Why do so many young men want to be girls?

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That guy could do better than her.

its easier to be fucked than to be the one doing the fucking

Because you can get by with essentially zero effort if you're an even moderately cute looking ((girl)).




Ahh shit I’m gonna die

Boys and men have been shamed into submission and many have been abandoned by their fathers, either physically or emotionally. Christ, who can blame any of them at this point? There is an active war on masculinity.

For some guys this is the only option left. If you can't beat em, join em. Only men can reclaim their power though... but the odds are stacked against them.

Because women have it easy in society and make more money.

extreme sexual fetish

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How fo we save white men from succumbing to these vile urges?

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>white trannies
only blacks and asians should be doing this

Social normalization of mental illness. In the old days, mentally ill people knew they were, because rational people told them they were. Now we say they are fine, and chop their dicks off to perpetuate the delusions

save them? they should be destroyed

It's a common fetish because being female is degrading and the shame the guy feels about being degraded turbo-charges the arousal in addition to being mistaken as confirmation he must really be "transgender."


endocrine disruptors in food and water supples, along with a cultural movement to delegitamise the masculine. that's it.

Whites love leftism and also transitioning into females.

To get fucked by MEN

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Fear of balding.

They think if they jack themselves up on estrogen they can escape their fate. But this is a fool's gambit, a real nightmare before christmas.


It's a combination of living a dependent lifestyle and sexual addiction. These people never grew up, so they just submit to somebody who did get their shit together. It works, because the modern woman is not feminine and the trannies know how to fulfill that role. There is also less of a desire to have children and no stigma against not having children.

Its not that many men. Even at its current peak in popularity trannies make up less than 1%.

Because they got glowed

who wouldn't want to live life on easy mode?

Jewish mindtricks

Modern society does not force men to be men, so usually only the uncommonly self-motivated men put themselves through the difficulties required to become a man. The rest choose refuge from manhood in various forms. Some completely forgo self-respect and dedicate their lives to consumption and escapism. Others identify a single narrow correlate of self respect and manhood: sexual validation. These people either dedicate themselves to the conquest of whores, or they try to become whores themselves, as trannies do.


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Because the world has basically taught them that men have no value.


Because life is much easier for girls

what is goin on here

being white=life on easy mode
being a white female is life on super easy mode

1. An addiction to dopamine and an increasing disability to produce it as a result of excessive (((porn))) and COOMING (et al).

2. A diet that consist of products produced by Big Food, which leads to a disfunctioning brain and body.

3. An enabling society that perpetuates the lie that this is normal and will lead to happiness.

pretty good analysis


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if you can transition like that you 100% should

fuck if I could transition like that, I'd do it in a heartbeat

'The Billionaires Behind the LGBT Movement' white equated from jew of course
>Jon Stryker is the grandson of Homer Stryker, an orthopedic surgeon who founded the Stryker Corporation. Based in Kalamazoo, Michigan, the Stryker Corporation sold $13.6 billion in surgical supplies and software in 2018. Jon, heir to the fortune, is gay. In 2000 he created the Arcus Foundation, a nonprofit serving the LGBT community, because of his own experience coming out as homosexual. Arcus has given more than $58.4 million to programs and organizations doing LGBT-related work between 2007 and 2010 alone, making it one of the largest LGBT funders in the world. Stryker gave more than $30 million to Arcus himself in that three-year period, through his stock in Stryker Medical Corporation.
>Out of the Bellagio meeting, Arcus created MAP, the LGBT Movement Advancement Project, to track the complex system of advocacy and funding that would promote gender identity/transgenderism in the culture. Simultaneously, the LGBTI Core Group was formed as an informal cross-regional group of United Nations member countries to represent LGBTI human rights issues to the U.N. Core Group members funded by Arcus include Outright Action International and Human Rights Commission. Core Group member countries include Albania, Australia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, El Salvador, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, Montenegro, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, the United Kingdom, the United States, Uruguay, and the European Union, as well as the Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights.

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What would you pick? Stay at home all day doing fuck all except make dinner or go to work under major stress?
I hate dick unless it is my own being sucked by my wife.
Women have it too fucking easy.

>implying you wouldn't mind a decent pair of tits to fondle while you coom

wh*toid sex

>Why do so many young men want to be girls?
For the same reason they want to be niggers
"Protected classes" get all the attention and benefits and lack of attention is literally destructive to you.

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So they believe, anyway.
It's easier for them, ironically, because they don't actually have female parts. Female parts are a bitch and a half. Female hormones are basically insanity. They do end up with that part so you get insane effeminate men.

Talk about a shit sandwich.

Because women live life on easy mode. Who doesnt want an easier life?

not only they failed to raised him as a boy but also making him become a coalburner

Asia and muslims are far more trans.


anime. find any facebook/twitter account of a mtf tranny and they will have anime girls all over it. the correlation cannot be understated.

he needs a bigger rack

You mean gay niggers??
Why would a MAN fuck a gay man??

>An addiction to dopamine

I'm beginning to think that dopamine is the enemy. It wants you to repeat patterns, not have new experiences.

Being a woman is life on easy mode.


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It's a new virus strain that gets ingrained into male DNA that makes them want to have XX genes.

I know it is cliché at this point but:

The Jews.
Cultural Marxism.

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I want to fuck Eli


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You're already infected, just wait for the symptoms to show.

Very serious case of coomer arm

Fuck it, I'd date them both.


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Dopamine is necessary for the pursuit of anything.

The real danger is a lack of a well-developed frontal lobe, or in other words, a strong sense of reality and consciousness.

Sloth is the real enemy because if you cannot conquer it, you end up like pic related

I takes one i guess.

Wait i thought soros was anti jew? Hes the one behind the whole pro choice/queer rights in latin america, a lobby pushed to sell hormones and abortions to governments. Please clear this up

Have all of your needs in life fulfilled in exchange for suckin some dick?
Can't see why that would appeal to anyone at all

>Intriguing observation thanks

Fuck me instead, I'm a tranny too, me love you long time!

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Is it dopamine that initiates the first action? All I know for sure is that it reinforces behaviors.

>Sloth is the real enemy

Depends on the root cause. Is someone energetic acting slovenly or is someone genuinely slothful?

I've spoken to a few trains, and this is mostly true. 7/8 of the ones I'd talked to said that anime AND pornography was a large influence on their decision. None of them could actually say why that was, but that it was.

Not all anime watchers are trains, but almost all trains watch anime

Fuck. I'm a trans rights activist now?

Theres no point in being a "man" anymore, I have more opportunity than I could dream of and my dating prospects are actually great now, I get to have a life and be happy instead of being blamed for the world's problems the pressure got to me and I'm doing what I can to survive this kike world we live in

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They want life on easy mode

case in point, tranny posts an anime picture. kek

Tell us more, any pics? Not pervin

This a fucking joke? Being a disposable workhorse for society vs an easy life of being cared for? Who the fuck would want to be a guy?