
Trump-dono is no longer taking shit from the fentanol-pushing drug cartels that is the entire continent of South America. Strap in boys, this shit is going to get BUMPY. TIRED OF WINNING.

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>the entire world will fight itself because Venezuela is about to kiss our penis due to their retarded socialism + corona making oil worthless


has been said on Yas Forums about a billion times so far, and 0 out of a billion times they have been proven correct.

Please kill yourself. Naval forces are always mobilized either on patrol or doing drills you dumb cunt. Blowing up some cartel members isn't going to cause a global war. Seriously, what the fuck are you even thinking?


Trump is retard. Who gives a shit about the war on drugs at a time like this?


I have doubts it will cause WW3. What would start it is if we declare war on China for causing this global pandemic to spread. It's far more serious than the swine flu, the bird flu and the other plagues from the past combined. Nearly 1M infected with it. 50K+ deaths. It's pretty serious enough to want sanctions on China, stricter travel and trade. How do we know that the supply chains isn't forcefully contaminated/sabotaged from their coofing?


This is all 4D chess to depose Maduro, in which case Putin-chan will interfere.

Such shitty editing

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Socilism is a meme, we have been handed the bill of the wreckless spenidng an decisions of our partents.
Let Venezuela be a testament in the form of a smoldering crater of why socialism always fails.

It’s not about drugs.

Sounds like a desperate movement.

Kek its my first OC, be nice.

Oil. It's for oil.

>commie dumpster fire of a nation about to have some of its cartels disbanded

Just no you faggot

And sucks

Putin won't do shit because Russia's a dying nation with half the population of the US and no fucking future with 0 chance to climb ahead of the west. Not that I'd expect Yas Forums retards to actually understand anything about the world and geopolitics.

>mfw its mostly about Russia

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Your people can't even afford food anymore leaf.
All your opinions are automatically shit.

where are Qtards? How does Maduro fits with taking down the cabal.I wanna hear that mental gymnastic

You aren't a man

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WWIII is already well under way.

It's a verifiable fact that the South American leftist governments are in cahoots with the cartels, or are one and same really. Search for "Foro de São Paulo"

Globalists pushing nuclear war because they know the system will collapse soon.

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>where are Qtards?

qtards are mossad.

Lmao, imagine your masculinity being attacked by a leaf, whose country is basically a giant gaping asshole waiting to accept the BBC from all the shitskin countries of the world. Day of the rake when?

Why isn't there a coup in Colombia. Drug dealers of the world. Hmm.It's almost like this isn't about drugs

Venezuela will be used to secure oil reserves in the West while war is fought against Iran for the benefit of Israel. Don't be an idiot.

Because Colombia is an ally/puppet. Venezuelas only crime is not letting a CIA agent sit in parliament

>Venezuela will be used to secure oil reserves in the West while war is fought against Iran for the benefit of Israel. Don't be an idiot.

They will have to get past the Russian troops there. Nuclear war soon.

>Your people can't even afford food anymore leaf.
Where did this retarded meme originate from? And I'm sorry to disappoint your 20 year old virgin ass, but on an engineer's salary I can afford to eat just fine.

Hilarious that some faggot dutchman thinks his opinion means anything lmao

It's not about drugs. By attacking "the cartels", you're attacking SA commie parties, also China and Russia.

>imagine your masculinity being attacked by a leaf
No, it was by your own women, twink homo

Hospitals can't handle ODs. They're surrounded by SARS2

Can you just fuck over latin america. Like the good old days, when you installed dictators all over the place. In some gay dick waving contest with some soviet guys.

You aren't getting your war chabad kike.

>Our own women
>One flat-chested coal-burning roastie with a dyke haircut in a park
Okay boomer

Newfags believe anything they see shilled on here and there's one autist that constantly posts about Canada collapsing and canned soup costing $40


Why is it called "syracuse.com"? of all things?


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For 40$ I got 8.52L of pop.
2kg of perogis. Mushrooms. Sour cream 500gx2, 1kg steak. Shitty dip and bacon

That's one out of an entire collage you retard kek

Not happening

Half the population, but they graduate twice as many engineers. It's the other way around -- the US can't catch up to Russia. It's not smart enough.

its real guys, venezuela just flew over my house

And 4kg veggies

Under circumstances like this unemployed people turn to substances. The last thing we need to worry about is more drugs in this country.

This was the war on Venezuela that they had been planning for a long time.

But are their engineers any good?

Fuck all comes out of Venezuela the drugs come from Colombia - ask the CIA glowniggers! Are Pentagon fucking retards or do they think Burgers are?

opiate control is changing hands
hot war is bygone and terror warring without memory holing allies is asking for extermination
number anons should go back to accounting

>do they think Burgers are?
They know they are


>this faggy little naval exercise isn't going to cause a world war

Nothing that happens in South America makes the news here. We talk about East Asia more than South America. The only ones who know or care are assblasted communists, wannabe geopolitical analysts, and autists on Yas Forums.

Fuck Trump.

isn't venuzuela russia's bitch though? they will probably start flexing on us is shit gets hot down there.

It's about oil, Russia and Iran. Plus, many countries in South America getting sick of the refugee problem coming out of Venezuela. This is a really weird time to be dealing with it, though.

pretty much

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why would trump do this during the pandemic crisis in the USA?

A lot of smart Americans go into finance because engineers and research scientists don't make much. H1Bs work cheap.

Russia doesn't have anything on us, really. Right next door to them it might be a contest but they can't project serious power into our hemisphere like that.