.

What have you done?!
>Blood type BLUE
>Blood type BLUE

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I am become death, destroyer of worlds

China wins

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rebbi dugin sucks nigger dicks

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What are you going to do when you have to go before Christ's throne on Judgement Day.

Coof coof these digits

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Wuhan wet markets reopened yesterday
Lets all order some chinese food and hope for the best

UBI incoming

Digits and a cure is found next week

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If kek wills it

I call upon kek to wipe out all humans during this year.

kek wills it


Rollz for airborne Ebola with a 21 day incubation period.

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nobody thinks that far ahead

deep down we are all like the niggers
live for the day


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Give me them zombies lord kek

6 million Israelis wiped out

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look at my nice quads

vaccine is a suppository


armageddon outta here

Good enough, macaco

Rollin' to summon the wrath of Loki, Thor and Odin


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i need it to happen


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You mean it's not already an apocalypse? She got Madagascar its pretty much winning conditions in plague inc.

let’s check the integers



Would be a shame if I
Started to wreak havoc on your nervous system.

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rolling for imminent ayylmao's

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Hear Jesus say this: Depart from me, I never knew you

Most likely going to get drop kicked into hell...

Very many of us are going to die, and soon; unfortunately.

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Its all gonna end soon, maybe not in a good way tho

Please let the space nazi's arrive and save us from this clown world.

No. Fuck off.


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Every Yas Forumsack who can do 50+ pushups is spared

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Q is real

Check em

hail hitler

by the aliums?

Rolling for ayyy invasion

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supreme powers color matching. based id on the jq. Roll for x3005

First for nigger extinction


off by one post.incoming transmission from year 3030. The ayys used time travel to void the space jew.

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but i want a new god

Kek wills

The roach will be exterminated tomorrow

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waiting for the end

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Let's get this happening clappening!!!

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when will the nukes start flying?

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Yellowstone blows before easter

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Rolling this plane. With no survivors


its over.

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Corona-chan is Kek's Prophet.

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total collapse

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How would you like to be killed in the apocalypse:

1. Gunshot
2. Coofing
3. Hunger
4. Suicide


For some of us, it sill definitely be over soon.

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nurgle bless this roll.
every time they create a cure, mutate the virus.
virus must be always one step ahead.

Last time I tripped dicks on mesc I saw the eye of providence trapped behind a zipper with a castle turret next to it. The castle looked like it was made of irregular Aztek type blocks but with an English type castle turret in design. The fuckin eye was side on and after it turned to face me the eye opened and looked like a much older version of my own with red lines around it. I stared at it, it stared at me and then thanked me before fucking off. I did my best to project the need for a plague that was sincerely heartfelt and was given the impression that it was already on the case. This was in early October of last year.

Now I know I was late to the party in getting it started but a part of me hopes I helped give Coronachan a kick up the arse with some spiritual energy all the same. I love you Coronachan!

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1/3 pop gone

Rolling for full immunity to ayys and Viro-fags




> g-gosh mama-san, it's just you and me left.
> the plague has killed everyone else.
> g-guess we have to restart the human race now... right ?


Digits and we get fascism back within the decade

amen revelationbro

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The SARS-CoV-2 is actually a bio weapon made by aliens.

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Gimme those digits, kek!

digits and Corona mutates into adrenal metastasis

>lets summon an old god
whose to say he hasn't been here the whole time?

> doesn't know aliens are just demons in disguise


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Worldwide Diarrhea

Can we summon Nurgle


evil gets buttfuckd

Bill Gates hit by meteor

>Doesn't know demons are just aliens in disguise

>honking in the distance grows louder

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