(his NGO profile along with a video)
(a long boring essay about his "journey."
My god ecelbs are pathetic.
(his NGO profile along with a video)
(a long boring essay about his "journey."
My god ecelbs are pathetic.
Other urls found in this thread:
Making that Piccolini money
heimback was 100% a fed
>inb4 everyones a fed who leaves
no he was 100% a fed
What's hilarious is this NGO calls its de-radicalizers "shape-shifters," which sounds exactly like "cynical grifters."
It's pretty fucking funny actually, I was just wondering why he couldn't lose some fucking weight for what he supposedly believes in.
also not clicking that shit
people werent kidding when they said all, and i mean ALL of these "wignats" are agent provocateurs. dicky spencer. enoch. heimbech. ALL. the only legit wignat IMO is jared taylor, and of course guys like WL Pierce and GL Rockwell (rip x 2)
Isn't he a Jesuit academic who goes by a different name?
>It's pretty fucking funny
lol this is a literal quote from his essay:
>I’m not going to play victim by claiming somehow that because I was lonely, dealing with my parents’ divorce, and battling mental illness since my early teens that I was “preyed upon” by the movement.
He says he won't play victim but does exactly that.
He's made a great decision.
isn't he consulting with Mike Enoch and Striker to soon debate Destiny?
Such is the fate of everyone who threatens the NWO.
The Monolith hunts them down an offers two options: join them or be silenced forever.
Yes, his real name's Stephen Borthwick.
you are surprised? almost all of these retards who try to make a name for themselves are just shills trying to fleece others
fuck all e-celeb fags. most are either working to expose others or a glownigger
Inevitable really, political campaigning is all he knows how to do, but once you get kicked out of literal uniformed natsoc groups (more than one) the only direction you can go is left
What a retard
the WN ideology is correct, at least in a lot of ways. it's just that it attracts grandiose megalomaniacs like jewish narcissists who grift. they take on these leadership positions for power and attention so an individual's psychology is probably a big thing at play here. that doesnt mean the ideology is wrong or that there aren't good people who are true believers, for the lack of a better term. the us will become more and more like brazil or some shithole like that in the coming years. what more proof could one need that the 'nazi' ideology is correct? this is what the nazis predicted almost a hundred years ago.
>isn't he consulting with Mike Enoch and Striker to soon debate Destiny?
No, when I posted that 75 times I was lying.. I just wanted an excuse to bring his name up and make fun of him, since he's a fat, Mexican-looking neo-Nazi who fucked his mother in law in a trailer park.
Because everyone would assume I'm just lying again in this post, I had to say "really" in the original post and add links.
Borthwick's run is about done now. He's going to retire from the acting scene and write his book with Joan Donovan.
>joined a de-radicalization NGO
these things are bigger scams than the right wing radical shit
I think it’s a largely unrealized fact of human nature that people who seek power are a lot of times sociopathic megalomaniacs, probably more often than not. I like the idea of free market capitalism, but I’ve grown to believe it could never work due to this very fact.
>the natsoc to liberal pipeline
He was never a white nationalist but a confused christcuck. Fuck that faggot and anyone that followed him.
>literal who glownigger does glowniggery things
No surprise. He's been known as Matt Zogbot for years.
At least he proves you don't have to be white to be a white nationalist
Ugh, this is disgusting, but predictable. I've had long conversations with Matt before. He's a knowledgeable and theoretical National Socialist. He went to Europe and hung around various Nationalist groups and intended to create his own 'Golden Dawn' movement in the US. He knows his shit, so this 'naive' role he's claiming is an absolute lie. I get why he's doing it though. He was facing hard time, and the Jewish Supremacist and Glow in the Darks likely gave him an option; stay in prison for the rest of your life or play the cynical 'de-radicaliser'. After he was caught cucking his own father-in-law, he got utterly wrecked and abandoned by the 'movement'. His group fell apart and he was charged with various assaults. He was mocked and all doors got closed to him for his adultery. This is his 'out'. This is probably part of his plea-deal. He's playing a role. We all know this.
Don't assume he was fake from the start, and don't assume you probably wouldn't do the same. It's the cowards way out but we lack the proper infrastructure to support our own. You've seen how Yas Forums is, you've seen how quickly we tear down brave people who fought for us. Our cynical approach inevitably incentivises this cowardice. People that do self-sacrifice tend to rot in prison, alone, tortured and forgotten.
I'm fairly shocked Matt would do this. Most people would cave. I'm not telling you to agree with what he's done, or even sympathise with his cowardice, but take it as a lesson. Even our bravest will cave to the state. We are dissidents and they can crush you. We should be more supportive of people. He fucked himself over when he gave into sin and adultery, he alone did that.
His stint as a 'de-radicaliser' wont change anything. No one is changing their minds, he's now a joke. Frankly, the reason they do this is to humiliate the victims of state power and also to demoralise us:
>"Look at your soldier. Look how we can make him dance to our tune. You can see the strings can't you goy?"
do they have a fat camp? he needs a fat camp.
>fat, low IQ retard goes from one extreme to the next after it stops being profitable
Is anyone surprised? How fast people forget that this bloated j*w was preaching about the virtues of Israel before becoming a cartoon nazi LARPer.
Wait, are you telling me that a Nazi Orthodox Christian convert of a foreign diocese who committed adultery with his lieutenant's wife is a man of weak convictions? Whaaaaa?
Who saw this coming, a fat glow nigger turned out to be an actual glownigger all along who tricked a couple idiots into giving him money.
cringe and yikespilled
>haha they called me a commie so i left
>proceeds to make 100% communist arguments
>shape shifters
Sounds like jews to me
I don't think Hitler would be very proud of these shenanigans
Fucker got conned by Trump.
You don't simply stop being a white nationalist.
You're either an indo-Aryan Chad or a faggot WASP cuck for life.
Pic related.
lmao he's a literal faggot too. Look at those mannerisms.
what group was he associated with?
yup i agree
He's so fucking hot.
>Traditionalist Workers Party
meant to recall that
his own
Lmao not a bad career move, he can now get millions from shitlib NGOs. Does more damage to their wallets than his dumb rallies.
How do you become a former white nationalist, someone explain to me. You no longer think your people's ethnic group deserve a homeland? Is this a mutt thing, like he no longer thinks white in america deserve the nation?
Dude looks like a fat slob.
>white nationalist
So he was a jewish puppet then?
Pretty much every one of those cringe NSM wignats flips at some point.
dont care
Whose even left in the white nationalist movement? Everyone has either renounced the movement, gone to jail or addicted to drugs.
Look that was way too many paragraphs for someone that fucked his mom. Ecelebs are just ethots of another catagory.
STFU demoraliser. We know your game. We know you're humiliating Matt in order to demoralise the rest of us. Where's the White Nationalist movement? You're talking on it. We're stronger than ever, and you neo-liberal fucks are weaker than ever. The world is watching the total failure of Liberalism and we aren't gong back. 2019 was your peak year. You can throw traitors at us all you want but it doesn't change the fact that you're desperate.
Look at the -deraidcal- message 5 years ago compared to today. Now you're forced to humanise us. You're forced to address us. Now your system is collapsing and you're putting out weak messages that NO ONE is listening to. Our ethno nationalist movement is bigger than it has ever been. 12 years ago we were nothing, now we number in the millions. Young white men are rejecting your system.
You're desperate. Really fucking desperate. YOU WILL NOT REPLACE US.
Why is his forehead so small?
>April 1st, 2020
Nobody's reading that bullshit. Stay mad, bumboy
The nazbol dumpster fire continues.
I love being right about those fucking useless trailer trash fucks.
Wrong you piece of shit. Effortposts get the highest engagement, consistently. It is the short posts that no one reads. People assume effort posts re high quality. Who goes to the effort of long paragraphs unless they have something interesting to say? I will get consistent positive response while you get nothing.
Look at your disgusting pithy response. You're on an openly Nat Soc board, the most popular political forum in the world and you dare claim ethno-nationalist doesn't exist? You get BTFO and exposed and now you pretend you're not interested. So obvious, Moshe.
Your system is burning. Your vehicle of power is crumbling. You are blind. You were never prepared for a pandemic. You know the reaction to this will be nationalism and socialism. People are yearning for jackboots and autocracy. As scarcity rapidly grows, so too will primal instincts.
You Jews have been doing this sort of shit for 70+ years and yet the White Nationalist movement is still here and nationalism is more popular today than ever.
It's almost like your tactics don't actually work
Imagine being cucked by this fat, greasy fucker lmaoooo
He sounds gay. REALLY gay. Maybe thats why hes a fat slob, if he were in shape, other gays might want to fuck him and he wouldn't be able to resist.
>Giant wall of triggered text
Seems like I hit a nerve with the bumboy comment.
>moshe is mad he got exposed
>continues replying while claiming not to be bothered by this at all
Are you the same dipshit I caught the other day claiming he'd never been called a Jew before? I bet you are.
>Pivots to frogposting