Brandon Allen
They’re already retarded, but I don’t know what’s one step down from that. That’s what they’d be if they wouldn’t allowed a federally-approved regiment
They wanted to virtue signal about it. Then FDA said okay, and now they look like the retards they are
Daniel Green
Eisenhaur Place Residents of Bridgewater. There's a known. Should be known now and I figured it out with no help. But an old pervert retard with no life who has computer skills and he's able to tap into your internet and landlines phone. Mine most certainly is, I guess i'm the enemy. But if you didn't know, now you do. And actually a lot of the uphill residents are kind of gang like. Sooo. This guy and his thugs also like to try and intimidate me and who knows what else. (assaults, assinations have been things I avoided) So if you be talkin some shit, or saying some shit on the motherfucking internet anonymously the grand pappy don't approve of. You gettin capped, bitch And I only made that one thread cause I thought it was other people. But I mean some of them could be helping him or withholding info from me. so, fuck you. But this guy doesn't just spy one me, he fucking messes with me and stirs shit up. So......and that Jenn girl is all in the middle of this horseshit. Just fucking drama as fuck. I live in drama land with thugs in huggies and whores playing them like puppets anyway it's all fucked, it's all garbage. it's all " who cares". And just get fucked and get a life. Words offending you doesn't justify assination attempts. GANG PLACE, BDUB. REPRESENT. GET THAT BANG BANG ON I'm just a loner, keep to myself guy. Nothing to worry about. I just don't like people fucking spying on me. If it was the Government, it be one thing. It's local criminal dicks though. All I have done in the past year is watch and listen to metal music on Youtube, and Shitposted on here. And I mean shitpost. Umm this is Yas Forums am I correct? People trash talk and bait and troll each other all day on here right? Am I on the right site? I thought this was the place to do that with other anonymous people. I'm often wrong though...... no, not really. random number........13
The suspected sniper is a hefty dude maybe little to no hair. I seen him walk these parts 2 times.
Also he looks an awful lot like my anesthesiologist when I got my wisdom teeth taken out, and the "doctor" or whoever came in started saying "this guy isn't" afraid of death....." I know I would want to be in a cold place full of drugs if I died"
Like a surgery room????
Yeah that was some of the comforting dialogue I got before they gassed me, oh and you'll never guess what? I had complications (nearly died) I dont know. They don't tell you shit. I awake back in the surgery room, all done and a hose coming out of my throat as I opened my eyes..... Bridgewater Nova Scotia Hospital. like 12 years ago......... what was that all about?
Hudson Hughes
They are literally killing people because ORANGE MAN BAD. They will be extremely unpopular when this is all over.
Aiden Lopez
>gillum posting
Luke Smith
>intercoms with his ass haha Yeah I don't think Android's can be gay, good for you A.I.
>251501171 Don't even know if I'm immune, but fuck it.
Nathan Phillips
actually it's the FDA allowing it, governors have no control over that sort of thing
Cooper Harris
Ayden Nelson
Infections and deaths spiked after social distancing and stay at home. Reminds me how the flu spreads so well in winter from people being inside so much.
Matthew Taylor
Too bad you're not immune from being a dumgay.
Chase Price
when will the dirty greens gtfo of our wonderful bread?
>Ai Fen, one of the chink doctors to blow the whistle on the chink virus goes missing >Wikipedia won't allow you to mention it on her article >"it's a conspiracy theory" they're not even trying to hide it anymore
never. this thread is just a collection of shitposting
Andrew Rivera
Robert Taylor
new york is a fucking shit show i can guarantee no one will come close to their numbers
Oliver Miller
That's what they get for not being direct and concise. Trump's pressers aren't a fucking meet and greet, they are serious business. No bullshit. If the kike media reporters don't get to the point right away, they are done.
>May have started during Super Bowl sunday That was WAY back in early February meaning that their timeline of this damn virus is all wrong. Meaning, it has already been here, meaning most of us probably already got it, meaning we survived it WITHOUT shutting the nation down.
>Implying people actually have the mental capacity to remember or even pay attention outside their news. You seem to have alot of confidence in people.