Is this actually controversial? You’re telling me prefering white people is somehow bad? Varg is 100% right here...

Is this actually controversial? You’re telling me prefering white people is somehow bad? Varg is 100% right here. Fuck the meds the leeches, look how they are hunting the Dutch for shekels

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Meds are white.


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What people don't realize is that all race politics are racist.
Want to keep the bloodline pure?
Das racist.
Want to race-mix?
That's racist too you dumb nigger.

That’s just a smartass troll. They clearly look Italian, not Arab.

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Same thing

I think he's being hypocritical here because he shits on blonde blue eyed christians, and if anything muslims are worse and more closely connected to the sandnigger cult.
>tfw only 29% european according to map

Not even close Ahmed.

Meanwhile in muttmerica...

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Who has the image of the guy responding with the white ashkenazi Jew btfo’ing varg?

The reality is that "racism" simply has become a term for anti-white sentiment.
Essentially calling someone racist has itself become racist.

There are blond Syrians etc., but they are genetically no more related to us than their swarthier kin. Pigmentation is but a very minor part of the genome.

Look at Varg’s fellow Jewish brothers in blood. He and I would both die for the men in pic related

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Guys on the right look very arab to be fair...

BASED Varg! Poop eyes are seething!

I don’t think they do at all. They look like Mediterraneans should IMO.

radical idealogy controversial?
only when it divides the chosen

i agree with varg,... nordics are a totally different race.

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>Pedo worshipping sand niggers being sand niggers
Just another day in the glorious, diverse EU.

Nordics are totally different species.

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The beards don’t help

It doesn't matter how much you seethe
It doesn't matter how much you post varg rants
You will never change your reality
Pic related

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race or even "specie" separation need to happend between Meds and nords.

i sick and tired of see this creatures.
"the lest that they spread their scandi genes around the normal races the better""

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>murders white people
>says will die for white stranger
Varg is demonstrably non-altruistic, so my guess is that this is just his superlative expression of homoerotic feelings.

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Yep haha,....
btw check this fucking alliens.

whats wrong with this specie?

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The beards are just ugly IMO, but they don’t make them look Arab.

He’s hot but looks gay.

You wouldn't be this mad if you were whiter though, would you


I agree, he is just as bad as Varg.

whats the point of these fags being white. they are weak.

Lol they look very northern African and levantine

Based, I bet one of vargs children will hook up with one of these

True. They are better than whites.

>Varg is 100% right

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They just look Mediterranean/European.

nah,.. you are mad because i troll you very loved nords..
you are a fagy too. lol

btw even the groid look less savage and "kinda" human compared to the barb of the right.

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It is the only reason people like him seethe online.

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would you let this white Turkish Muslim girl immigrate to your country?

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The whole ''Toothpaste doesnt want to give shekels'' has been widely mistranslated by (((the media))). The entire point of not giving money was simple: it was unethical to give a (((loan))) to people in need. It should be a gift. THATS WHY Rutte refused the money, right now he and other leaders are on track on making it a gift.
But the kikes obviously cant have the monetary relief being a gift. They want economic bondage, usury and usual kikery.

TL;DR .nl wanted to GIVE money, they didnt want to LOAN money. This is a problem to kikes.

Low IQ Varg posting


why not

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Yikes, the cope

>Turkish Muslim

I like the swarthy ones better.

Because we don’t want mudslimes in our country. You are not white and never will be.

Cope about what Muhammed? No, you don’t look Med.

that's a greek who was forced to convert to Islam at swordpoint. Varg takes it past the logical extreme but it's not an argument without merit.


disgusting. There is nothing in the world like a pale, blonde white woman.

t. Argentinian ”white”

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if she isnt white then what is she? african?

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I see too many of those on a daily basis, and they look awful without 10 layers of makeup.

Are his siblings Greek too?

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yes, can you into genetics?

Nice try Schlomo. Even the southernmost Italians still cluster with other Europeans.

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No but it’s actually pretty stupid

>potatonigger thinks he's white
lol no fag

What does this have to do with genetics? The question was about phenotype. You’d say with a straight face that this man looks Greek? kek ok

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even someone with cataracts would see that significant shift towards middle easterners, they don't simply "cluster" with Europeans, just like a half swede half syrian isn't European either because it plots somewhere around there

Recessive genes can hop generations. The white turn has the white genes. If he has kids they are more likely to turn white (much more likely in fact) than if his siblings did. Do you even into genetics? Kill all the swarthy fucks

He could easily be Greek. Not that I give a fuck about phenotype autism.

She’s still a mudslime. And you’re still not white.

Non-whites look even worse so...


That’s what I’m saying idiot.

You're not white though chink, and you're also nortorious rabburners

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