Why does Trump hate illegals?
Why does Trump hate illegals?
Because he doesnt hate his country
The real question is why don’t you? Kys
>Why does Trump hate illegals?
He doesn't, and most patriots don't hate them either. We do want them put out of the country and sent home, but it's not personal -- it's just business.
because they are illegal
Skin too dark
They don't legally pay taxes so no, the Federal government should not support them.
Why should he love that scum?
OMG a spicy just flew over my house
Someone understands
But it's true no matter how they try to spin it.
Based Trump, fuck em. they already get too much, they get benefits pretty easlily just being here illegally, FUCK THEM! FUFUCK THEM! UCK THEM! FUCK THEM! FUFUCK THEM! FUCK THEM! FUCK THEM! CFUCK THEM! FUCK THEM! FUCK THEM! FUCK THEM! FUCK THEM! FUCK THEM! FUCK THEM! FUCK THEM! K THEM! FUCK THEM! FUCK THEM! CK THEM! FUCK THEM! FUCK THEM!
Go back to Mexico, you filthy spic
They should pick their check up right at their local deportation office
>head of household: Yes, I have toilet paper for all of us in my family. I have extras for the neighbors if they need some, and gave some food to the local homeless man as well. I put in overtime at work to pay for it all.
>some random cunt: Will you give any to the person who broke into your house last week?
>head of household: no wtf? Why would I do that what's wrong with you?
>some random cunt: WHY ARE YOU SO FULL OF HATE!!!
Because they stink, commit crimes, and syphon resources
They’re vermin
Yes right here ICE
Should offer 600 dollars but only if you fill out a questionnaire that includes address and number of household members so that we can deport them.
whow what happened? I wasnt sick before, I havent posted in hours I guess It came up fast, fast incubation period, fuck help, what do I do?
I literally don’t see the problem?
Drink bleach.
>work dries up
>illegals don’t get unemployment or trumpbux
>go home
Not seeing a problem here.
Oh hey guys, I hear that Canada is giving their citizens 1200 dollars and free treatment and testing for coronavirus. Why don't we just sneak across the border and go steal all of that for ourselves? And also enroll in welfare and vote for people that will increase our welfare. Huh? No, of course I am not going to pay taxes. I will be an illegal worker so i am going to undercut the regulations for wages that cituzens get so that I am cheaper to hire, but I'll make up for my lower wage by avoiding taxes entirely so that I can still afford anything I want! Oh shit, I might actually sell drugs on the side too. Fuck yeah, I am a really good person that deserves respect.
>why doesnt Trump reward people breaking the law with gibs???????
Because Mexicans are fucking dumbass brown ogres
All illegals should be purposefully infected with the coofs.
>be illegal
>pay no taxes
>suck up social welfare money
>expect a stimulus check
I just hope stupidity isn't contagious.
kys shill rat
better question. Why don't you?
Lmao the pic they used of them makes them look like kniving gypseys.
He'll probably hook them up with a fast track to citizenship once the stimulus clears. Plus I bet they can claim their anchor babies and get some trumpbux.
> We need them to help build our new infrastructure.
bug chaser
If they need a handout they should go home and get one.
A quesadilla just flew over my house
Bc they smell. And they work for cash and don't pay taxes. Let ppl in Mexico send them money for a change.
He doesn't and I'm sure his hotels hire them for cheaper labor. He just has to pander to Kansas for elections and brownie points
Fuck em. If some spic bitch wants a check she shoulda married into an American citizens family instead of hiding in one bedroom apartment with Pedro and all his brothers. Fuck Pedro, you want a check Maria, my dick is right here
They're allowed to breathe our air that should be more than enough.
Because they're violent, dirty animals who don't pay taxes and vote for democrats.
Be moar smartar then Dump suportors and voat bloo if you luv are cuntry.
he doesn't. you and him should though
No, he doesn't hate them nearly enough.
I just caught it, bro.
Embrace Corona-Chan.
I’d try to assassinate officials if this happens
>Why does the president of the United States hate foreign illegals invading the country?
Also illegal immigrants do pay taxes:
The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy released a report in February 2016, stating that 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States are paying annually an estimated amount of $11.64 billion in state and local taxes, "on average an estimated 8 percent of their incomes.
the government loves this because they don't get a tax return (or stimulus checks). Generally, "I hate illegals" and "let's build a wall" (which never got done and lost all federal funding recently) are just cute little soundbites to manipulate those who are easily manipulated (republicans)
Some random redneck in Kansas who couldn't point out Mexico on a map hates America. Most people don't care.
k boomer
(PS I'm not directly responding to you - I assume you have poor genes and are immunocompromised and will get the green strain)
SoCal residents here. Pretty sure a lot of the illegals are going back to Mexico. Hence those articles saying that “Americans” are crossing the border
I didn't know the English language could create a question that answers its own subject, but here you are.
More importantly, why would illegals think for even 1 second that they're entitled to a stimulus check?
You are fucking retarded and the wall is still being built as we speak. Cope harder faggot.
Because they are used to being handed everything else. I'm really happy about this, but the H1B and similar fucks need to go too.
Holy shit Trump is missing a huge opportunity. He can literally get these people to DOX themselves/
>Mi amigo's! Just tell me which address to send the checks and I'll make sure someone comes over to deliver them personally!
>Sends ICE
Wow you just got btfo by this based user you fucking idiot shitskin loving liberal scum
If they pay tax then why can't they get a tax return? It makes no sense. You think they just drop off a blank white envelope with a few dollar bills inside of it or something?
If there is some way to register for tax, pay it and then be unable to claim back a tax return then please explain to me.
How hard is to understand that if you do illegal things you go to jail and don't get free money.
gotta go back smelly beaner scum
The real question is: why don't you?
Illegals all work cashies you noonga. They don't pay income tax because that would be asking for a deport ticket, despite bullshit media clames otherwise. Then again our country is one of the kings of giving money to parasites who never worked a day in their life.