Finding Drug Traffickers

What resources do we have on the internet to help combat drug trafficking? Drugs get sold on social media, so snapchat and instagram I imagine can be used to hunt down dealers. But how do we help catch the bigger fish? Unless they are flying 1960's airplanes and communicating via pidgeons we should be able to find them electronically, no?

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Not today CIA

The problem is the costal tribes in canada and the US are on the take from literally every cartel. Fishing rights allow boats to go from washington state to Lorono Russia unhindered because of fishing treaties. Lots of the cops are on the take as well--open secret where I'm at. The Feds are useless and the military doesn't seem to give a shit.

These people are way too late. So is this the justification for the EARN IT act?

Why would we combat the drug "problem?"


As an addict, good. Get this shit off the street already

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They are not concerned about the northern border right now.

Thanks for the info though. This is very useful to know, not really surprising desu.

The drug traffickers have billions to spend on IT support at the MIT level, we have jerking off pros and literal faggots.

you can't even keep drugs out of prisons, how can you expect to keep drugs out of a country???????

you have two options. Either legalize everything and sell it at pharmacies with prescriptions, or execute dealers (and maybe users) on sight

Fuck you OP i love drugs.

That really does boil it down. If you cannot keep 100 prison guards from supplying an entire prison with drugs, phones and other contraband how do you expect to stop larger groups?

Why are you green

So you're saying there's a chance

Why is money green?


You'll find them there. You can even place your order using the handy online store.

You could Join the resistance

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Um the 100 dollar bill is blue lol

>you can't even keep drugs out of prisons
we can, we're just not willing to pay the price to make that happen, or we haven't been anyway. that would mean addressing a number of problems in our society that we would rather keep swept under the rug as long as everything is working.

just imagine, you could probably get a blowjob from everyone in that picture

Youd have to do cavity searches on every guard to make sure nobody is smuggling in shit. It all comes from the guards pretty much.

There is always a chance, no matter how slim the odds.
When they first were printing it that is what they had that made sense. It was later in the industrial revolution that more colors were developed .

Why are you green

seems like raiding this whole group would be easier than taking on one gunshop owner

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Maybe now it is but it was green for years kiddo.

If you told every American soldier to line up with a few tanks, trucks, and helicopters as support along the entire US border and had them fire at everything even remotely Mexican to the South of the border while marching forward, I guarantee you the drug war would be won within 30 days and for much less than has already been spent.

>how do we help catch the bigger fish?
trust me you don't want to

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drug war is 50 years old
give it up already, drugs won
free people decided to just do whatever the fuck they want to when the government told them not to.
well guess what, the whisky rebellion was never settled either. theres moonshining families that have stuck with it since the 1700s and they make real nice liquor, real cheap too. tax free. free free free, drugs win!
them government boys should work on arresting the real criminals, not the heroic freedom fighters who supply desired contraband to their fellow citizens at great risk to their own personal freedom. how about they earn their paycheck by doing something good for a change, doing something people want them to do, like the smugglers and dealers do

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Well why are you green it looks cool

But then there wont be drugs. Why would we want that lol

i think its less a war on drugs and more a war on drug cartels now. but i dunno.

thats how the entire racket works the two "opposing" forces at the top work together. You'll never get the big fish. Feds and cops on one side, traffickers and mules on the other side are pawns that get to play the game. Chewed up and spit out. The end result is the demand is met with adequate supply. The higher up you are the more you profit from it and more untouchable you become and the lines start to blur. You'll never hear of anyone above a cartel "kingpin". You'll never know the name of anyone high up in the feds that plays on that level.

Idiots in here eat the government shit and the excuse to over reach of power.
Why would you start a war on cartels in the middle of a fucking pandemic?
Why would declare Maduro a terrorist in the middle of a fucking pandemic?

Soon they'll just this war on drugs for about any reason to stop you and fuck you up.
Isn't it obvious what's happening?

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honestly, it's a moral struggle. As a good Libertarian leaning fellow, I should not care. But so long as excessive laws are applied elsewhere, it makes no sense to just ignore global drug trafficking. Cocaine may be fun, but the illegal moving of it enriches our enemies, and kills our peers. We have weed and alcohol. We can work on legal channels for cocaine. But the death and destruction and domination that drug trafficking as a whole cause are just not worth it. I'm open to being talked down. But if the government SEEMS to be on ur side, that's a pretty good advantage. If we work on this now, we'd likely have an unspoken sanction of the government. They dropped the term "Western hemispehere". I like that. North American and South America should be continental partners, but that can't be so long as we are black marketing drugs and guns back and forth.

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Go fuck yourself back to your hq you fucking glownigger

I got coofed on

Some Americans may have felt uneasy 35 years ago when DUI laws, DWI checkpoints, seatbelt laws, and car liability insurance laws were started, but most people felt that the experts must be right.

Pro-police state shows like "COPS" and "America's Most Wanted" were then aired, neighborhood watch groups were formed, "get tough on crime" candidates were elected, and laws allowing mandatory minimums, IMBRA, 3 strikes laws, curfews, police militarization, teen boot camps, school metal detectors, private prisons, and chain gangs were enacted.

Nanny state smoking laws then started appearing.

When 9/11 happened, the Patriot Act was passed, NSA wiretapping, no knock raids, take down notices, no fly lists, terror watch lists, Constitution free zones, stop and frisk, kill switches, National Security Letters, DNA databases, kill lists, FBAR, FATCA, Operation Chokepoint, TSA groping, civil forfeiture, CIA torture, NDAA indefinite detention, secret FISA courts, FEMA camps, laws requiring passports for domestic travel, IRS laws denying passports for tax debts, gun and ammo stockpiles, laws outlawing protesting, Jade Helm, sneak and peek warrants, policing for profit, no refusal blood checkpoints, license plate readers, redlight cameras, speed cameras, FBI facial and voice recognition, tattoo databases, gun bans, the end to the right to silence, free speech bans, searches without warrants, CISPA, SOPA, private prison quotas, supermax prisons, FOSTA, sex offender registration laws, and sex offender restriction laws were allowed.

Now that the USA is a total police state, Americans are finding out that changing anything is impossible and that freedom is lost forever.

it might be better to buy Heroin from mexicans druglords than Oxycontin from (((the pharmacy)))

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This is why we need the literal military to make the arrests. Dissolve the supreme executive counsels. Break their chain of command. Trump has always done very well to stay popular with the military services. The average marine would die several times over for that man.

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please kill more drug scum

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There used to be general threads on this Hunters General.
They have been shut down by tranniejannies

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As long as there is idiots willing to shoot it, there will be parties willing to sell it.
If you think drugs in America are really sold and distributed by some lo IQ nigger in south America I have a small breach to sell in Ecuador at a discount for you.
The highest king pings of the world live in the United states and is no secret the Russian mafia has a saying on every gram sold in Europe.
You need to be better informed were the buck stops and goes in the drug trafficking game I'll you a hint.
The Latin kings niggers in south L.A. aren't even a blip in the radar of the supply chain and your fucking congressman may play a bigger roll.

This is an excuse to invade and shut dissidents, this is the patriot act on steroids

Fuck. Freedom. Enjoy your hundreds of thousands of dead for your fucking freedom. I prefer a government who actually gives.a fuck about my life as opposed to one who goes 'Eh... a few hundred thousand dead? Meh. It could have been worse! Just be thankful you're alive.'

This is proof that America is a third world fucking banana republic. This will be the moment in a few decades that historians look back and go 'The Pandemic of 2020 is widely regarded as the moment the American empire collapses, as the pandemic showed the fatal flaws in its socio-economic system, leading go the Great Civil War of 2030, from which the U.S has yet to recover.'

I'm peacing out from U.S. Enjoy ripping each other to shreds over fucking manginess shit while the wealthy fuck you up the ass and you say 'please sir, may I have some more!'

Freedom is not lost. It's just set back by the fact that a powerful few have a headstart on surveillance. The only way to defeat mass surveillance is by accepting it, AND participating it. Opening it up with public transparency. So that essentially anybody can watch anybody. If the government can spy on you, then so can the rest of the world. That way, if the government tried to frame you, anons(maybe then called id's) could vindicate you due. If you didn't like this, then you learn to take tech breaks.

>Freedom is not lost all we have to do is turn the entire country in to an eternal surveillance & snitch state it'll be worth it trust me will be more free than ever.

You sold record your ideas on the phone and listen to them some times, you'll find out you're not as smart as you think you're

what's wrong with drugs?

I understand this. We have two options. A) We identify and take out high level targets. *that is not a threat btw, by "take out", I mean bring to legal justice, of course. or B) We find a way to mass sweep for small targets and take them out.

A war cannot be won without battles. You have to win many many many battles to win a war. Taking out one small guy will not be a battle won. Taking out maybe 50 would be. Taking out one big guy would be a battle won.

But but but, those people fill a role, and when we take them out, they will just be replaced by another. Exactly. and then you take THEM out. and then the guy who takes his place. By making the job too risky to consider, we win a major battle.

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been there. done that. yes I am.

>But if the government SEEMS to be on ur side, that's a pretty good advantage
The CIA and other parts of the military-industrial complex took over the drug trade in the 50s and 60s. All of the cartels are MIC muscle. The destabilization of Central and South American nations wasn't about communism vs capitalism, it was about making sure that CIA controlled groups came to power.

The last time Barr was AG, he worked with Bush Sr. (a lifelong CIA man who was involved in the JFK assassination) to pardon kikes involved in covering up the Iran-Contra affair, which was based around the sale of weapons to Iranian in violation of sanctions with some of the proceeds going to fund the Contra rebels in Nicaragua in violation of US law.

nothing. there is just something wrong with only select people having privileged access to the drug trade. The illegal drug trafficking trade has given central america one of the worst homicide rates in the world, and we just ignore it for the most part. Take that shit out of the hands of criminals so we can work on and justify more legitimate recreational use.

This has to be the most stupid war on drugs, we grow them on the mountains and ship them to you by truck right across the aduana

When I said government, I just meant government to the extent Trump has wrestled control over it. Which granted is NOT that much. But it is a powerful subset of individuals. Like I said, most servicemen would lay down their life for Trump in a heartbeat. And not everybody does drugs.

Zoomers dont care about these things
>war with cartels
>defeating communism
>saving kids from pedos
>911 controlled demolition
Zoomers are now considered OPTICSBOIS
They care more about their image and popularity then true redpills

Their leader is another zoomer who lives in mommy's basement.

Beware of these anons, they are blackpilled beyond belief and spread misery around them because their power levels are too low, too weak
>redpills cannot save them
Because they care too much for OPTICS..

They will use buzzwords that dont mean anything anymore like
>zion don

They dont have KEK anymore only BLACKPILLS, only despair

So my question is how do we save them or do we cut them off to be hardened by the world?
I feel these new OpticsBois are irreparable and non fixable as they are in a POPULARITY CONTEST with eachother and other retards

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Show us your plane ticket when you leave, faggot.

Victimless-crime & Mis-directions.

the future is competence based. ignore opticsbois. fuck em. they smarten up, or lead miserable slave destined futures.

>to the extent Trump has wrestled control over it
There is no such extent. Trump is just another corrupt oligarch who used populist rhetoric to con idiots into voting for him because he has a personal vendetta against Obama that he intended to settle by firing as many of the Obama clique of corrupt lackeys from their cushy government positions to be replaced by corrupt lackeys from the neocon clique while pissing on the "legacy" associated with Obama which astute observers will laugh at because Obama was also just a puppet president who acted as the face for the same agenda that has always controlled this country.

Remember, Trump's political mentor was Roy Cohn, neocon posterkike. He's not dumb enough to not know who Barr really is, which means he picked a corrupt agent for an AG with full knowledge of the ramifications of such a decision.

apparently, I can see Columbian an Air Force helicopter. Unfortunately, I don't think any of these services will give us literally every aircraft in the sky.

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