search empty hospitals and #filmyourhospital on 4plebs trend started on Yas Forums then spread to twitter Elmhurst, the hardest hit hospital in America, is the Sandy Hook of hospitals right now, even though other hospitals are empty, the crowds seems to show up only when the MSM cameras are set up pic realted,
Dr. Smith" is a self-proclaimed, Medical Simulation Specialist, Smith is involved in medical simulation, and was part of this paper, published May 2019: A Simulated Mass Casualty Incident Triage Exercise: SimWars "A mass casualty incident (MCI) is an event that overwhelms the local health care system shills are pushing the nytimes video of Dr. Smith video as proof, its really drill acting at Elmhurst
compilation of the Berlin empty hospitals video and a new video out of brookyn NY, "in reality as opposed to what the media is saying there is no lines largest hospital in Brooklyn NY, on Saturday March 28, 2020" so with no surge of total patient admissions across all hospitals in NY they have sent all the normal flu patients to the remaining hospitals to concentrate them thier in front of the MSM cameras at Elhmhurst, in a real pandemic all hospitals would be non empty across NY right now,
Elmhurst is the hardes hit, put empty of a non glowie shows up, if we can show that there strongest claim is false this casts doubt on any more warzone claims
there is no pandemic not in Italy, Spain, NY or anywhere, if the most hospitals are empty everywhere in NY, Italy and Spain etc, there is pandemic nowhere, you need to have more total sickness and death for a pandemic not just concentrating what patients already exist with flu etc., in a few Sandy Hook hospitals like Elmhurst, that happen to be set up with MSM camera crews, testing postive means nothing because it test postive for asymptomatic carriers, so they concentrate normal flu patients at these concentration hospitals to take the same amount of normal patients and make them crowded into less space to make up for the fact that there would be no surge at any hospital, if the other non corona hospitals were not artificially empty
info from showing no increase in total deaths has occurred in Europe showing the pandemic is fabricated by renaming normal deaths as corona deaths apparently
the World Health Organization (WHO) reacted to the change in their Friday situation report, noting: "Some previously reported 'clinically diagnosed' cases are thus expected to be discarded over the coming days as laboratory testing is conducted and some are found to be Covid-19-negative."
H1N1 had 565,000deaths/12months=47000 deaths per month lasted for one year.
coronahoax has 47000deaths/4months=11750deaths per month,
so why no school closings in 2009? because the internet is more censored after sandy hook and other mass casualty hoaxes, in 2009 they would have been exposed by the once vibrant truth community which had exposed 911.
"we'd like you to help plan the news for 1973" In Event201 in 2019, they planned the news for2020, the coronavirus scare. Recall that AIDS was a hoax, HIV antibodies dont mean your actually sick and the AIDS medicine is what gives you immune deficiency
nice infographic-saveed in this report, the Italian corona trick is revealed, they had a policy in Italy to basically attribute more normal deaths to corona than other countries, this is also revealed in that the total deaths haven't changed for the world or any country this year, has that info pic related
Sebastian Morgan
I'm surprised with the vibrancy of the truth movement on twitter, after posting empty hospital generals going back a couple weeks ago here on pol, (search 4plebs) our youtube vids barely got traction, then last saturday #filmyourhospital went wild, I hope people keep filming and resisisting,
now a word from our esteemed sponsor, Thomas Paine "we wouldn't need to surrender our rights if the pandemic was real, since we would see sick and dying everywhere and our fear of sickness would enforce a quarantine even as the pandemic first spreads, without needing to surrender our natural rights, only a fake pandemic requires surrender of our rights
no philospher of ancient greece (Plato, Socrates etc.) which lived though the Athenian Plague, ever wished to suspend natural law, or the basic freedoms of its citizens over the threat of the ancient plague, If there really was a pandemic you wouldn't need the lockdown, since people would see sick and dying everywhere, and voluntarily not leave thier house, no violation of rights is necessary for keeping one from jumping from great hieghts etc. because it is real it enforces itself, so there need be no law banning our movements during pandemics since real pandemic enforce thier own laws by the power of thier deadly nature
The only pandemic that needs suspending of liberties is a fake pandemic, these are pandemics of testing positive as asymptomatic carriers, which is no power of nature
therefore thier lockdown defies natural law and common sense, is not useful for any situation forseeable, and is a form of economic war on our country, the emperor has no clothes: the shelves are full of products, the hospitals are empty, so stop treating my people like a virus
we have so many people watching hospitals like hawks, they want to use smartphones to control us like in China, but are culture is one of freedom so we turn the technology around on them in this video from Dublin a lady exposes that corona testing tents are little more than empty movie sets once the media is gone, yet we are arrested in our houses
nurses have nothing to do these days many are getting laid off during the pandemic, since there is no increase in sickness or death according to CDC stats, and since they sent home all the surgery patients, there is nothing to do but make music videos with nurses in empty hospitals, while you restaurant or bar goes out of business, it if can't fill a hospital it aint no pandemic
Bentley Baker
super trips, just wait till they do this next year with the flu since it changes every year
I found this video interesting, they ask to get tested, get denied, and find many empty hospitals and tents in LA, so they only test sick people to try and increase the statisitcal death rate for the fraud, pic related
this is beyond conspiracy theory its corruption analysis
Kevin Wood
Jaxson Rivera
hey "Dr Smith" you fluorescent, phosphorescent 2photon absorption stimulated emission transition glowing mass casualty simualtion specialist lying sack of shit THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH ELMHURST HOSPITAL
David Green
I think it's a massive covert operation for rounding up the global pedophile cabal, and all the body bags we see are victims dead not from corona, but torture chambers and tunnels beneath the city. Trump said it's going to be very very painful the next couple of weeks with 200k max deaths, ie. 200k indictments and probably lots of executions. The pain will be the public learning of all the tortured and cannabalized people, and normies crying about their faggot celebrities being involved.
Carter King
lets hope, there is a story about jewish ritual murderár_affair the jews were accused of killing a christian girl, then a jewish girl washed up dead on the shore of the nearby river wearing the murdered christian girl's clothes,
Tyler Brown
Good video user. Part of me wants to rationalize it and believe that they are only keeping sick people at the hospital and sending others home. But if so many are sick, why aren't hospitals overloaded?
Something seems fishy for sure.
Kayden Lopez
also by denying people of thier surgeries for cancer etc, many will die this year while nurses dance in empy hospitals, if they have a cold they will test positive for corona and get toe tagged as a corona death
Adrian Perry
the cognitive dissonance of corona believers during a pandemic of empty hospitals is a sight to see
if we had shown them busy emergency rooms, busy halls etc, they would have said its proof of the pandemic, this empty thing has to bug them
Wyatt Sanchez
but the empty hospital aspect makes total sense considering the CDC, WHO and are not reporting mass increases in the total death stats, so mathematically the hospitals cant be full since corona hasn't increase death or sickness totals,
this business about the corona tests only testing for generic corona (all common cold strains including covid19) and not the specific covid19 strain alone, is something to look into, i had previously though they had a specific strain test for just covid19 that excluded all other corona strains but will have to look again
with so many empty hospitals, why build more empty field hospitals, its all for show, the extra hospitals built in china were never used except for photo ops (OP pic related)
William Sanchez
this video is hard to watch but a dutchman called hospitals all over the netherlands and got lots of conflicting information
Isnt that the same massmedia that told you for weeks and months "its just the flu"?
Asking for a friend...
right now the deathrate for the US is, you cannot divide the total number of of confirmed cases with those who died. You can only relate the numbers of death's and recoveries for confirmed cases. People who didnt die nor recover yet, will either die or recover in the future.
there is 5116 deaths to 8556 recoveries in the confirmed cases for the US 5116+8556 is the total number of cases that either died or recovered or 13672 cases, that are past the coronavirus.
The deathrate for the US in the group of confirmed cases that have come to a finish is 36.7% so far.
for china, if you trust their numbers, it is 4.2% for italy it is 43.85% Germany: 4.74% Switzerland 14.12% Spain 20.3% south korea 2.82% iran 16.4%
However a good advice is to take it serious and yet at the same time be sceptical
because most corona patients dont need ICU beds. The risk is also not the deathrate itself. that's not the problem. every hospital and country is prepared for the normal flu. so if the chinavirus was just the flu and treated equally and affect people equally, there wouldnt have been a shortage on ICUs in Wuhan, Hubei and in Italy. The problem seems to be that too many people need an ICU bed in a small timeframe. ICU beds are rare, in every country. So you run low on ICU beds, cannot treat everyone who needs it anymore and then the death's spike.
So to say: they don't die on the virus, but on the lack of medical supply. That lack of medical supply is the risk at hand, not the deathrate of the virus itself.
besides you can go also the other direction and think that governments cover up the true deathrate. going forth and back like this doesnt lead anywhere.
So treat it like: The Virus is real and some evil satanic people try to use the moment and do evil things in the shadow of these events. As usual, some always try to take advantage.
also the fake collapse videos from China were obvious acting, also the was no significant increase in death in China this year, just differently attributed, no increase in total death does not a pandemic make
Gabriel Phillips
at least people now know the hospitals are empty, that way we can talk about reality, it forces corona/MSM believers to rationalize an empty hospital as proof of pandemic, we have them on the backfoot, if we had shown believers crowded hospitals they would have been convinced it was proof of pandemic
Colton Gray
My brother is a nurse and he was recently laid off
I checked the link. Interesting that film/show is so old.
How about... Do you know how old The Trumanshow is, The Matrix, They Live. How about that they want us to be and get and have this mindest. How about that this is already all part and planned, as predictive programming, supposedly. 1984, Brave New World. And even hunger games or I forgot the name of the film. However ti was black and white, everyone was jailed in a sterile society everyone was drugged and only that chosen guy acquired the ability to see colour and some other things. At the end he ran away, to the outer world and somehow the deception for everyone had just ended, once he's gotten through a barrier.
Yes indeed, why is there so many such things in mainsteam media. It's always about a world under deception and trance, that one must break out of.
How about they want to lead to such a point and by going there you only do as you are supposed. They give you one option to the left, one to the right and squeeze you inbetween and the prepgrogrammed cattle follows their whistle.
Benjamin Jenkins
its getting bad, maybe they will start to look into if this is a fraud. the hospitals were not used at Sandy Hook either, the children were left to die on the floor of the school, violating mass casualty procedures for the state of Connecticut, this lead to a GLP thread called "medical type says Sandy Hook is total bullshit",
John Taylor
The corona believers who hide in thier houses while the chad's and stacys party outside and film hospitals exposing the hoax, are like the people who leave plato's cave and run in the sunshine of truth, the people left in the cave to watch the shadows(read corona believers mostly leftists) laugh at those who leave the cave, saying the light will hurt my eyes(read I will catch corona!), they prefer to watch the shadows on the wall, controlled by some jews who move figurenes behind them(greeks hated jews)
Send camera crew to an ER on a FRIDAY NIGHT, when it always is busy. Get some file footage, then claim the hospital is that way 24/7. HIPAA regs prevent them from interviewing people so you just have to take the media at their word that the folks there are "coronavirus" patients (actually drunks, mexicans with broken legs, niggers with the flu, and homeless people who huffed too much rustoleum)
Kevin King
The number of deaths/confirmed cases is or is not equal to the number of deaths/ estimated cases?
If you answered equal to, your are an NPC or shill pushing the coronahoax, if you said not equal to, then you can see the death rate for the influenza is higher! pic related
remember how the FBI to this day never counted the deaths at Sandy Hook? They don't fake the number of deaths for disease either, they fake what they attribute the death too, so an asymptomatic carrier that test positive for covid-19 will still be attributed to the meme disease(covid-19/swine flu etc) of the moment even if they died of the flu at 80. However the total deaths from disease worldwide, in the US etc, won't change due to the covid-19 hoax.
During the AIDS hoax in Africa, the total deaths from disease did not increase after AIDS, they just attributed asymptomatic deaths who tested positive as AIDS(meme disease) deaths even when they died of other diseases like malaria etc.
Pandemic Hoax In Sport: (Test Positive And Feel Better The Same Day
Gavin Collins
South Korea tested some 400k people according to NPR, they change the stats based on who they test and what test they use maybe south korea tested non sick people, and used a test the yields more negatives like china now does , the CDC says the symptoms range from none to a cold, to a flu/pnuemonia, so the science is non-paradigmatic and quite soft compared to an established paradigm like classical mechanics
Christopher Hughes
And yet there is no big harm in taking it serious and still being sceptical. You can do both without contradiction.
also it was the globalist massmedia first, talking things down. "its just a flu" and what not.
Carson Murphy
People are allowed to film hospitals.
The general public and the media are not covered entities.
This is it. We're all dying, aren't we? If this man, who had no underlying conditions whatsoever and was 52 years old, died from Coronavirus, then it's going to slowly kill us all, isn't it? I'm disgusted that I didn't even get a chance to live before I died. I'm depressed that I'm staring death in the face, any day now. This disease, before it even hits me, is causing me great pain. It's so horrible how much power it really has.
The world is ending. This is the end. And I can't handle it.
also the professionally edited memes with pepe in the gas mask pumped heavily, plus the crisis acting collapse videos from China made me immeadiately recognize a hoax was a foot,