Am I missing something here?

1) The average flu kills around 650,000 people world wide, per year.

2) In particularly bad flu seasons, 160,000 Americans alone can die from the flu, in one season.

3) "Corona virus" is not new. About 15% of all flus are of the corona virus strain

4) Covid-19 was officially documented on December 1st, 2019, and cases are thought to have begun around early-mid November. This means the world has been with the virus for 4-5 months already.

5) Half of Japan's tourism comes from China, and Wuhan is a central travel point of connection around China as well as out of China. If the virus emerged in November, it must have reached Tokyo, the densest city in the world, very quickly. Japan only has 56 deaths in 4 months, and at least one of those months Japan didn't even know the virus existed, and they still have not enacted quarantines or shut downs in Tokyo.

6) Seoul was hit a bit harder than Tokyo, but nowhere nearly as bad as Italy or anywhere else.

7) The average age of death in Italy is 78. Over 50% of those deaths were in patients who had three other co-morbidity factors such as cancer, lung disease, diabetes, on dialysis, etc. 30% had two co-morbidity factors.

8) If you happen to have corona virus, or the "flu" when you die, your death is attributed to corona virus and the death counters increase.

If we had a death counter every year for the flu, we would see the death toll hit between 550,000-750,000 deaths EACH YEAR.

And yet, Corona virus has only killed 45,000 in 4-5 months, and we've shut down the world economy for it. Even if the governments realize they made terrible mistakes in destroying the livelihoods of hundreds of millions they will NEVER admit it and will attribute to the nothing burger result of a nothing burger to their swift action.


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Other urls found in this thread:—-influenza-deaths-request-correction-rfc

built for BBC


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You're missing a healthy mindset, where you doubt anything and everything official in a system that's hell bent on lying to you over and over again.

What is this whore's bra size?

>t. Chang

Attached: 6488DE43-731B-41CC-8765-F88631226915.jpg (284x178, 12.55K)

Benis Benis Cock

it is called a hyperbolic growth chart.

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They don’t all get sick at once, flooding the hospitals and overrunning the system. We have a vaccine for some strains of the flu. Stop being a fucking retard.

very well put, user
this is a perfect read on the situation

Stop making so much sense, (((they’re))) listening

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Ur pasta is weak

>In particularly bad flu seasons, 160,000 Americans alone can die from the flu, in one season.
lol no
The average is like 12,000 people dead you kike.

because it's killing extra people

>3) "Corona virus" is not new. About 15% of all flus are of the corona virus strain

That's not even true, Chang

The flu kills less than 6000 a year. They add general pneumonia deaths to the total. Pneumonia just means a lung infection and can be caused by bacteria, fungus, or other viruses.

Look for yourself:

It's bullshit that 60,000 are dying from the flu alone.

Here is an open letter from a pediatrician to the US Dept of Health and Human Service bitching about this.—-influenza-deaths-request-correction-rfc

Coronavirus has killed 4,000 Americans in a single month, something influenza takes all season to do. Think about that.

oh look another flu thread where user things he knows something nobody else knows and doesn't understand how virus' work.

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Such an obvious shill

You're both wrong

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The deaths from the flu occur at the same rate year round due to vaccines and it also dips during summers. You won't get much higher than 800-1500/day whereas the coronavirus death rate increases exponentially so likely by the end of April the death rate will be around 15,000-20,000/day.


The CDC lies because the doctors want people to take vaccines. They see the flu as a completely preventable problem, so are willing to bs people to prevent a small amount of deaths. But now they can't backtrack the numbers and the sheeple are ignoring the CDC warnings about this virus thinking it's no worse than a regular flu. The fools.

It's a rather ridiculous catch-22 the CDC has gotten itself into.

Even the most normie of normies realize something is fucky about this global quarantine. None of what has happened makes any sense.

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K faggot. Look for yourself.

Agreed. Got normies calling me all day and night trying to figure out what's really going on. Fuck if I know.

>Fuck if I know.
lurk more

>US data on influenza deaths are false and misleading. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) acknowledges a difference between flu death and flu associated death yet uses the terms interchangeably. Additionally, there are significant statistical incompatibilities between official estimates and national vital statistics data. Compounding these problems is a marketing of fear—a CDC communications strategy in which medical experts "predict dire outcomes" during flu seasons.


nigger posting.
go back.

You cant believe the actual numbers governments give you. Theyre all lying to reduce panic but maybe dirty counties with people that physically interact with each other are getting hit the hardest?
Japan is very clean and Korea is fairly clean too. Contrary to what people here believe, Japanese people actually have very good immune systems due to healthy diets. They dont physically touch each other much. Americans eat garbage and Italians are filthy people that hug and kiss each other at any chance they can get.

Most normies are still obsessed with the flattening the curve bs because they think it will be over in 2 weeks if they do that. Plus people don't realize the plan is not to stop it but to actually infect 60+% of the population.
If they realized the plan was to infect everyone and that just letting it rip through the world would end this thing in 2-3 weeks probably most would vote to sacrifice the boomers.

Um I mean the Joos. I tell them the problem is the Joos.

>CDC uses a mathematical model to estimate the numbers of influenza illnesses, medical visits, hospitalizations, and deaths in the United States, (1-4) as well as, the impact of influenza vaccination on these numbers. The methods used to calculate the burden of influenza have been described previously (1-2). More recently, the same model was adopted to estimate influenza-associated deaths in the United States. This methodology has been used to retroactively calculate influenza burden, including deaths, going back to 2010.

Right, it's not the actual statistics people are parroting and they add all of the pneumonia deaths together with the flu. Which is silly. It's just like how the CDC told everyone not to wear a mask. It's so ridiculous.

You're a god damn retard. Not even Spanish flu, a pandemic that actually had a mortality rate above 1%, killed that many in a day. Stupid people like you are why we're going to be under lockdown all summer, even when the MSM is trying to inflate the numbers to justify it.

Just want to butcher some chinks to feed to my dogs when the going gets tough. Why is that too much to ask?

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>that actually had a mortality rate above 1%

Is 4.7% more than 1%

It's already killing over 5000/day and increasing....

The fact that you have to post tits to get a view and a (You) on your shitty nothingburger slide thread tells anyone with a >60IQ exactly what they already know.

>3) "Corona virus" is not new. About 15% of all flus are of the corona virus strain
This particular one is new. There are around 7 known coronaviruses. Coronavirus is not influenza.


Virus train in the spirit room too...waiting for ultra instinct corona to get some rly good digits

They had do do this before the Census to make fudging the numbers less obvious

This is why rape exists, worth it

600 million Americans dead by the end of the day.

Just use your 20iq brain ans you'll probably figure out one day why this is alot more dangerous than the flu

>doesnt have even the most basic grasp on time (comparing a SEASON and YEARS to mere weeks were deaths spike), basic virus knowledge on mutation or how the healthcare system is dealing with influx of patients in a spike
based and burgerpulled

>8) If you happen to have corona virus, or the "flu" when you die, your death is attributed to corona virus and the death counters increase.

Where did you muster that up?

Coronaviruses are responsible for the common cold

Coffee isnt bad for you in moderation put it that way

No, nonce, it's called parabolic. Hyperbolic is something altogether different.

I want to fuck her chest butt

It is.

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Literally nothingburger

Fuck up nigger

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Flu kills elderly. This shit kills all.

Not really... It kills the elderly, people with asthma, and the obese. Basically the same as the flu plus a few extra groups.

Right now the elderly population is bigger than it ever was and ever will be in the future. The moment this highly transmissible flu (3 times as transmissible as any previous flu in history) hits the old folks homes and older communities millions could easily die. Millions that might never have gotten any flu under normal circumstances because of normal hygenic practices within those communities that are already in place. TLDR: No politician, leader or doctor wants to be responsible for killing off an entire generation of people. Also, so many dead (no matter the age) would put the stock market world wide into a complete panic causing it to crash for the next 20 years while the younger generations all fight through the courts over who should be inheriting grandma and grandpa's house/wealth.


Tits are way to big. There's a point where it's just too much and this is it.

basically half of americans bruh