
>Population: 1,400,000,000
>Distance to China: 1,995 miles
>COVID-19 Cases: 1,998
United States:
>Population: 300,000,000
>Distance to China: 7,250 miles
>COVID-19 Cases: 213,300

How is this possible, other than it being an intentionally released lab-virus.

Attached: india.png (800x600, 460.21K)

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do u really believe the poovernment?

Ive always thought since this shit kicked off that India would be a real interesting country to follow during the pandemic. So far havent heard much news about the spread there and one would think it would be biblical proportions of infected.

If current numbers are to be believed i think Australia has more right now. Figure that one out.

They probably haven't even began serious testing.. when they do, that number will make America's numbers look like a joke..

Obiously is the lack of testing

All the street shitting strengthens the immune system.

Malaria drugs. Indian people must take malaria drugs constantly. Not only that, visitors must start taking them x amount of time before arrival. No mystery. It's in the SARS papers from 03. Most of the shit you see as novel with covid was already covered in 03. Study after study.

Come on even a retard can see that Apooh and Rajesh are not testing or reporting that shit. It's that old saying, you are not sick until you go to the doctor.

accurate testing and reporting you dumb faggot

Number of cases is more a function of number of tested at this point. Huge numbers of Indians don't even exist on paper.

Why the fuck would a chink want to travel to poo land?

American troops released the virus during Wuhan games, then they spread it unintentionally around USA
the CDC to cover this, released hard guidelines to avoid showing the problem and so on...

the weather could several those numbers?

India and China share a border. What do you mean by distance to China? Major population centers?

>Why do third world literal shitholes with lackluster-to-nonexistent healthcare systems have less cases than first world nations?

Attached: 1531114771995.jpg (625x625, 36.25K)

India is already gone

People in india are already so sick at all times that the government can't distinguish between corona and healthy.

In india they just let people die if they get sick

They arent testing lol

Digitals demand recognition. Got any sauce?

Because the virus is fake

Because nobody would notice this shit if we didn't know it's name

The poo in the streets act like a barrier

Probably. my Own life time
1-10 years - Measles & Chickenpox
10 --20 years - Jaundice & Malaria
Maybe just better immunity

People die a lot in India, but if they were dying of corona chan the world would know about it.

When you look for something you're more likely to find it than when you're not looking for it


Wait, I have a weird blood defeciency that also makes me immune to milaria. Does that mean im immune to kung flu?

there are only 2 answers, either fecal coliforms are a natural enemy of corona or they just don't test.

Probably. Sell you blood for big bucks

>sickle cell nog detected

Have fun dying from AIDS

Those few cases are just false positives
No human to Pajeet transfer possible

Cause we're staying home you nigger lol

indians have encountered and adapted to every infection known to humans and mammals and many we don't know of

USA has better medicine tech and more money to do corvid tests. Poos just die of pneumonia and flu as usual.

I hypothesize;
1. a thick layer of shit protects them
2. the other viruses told the new one in town "fuck off we're full"
3. they're nonwhites therefore they're not being targeted.

disregard everything chinese

Large majority of people in india and most people traveling to india have to take malaria drugs which just so happens to be the treatment for covid19

Kek, underrated

India is totally fucked

>no action
>can't quarantine
>uber overcrowded

The whole place will explode in a day or two. This virus is very predictable.

I'm sure it will happen within 2 weeks

Local shop owner with family back in Bangladesh told me the governments there are not going to report anything significant, because risks of societal chaos are too high. India and Bangladesh have 10's of millions near homeless migrant workers who could get very unruly and harm the rich and infrastructure if full truth revealed.

China sent thousands upon thousands of infected super spreaders to the US for a month straight. this was the most obvious act of war imaginable, some still dont believe it.

>India and bangladesh are comparable
This is your brain on mutt education

You can hope and wish all you want but proper steps were taken to prevent spread of the disease early on, chink flu was first spread in India by bunch of shitaly tourists. Keep seething though, this flu will hopefully kill a lot of white and chink cockroaches kek

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>occams razor

you just got blown the fuck out

small brained faggot. unless the indian government can shit those tests out, there aint gonna be "serious testing"

>hi guise pajeet here xDDD

fuck off back to randia retard

Two reasons why:
First, the pajeets have a higher natural immune level from living in a literal shithole for their entire lives. Also the virus might not spread as easily in hotter environments.
Two, lack of testing. Can't have more detected cases than the amount of tests you do, and if India isn't testing or releasing the information from their tests, then there's not gonna be a lot of reported cases.

Years of swimming in cow and pajeet shit has made their immune system one of the greatest in the animal kingdom.

>so many whitoids seething ITT

lulz, it’s almost as if India and China took measures to contain the virus instead of letting it spread to thousands of people like retarded whites and their so-called “first world” system, which utterly failed

>in white first world, innocent kids are used as art pieces

such first world much wow

Attached: 6F200535-5DA9-4A6C-B14C-CC9724C32D42.png (869x893, 531.89K)

No mass migration or tourism of Chinese into India. Basically every country that has been hit hard (with the exception of Iran) is a hotspot for Chinese migration and tourism. China is literally a bioweapon and the world is its victim.

germ theory is bullshit, fool

Turns out shitting in the street builds immunity

nobody has access to real healthcare and everyone is already sick all the time
the virus is not really notable until it causes pneumonia
look at pneumonia deaths

Actual answer here. In third world countries this starts as a rich person disease, because they're the only ones who were traveling. As such, it begins very slowly until it spreads to the masses and takes off like we're seeing on Brazil

Two reasons:
1. Nobody is getting tested. I'm not sure if India even has a functioning healthcare system outside of few major cities.
2. India is so filthy and disease ridden that pooskins have managed to develop a strong immune system. A nothingburger discount flu like coronavirus wouldn't even put a dent on them. They literally live and wash themselves in shit.

A lot of the drugs that are used to effectively treat COVID-19 are made in India. They have been giving their doctors, nurses, and other health care providers these medications as a preventive for several weeks now. The United States has also tested more people than any other country.

>and China
21 million dead in China.

Shadow banking cartels released it.

>7,000 Chinese live in India.
>3.5 million Chinese live in the US
Figure it out retard

Because Indians naturally have a layer of dirt and shit that protect their bodies from the virus.

How do I glow post

The Indians do no testing. They are probably the most fucked of all.