/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2834 - STATUS: LOCKDOWN

► Detected: 935,023 (+76,667) ► Died: 47,189 (+4,880) ► (Reset: -01:41:04)

— 4.2 billion people put under lockdown —
— 206 countries and territories infected —
— 2.5x more confirmed deaths than swine flu pandemic —
— 2,544 different strains have been sequenced —

Brazil confirms first indigenous COVID case in the Amazon

0.4% of all Bergamo died to COVID within a month, despite lockdowns

Under 1 year old in the US dies to coronavirus

China could have prevented 95% of deaths not silencing whistleblowers

There are now 8 major strains circling the globe

Virus invades nervous systems

70% of 600 contacts without symptoms test positive

Survives up to 9 days on different materials

Under 2 year old in Morocco dies of coronavirus

Israeli "recovered" case tests positive again

Infected in Sudan only discovered post-mortem

Infection could reach 60% of world population

China industrial capacity estimated to be at 50-60%

Germany "lost" 2,000 samples before testing them

Iran coronavirus burial pits visible from space


23:45: 259 new cases and 7 new deaths in the Czech Republic.
23:22: 136 new cases and 2 new deaths in Panama.
22:58: 818 new cases and 12 new deaths in Florida.
22:51: 4,125 new cases and 87 new deaths in Germany.
22:45: 91 new cases and 2 new deaths in Washington, District of Columbia.
22:38: 335 new cases and 20 new deaths in King County, Washington state.


► Previous: ► List 1: ► List 2:

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Other urls found in this thread:


wtb cute cat-themed face masks

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Pretty kitty.

Just got this wtf

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So I keep hearing people can get it and recover without ever showing symptoms, is there any truth to that?

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Find a cute girl before it's too late

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Daily reminder that diabetes puts you in a higher risk group than asthma and cancer
This is a nation ending event for mutts

Too late for what?


Twitter people already figured out where she lives

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Will this fuck up Trump's reelection? I would say yes.

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But most girls don't even have penises

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When corona makes you sterile

Has the drawfag from the other day finished this yet?

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Who else here has stupid baby boomers for parents that deserve Covid-19 for their bottomless complacency?

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The snowball is rolling boys

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>new cases still 10% the overall cases

only if she likes fire emblem

>it's too late
Already is.

Any good news yet? Any hope at all?

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My parents have decided to not go to the icu to be intubated if it becomes neccesary

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I think so. But they are only testing people that are on the verge of death, so who knows? Why not test a random 1000 people somewhere, just to see what is going on? I feel like this virus, as bad as it is, is only showing up as minor or no symptoms to a lot of people.

Right here

meow meow kitty meow


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we are going to hit a million tommorow arent we

the bin have some articles about that, they also show that after you recover you can still be infected with stronger effects or pneumonia


>Brazil confirms first indigenous COVID case in the Amazon
lol top kek, loin cloth coof confirmed, so rich

This is the death knell for nationalists. It is the war rallying cry for the multiracial, multicultural future they want. On the surface countries will pull together. Under the surface tensions will only tighten. It isn’t a perfect world they want. It is the perfectly controllably one they’re after.

the right decision, die at home and shit your bed like a real man


>Tell him it's not a matter of surviving, but how long you will last.

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Kek look at what is happening in Philippines. Third world shitholes are turbo fucked by this and nobody even cares outside their borders.

Imagine the smell of Argiebro's chair.

If the Bergamo figures are correct, it means almost everyone got it and we're about to find out the true death rate

I wouldn't care so much except I live with them. A real deal catch-22.

Updated death chart

Attached: April 1 Chart.png (1359x1295, 55.22K)

How so? It's a) mostly concentrated in NY and b) similarly bad in other countries so it's not like this can really be blamed on Trump when even European leaders are fucking this up.

Can't hear you over your pneumothorax, my friend.

Wish granted.

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it's probably a shift of people who live in the same house

Not gonna be an election

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Feds lift gain-of-function research pause, offer guidance

Lab-Made Coronavirus Triggers Debate


provide the life imprisonment
Francis Boyle
American human rights lawyer

nature.com/news/polopoly_fs/1.21487!/menu/main/topColumns/topLeftColumn/pdf/nature.2017.21487.pdf?origin=ppub level 4 Wuhan bio facility

banned.video/watch?id=5e852011339949007834bd9f Dr. Boyle: Covid-19 Exisitentially Dangerous Bioweapon That Leaked Out Of China

Plum Island Plum Island Animal Disease Center

Eugenics operation
National Security Study Memorandum
NSSM 200
Implications of Worldwide Population Growth
For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests
December 10, 1974

“In March, 1970, the U.S. Congress created The Commission on Population Growth and the American Future, which completed its work in March 1972. Its final report offered more than 70 recommendations. Collectively, they constituted a detailed blueprint for a superb national population policy.” Collectively,Collectively,Collectively,Collectively,Collectively,Collectively,Collectively,Collectively,Collectively,Collectively,Collectively,Collectively,{{{{Collectively,}}}}Collectively,}}}}}}Collectively,{{{{]Collectively,{{Collectively,{{{}]

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im recovered!

That's not what the Bergami figures are telling us.

Bill no!!

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imagine if Hillary Clinton were leadring this pandemic right now.

New spin to confront the film your hospital trend.

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>hasn't reported since Sunday
>claims to be too overwhelmed to report
Lmao, are you fucking kidding me?

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ecuador is so dead. /cvg/ getting the redpill live

>a thousand dead Americans
Today is a great day, here’s to a hundred more!

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So how thicc is the 1M+ Corona-chan going to be?

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Witness the power of SHUT IT DOWN

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They are predicting 200k deaths minimum, shit's fucked.

1M this weekend?

She needs questions, Yas Forums

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Over 4% of the total population dead is very impressive already

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have fun living with damaged lungs, balls if your a man, kidneys, brain damage, and reinfection in a bit

what the fuck did they do?
The same as iran? give steroids to everyone and that killed them all?

All the liberal faggots in Seattle refuse to admit that their liberal government is a complete failure.


My old man is silent generation and he's been in his shed studying his Lyman and reloading since early feb

So close to 5k deaths, i don't think we'll reach it before the reset though

I'm expecting over 1m in the US alone and many dozen more around the world.

Can you catch coronavirus from farts

F for the parents

Someone should egg her house

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how much is bill mitchel seething right now?

she would invite XI over to ram her up the ass, takehome $500 billion sell the US to china and retire getting fucked by niggers and torturing kids in the soloman islands

>”hur dur flyover fags don’t deserve representation”
>”noooo help us please all you farmers, military, and freight drivers save uuuuussss”

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can someone modify this picture to show our beloved Corona-chan?

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We'd be better off

Some Corona-chans.

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huebro... i need my dump...

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im getting drunk rn

>Third world shitholes are turbo fucked by this
See Ecuador

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Someone needs to redpill me how the Bogs fit into this pandemic

crappy health system, people not knowing to self isolate, people not knowledgeable on corona-chan = genocide

727 pasta deaths, happening cancelled frens

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Something will probably happen, the price gougers were getting lots of hate and death threats before they got arrested and their stuff confiscated

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Don't forget the part where you reanimate after dying and start craving fresh flesh!

careful, youll have to restock soon

>Kek look at what is happening in Philippines
sauce? saw a vid of people being put in cages.

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Soon as that smiley goes you're vuln again

>We'd be better off
would she have paid off the ransom for the chinks to not release it ???

You'd be fucked even more.

>tfw so many urbanites die the balance of power is balanced again

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post discord owo

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im sitting on a month of burbon

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Enjoy your thousand deaths a day burgermutt

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No way people are voting for Biden. No fucking way.

strikes again lmao.

who? and who cares,,
but you cold ask some shit like ''im tranny, i heard corona makes men borderline sterile, but does it make my vagina sterile''

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Am I infected?

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Yeah most people probably don't even notice or have like minor fatigue and shit.

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retarded nigger

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How post world numbers go?
Where be them numbers

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Listen faggots
>flu kills 250,000 a year
>Measles kills 500,000 a year
>hepatitis b kills 800,000 a year
>hiv/aids kills a million a year
>noro virus kills 50,000 a year
>ebola kills 10,000 a year
>car crashes kill two million a year
>murder and war kills 5 million a year
>coconuts kill 100,000 a year
>falling down that stairs kills 40,000 a year
>DIY accidents kill 15000 a year
>Niggers murder 600,000 a year
>botched transsexual surgeries kill 500 a year
>food poisoning kills 6 million a year
>erectile dysfunction kills 20,000 a year
>lightning strikes kill 500 a year (double if it strikes twice)
>Medical malpractice in the US claims 250k lives a year alone
>diarrhea kills 1.8 million A YEAR
Total nothing burger


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I think so user.

Coronachan laughs at your attempts at curve flattening.

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If people die, they die. Big deal

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good to see argie bro is still safe

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Amazing scene misinterpreted by a fucking Leaf no surprise.


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Wait coconuts kill that many people ? No bullshit ?


What people don't understand is the US is 50 States... as in 50 independent countries in a union.
These comparisons are garbage.
You have to compare Europe to the US.

...to stash in ur bunker?

It looms like it might

They switched to a new website style with maps and graphics. The designer apparently sucked and the website shit the bed. They’re emailing current stats to hospitals and healthcare orgs. That data seems to indicate peak has past and a downturn in what ERs/ICUs are seeing

mmmm...Corona-chan's feet...

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>first indigenous COVID case in the Amazon
how long until vampire bats with corona

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im obsessed with you for a while now TwT

do u put the benis in the little black thing ?

Meanwhile our economies are going to hell

Missouri 1,581 +254 18 +4

Immune...? Heh.
Jesus. I didn’t ask for this.

Predictions for India?

because the main reason for the commie rioters is muh human rights and literality if a cop touches a simple hair, human rights come to denounce them.

so usually the rightist march are for supporting the carabineros, anti-communism, anti-UN, pro-Pinochet and pro-Spaniard heritage.

also many of them aren't boomers but Millenials.


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Could be 1 mil over 12-24 months. Hopefully it doesn't peak that high

India and Africa are totally fucked

>Fag (you)s fag
>asks for discord link
About right

Surely this thing has multiple strains right? Reinfection could be a mutated variant from abroad. If thats the case though, wouldn't we forever be in limbo because it mutates and mutates and we never develop immunity to it? It will keep going in waves and every time it hits you, it hits worse?
Am I just overthinking it or are we actually looking at a potential civil collapse here?

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>muh economy
lol this guy


gonna need a quick run down *coof coof*

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Imagine being this retarded

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BTC and ETH predictions ???

So the walking dead theory could be true we could all have it and weakens our immune system over time

the hardest of copes


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3rd world infrastructure, healthcare and retarded boomer government out of touch with reality

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Yeah totally irrelevant lol
Kys retard

hopefully all those faggots that took out loans to build apartments for tourism go under so i can buy their shit for pennies


Dob in your fellow citizens for breaching the lockdown. Im glad that Yas Forums users haven't been abusing this with troll reports.

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>5k deaths 120k pop

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Time to... squash this bug.

Too be perfectly fair, I always thought the former was retarded.

Done. Sorry for the clutter.

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Post yours and I'll add you I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

If he's obsessed with me as he claims he should already have it from the one time I posted it

He needs to step up his game

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and couple of wars in middle east

will rise or fall as people are unsure what to do, after this blows over it will rise significantly

>balls if your a man
Or if you're a woman, bigot

Probably not, since Biden is basically a walking corpse anyway.

>No Evidence of Rapid Antiviral Clearance or Clinical Benefit with the Combination of Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin in Patients with Severe COVID-19 Infection


I'm expecting 25% of the total population by Spring 21.

a god among the living, thanks huebro

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Lets just say we need a vaccine that somehow magically blocks the common attack vector of all known strains...

Corona High Cougars class of 2020! Spring break!

I am fucking trilled for the million mark

cant fuckin wait

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how's israel doing? havent heard too much about it except the government keeping track of people with gps

>“I don’t think there is a doomsday for the state of Missouri or the United States over COVID-19,” Parson told the Kansas City Star. “It’s something we have to be concerned with. But to try to put that into a fear category is wrong. This is like viruses we’ve dealt with before.

>“It’s going to take us some time to be able to treat that virus and come up with a vaccine at some point,” Parson said. “But if people will follow simple instructions, they can sure slow the process down of COVID-19.”

in other words, if we get corona, we get corona.

REMINDER chink genes are basically one drop NIGGER genes

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Post MOAR highly infectious FEET

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How many of the tests specifically test for covid-19 and not just coronaviruses?

What are the chances of this actually being achieved though?

>someone calls up saying Jacinda is breaking lockdown

jew going to be mass cremated once again

This is why sweden isn't in lockdown, they need to keep the wefale going otherwise they will have a million angry dindus on their hands.

They revised their prediction from 82K to 94K in like 2 days. It just keeps going up. All these models are based on Chinese data.

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Correct, although mocking.

Trump isn’t a dictator nor emperor.the constitution gives more power to the states than federal government. States rights, maybe you ant to read the constitution before you mock.

it's simple. Sminem must die.

It's 1 million population user.

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>tfw you really want to reply to someone because they asked a legitimately good question but also don't want to get infected with the 4chin coof

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probably all of them

Anyone got the links for the mega corona-chan folders?

If anything, this is an argument for strong borders.

Nice. Don't let them take over like in Ecuador.

says the beaner that lives in a country about to get buttfucked harder than any other by this.

Between Jack and shit and jack left town

No you.

Do we all collectively scream out loud when we reach a million?

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9998 to go.....

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>florida not letting cruise passengers off

fucking corona ships.

who made the "deaths per day worldwide" chart?

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hit your head against a reinforced glass window hard as you can

Have we beat diarrhea yet?

Why aren't you screaming already?

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> 935,189


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has everyone already accepted their fates?

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What's with the green?

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Nice lemur

Quad damage!

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alright, then get all your books, wikipedia and websites and convert them to give gdp and other measures by state, so we can freely call 80% of them third worlders, will you?

Also in the constitution, treaties and foreign trade are determined by the federal government for all states to follow, so, yeah, GDP is an entire country thing

Go back to sleep

When do you lads estimate shit will return to the way it was prior to this outbreak, with no looming threat of a highly contagious virus wreaking havoc on the population in waves as it mutates?

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I'm not infected, bitches.

>Bogdanoffs pioneered the engineering of the virus (BOGVID-19) and transported it to the Wuhan Biolab, which they also funded (codename BOGHOUSE)
>Bogdanoffs gave Xi secret orders to carry out the Wuhan quarantine, explicitly requesting the police to weld citizens into their homes and to let body bags pile in the streets
>Bogdanoffs engineered IR biochip technology, sold the patent to Bill Gates for $5 trillion
>lent this money to the banks to pahmp the stock market
>Bogdanoffs are operating a global mask profiteering/scalping ring
>first corona vaccine will be administered by Bogdanoff-patented nanobots. the drug will be administered overtime directly into the blood-brain barrier by these Bogdabots
>Bill Mitchell is a chimera of human and Bog DNA, appointed as the head of BogCorp’s propaganda wing


'We basically need < insert oversimplified solution >'

godspeed corona-chan

Theres never been a vaccine for SARS made before. So who knows if its even possible considering this is SARS 2.0 made by china. Might just have to hope it mutates into something less virulant and deadly before everyone is dead

i swear to god if i don't get trumpbuxx after all this shit i'm gonna snap. i wanna get hammered and fuck some primo silicon before I die


we are destined togheter

I'm already expecting it to take a year or more before we even begin to return to normal