What would you do if $1.2 trillion USD was deposited into your account

What would you do if $1.2 trillion USD was deposited into your account.

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Burn it

Create a toilet paper company

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I’d probably coof

buy a gf

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Pay Raytheon and Northrup to get a few positronium flinging cannons into orbit and bombard China with a few grams of anti matter at a detectable percentage of light speed.

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Gather up the most promising scientists and get my own independent space station. Once there, do all the research that the elites don't want done.

Buy a mercenary army and kill the jews

Nothing responsibly, I reckon.

All on link, marketbuy

Start writing a shitload of checks to myself

That would be a nice fire

id make covid19 real :(

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Buy an island, build a fortress, invite over 10 or so young hot women to live in it, install highspeed internet and then return to shitposting on /pol


go innawoods

Hookers and blow

donate it to e-girls

>inviting women to live in it instead of letting them visit for a weekend then kicking them out

2 chicks at the same time

Try and get Yang into office idk
I have a hard time breathing so my life may be fucked

Give it to Israel

Buy myself a house in Denmark or another nice Euro country, get residency through legal means since I now own property, buy some businesses, then chill out and keep doing the same things I do right now, probably.

>having an account

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absolutely based as fick


Start a war with Sweden.

Valid point. I should keep them on rotation so they dont get too comfortable and retire them when they hit the wall.

Give it away to random motherfuckers. Except OP. OP is a faggot.

Buy a private army and carve out a white Confederate ethnostate. No yankees allowed, of course.


Cocaine. Lots and lots of cocaine.

I'd give free guns to black people, hispanics, etc. I would just leave bags of guns all over the place. Lots of bullets and shit too. Tired of you faggots talking shit all day and never once acting upon that. The only "white fight" that exists is the black flag bullshit created by the Jews just to make it look like your race has any will to fight. From Hitler to Tarrant, anyone in between, anyone after, 100% black-flag kike bullshit because the kikes know how dickless you faggots are, and they know how there's a 0% chance that you fuckers will ever act upon your empty threats. There's only one language that matters, and it's not fucking english. It's the language that goes "Bang bang bang, brratatat, pop pop pop, etc." At least the niggers have the capacity to speak the lingua franca of the world, even if they're not intelligent enough to say anything meaningful.

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Mistake having internet as it will just bring in more degeneracy. Need to do a full reset.

Buy an Island, bring in tons of Aryan women and a handful of Aryan men (obviously more women than men) and set up a new Europa.

and a qt quiet gf :3

Donate to the first user with trips

Build a mansion and fuck bitches everyday.

Honestly, report it and do everything I can to give it back. That's too much money to show up for no reason and ((someone)) is gonna want that back. I don't wanna be suicided

I make enough on my own already. I'm good.

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Buy some adrenochrome.

I do love sucking dick.

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Deposit it into someone else's account with an anonymous note saying "pay it forward."

Full disclosure: 99% of wanting high speed internet is having access to my mmo that i play. I know, it is pathetic. But, i enjoy it.

If that account was owned by a nigger this would be a horrible loss

I would give $3636 to every american

Give $1488 to every white American.
(Must prove whiteness to me)

Move to Lafayette or New Orleans, make my own private school of only french speakers, and the dump the 50 million of the money into Cajun french preservation programs. Rest will go into savings.

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I would give every Dutch person 50000 dollar. I would have 342 billion left.

So I'd buy the elections for our right wing for the coming 500 years.
Invest billions into anti-aging research and against diseases related to aging. Maybe I'll team up with Google and Bill Gates with it.
Give a billion to friends and family.

Go to an extremely poor country, buy a shitload of land and run my own small dictatorship with 200 bitches breeding with me, and an army of 10,000 niggers with machine guns and armored vehicles.

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now you're thinking

I'd heal myself from the coof

Leave earth

Are you talking about hyperinflation? Is it coming?

Buy a bunch of land and open an animal shelter/sanctuary. Then buy a nice place a ferrari and fuck big titty bitches

I'm not, and it is.

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I'd also invest in things like replacing your blood with the blood of younger people. Prosthetics. DNA editing. And every possible thing that could possibly achieve some results when it comes to life extension.

I don't care if I die, but if you have that much money you shouldn't plan on dying either.

Buy a PS3 and one(1) game.

Panic because I'd assume hitmen are on the way, maybe buy a sandwich in the meantime.

two chicks at the same time

Save the US economy for 1 day

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I'm sure our King is willing to protect you with his personal army if you want to invest in the Netherlands with billions of dollars.

Pic related. It's King Willy.

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Send it my way and lets find out.
Most likely go full jew and buy up as much as I could with it, stock, bonds, property ect and then watch a crap ton of more money roll in all while I'm living on 100,000 acres somewhere in Montana, Idaho or Wyoming doing whatever the fuck I wanted to. I'd probably go the anti Bloomberg route too and just donate twice as much money to whoever he was backings opponents to try and bankrupt him all while shitposting on a mongolian underwater basket weaving forum.

>put a commie coofer into office

absolute degenerate

1) construct underground/ underwater lair

2) hire army of henchmen

3) be Bond villain

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fund boogaloo

In fact, you can even rent Dutch marines for your own boat if you wish.


Cram as much of it up my ass till I turn green


coof coof

I'd probably buy a decommissioned missile silo, turn it into the ultimate bunker. I'm not very creative.

Build a few battleships and then start taking over brown people islands. Genociding each little population until the Jews run me through on the high seas.

Based. You have the realer coof. IRL coof is fake and gay.

Buy a Gibson Les Paul and a Marshall JCM800, probably a new (used) car and a 15 rack of natty ice

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but then the niggers would just kill you and take your shit

If you figure that 2% of 1.2T is 24B I could literally spend a fortune every year and not lose any money if I was able get minimal returns. I'd be a king.