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Other urls found in this thread:


>Trump supporter
>Attacking a military hospital ship
Nope. Deep state probably gonna call him a Qtard tho

Absolute madlad

Weaponised train derailments? I swear this timeline gets more ridiculous by the day.

based chaos creator. kek will reward him

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nigga went full movie villain

Let the Chaos begin friends.

>Moreno acknowledged that he "did it," saying that he was suspicious of the Mercy and believing it had an alternate purpose related to COVID-19 or a government takeover, the affidavit states.
Could see this shit from miles away.

This is why they need the bs coronachan meme. Because niggas. Be derailing trains

CNN is not talking about it so he’s a Muslim or black

Where’s a link?


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He is literally a Qtard and you're attempting damage control.

He's latino from LATINOS 4 TRUMP faggot leaf

Shut up memeflag.

They way people are flipping out, I expect Trashcan Man will be blowing up oil tanks any day now.

wtf based as fuck

So he's a Qtard



Confirmed Qtard! He though it was part of government takeover!!


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kys faggot

I seriously want to murder you bastards for posting breaking news.

kek, wtf... this is a mad mad world.

>Eduardo Moreno
>Trump Supporter
Thanks for spreading this though OP, Im liking the reverse psychology strategy, smart.

>hurr hurr de-railing a train will wake people up
False flag bullshit to discredit the movement. Not the first time, won't be the last.

He's a Mexican in California. Not likely a Trump supporter.

Drivin’ that train, high on cocaine

Holy shit I am almost cured. No more coofing. You diseased monies can kiss my ass.


When Eduardo Moreno ran the train off the tracks, the locomotive crashed through a series of barriers before coming to rest more than 250 yards from the USNS Mercy, according to the Department of Justice. Surveillance footage from the scene showed that Moreno also lit a flare from the locomotive’s cab, officials said.

When the officer had him in custody, Moreno allegedly told him “You only get this chance once. The whole world is watching. I had to. People don’t know what’s going on here. Now they will,” according to the Department of Justice.

In an interview with police, Moreno allegedly said the hospital ship was suspicious and believed it had an alternate purpose related to COVID-19, such as a “government takeover,” the Department of Justice said.

>He'll be Epsteined before this ever goes to trial.


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The USNS mercy is a deep state orchestrated plot to conduct nazi style experiments on the American people. Our brave hero caught wind of these sadistic plans and attempted to stop it. You guys don't realize how deep this multilayered game truly is. Trump gave our hero the greenlight to try and stop it but he failed. If Trump had made it public ((they)) would of executed him.


Dude must be a fan of "Speed" the movie.

Not a Q tard. Working theory is that the hospital ships are being used as a staging ground for rounding up deepstate pedos. Would make sense for an ms13 dem yid patsy to try and take it out in this fashion. Reminds me of the dump truck attempt on the train full of republican senators.

I hope you're happy Yas Forums, you ruined this poor patriot's mind with your retarded conspiracies.

Im not seeing the connection, where does it say anything about Q

it was a mexican

>Eduardo Moreno, 44
>made statements to officers such as "the whole world is watching, we have to act now"

Does this look like a Trump supporter to you? Are there even any white people left in LA?

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2 generations of American men intentionally and severely limited from getting jobs and now only about 3% of jobs go to American born males. This is what we get. This country is finished.

Where are you guys reading this?

Where did you get that idea?


>nazi style
Patrician tastes. I say let them do it.

lol@ the useless roasties standing around doing nothing and getting paid for it

KTLA, it's real.

You are acting like what the cop said Eduardo said is what he really said.

Of course he's 'dark white skinned'.

3%? The fuck?

You need to polish up your larp skills. This is not very good.


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muh FEMA camps

Q's cancer spilled out of this god forsaken board and just tried to destroy a naval vessel.

It's all so tiresome

It's only a matter of time until you get it. Hang in there bucko.


kek AF

This is literally EVERY job nowadays and they have the balls to complain they were made to come to work every day

It's fucking infuriating

coof my friend

Out of the last 1.8 million jobs created only 3% 50k went to American born males and we're importing another 1 million Indians for jobs while Americans are out of work and quarantined.

Deep state glow in the dark niggers are itt right now.

>n his first interview with the Los Angeles Port Police, he acknowledged that he “did it,” saying that he was suspicious of the hospital ship and believed it had an alternate purpose related to COVID-19 or a government takeover, the affidavit states.
A usual California Schizo running free

was he close? it said he stopped more than 250 yards short but was he at least going in the right direction?

>Weaponised train derailments
forget the timeline...what year is it? feel like we went back 200 years

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>I’ve been found out

Yeah they are



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Even if what q said was 100% accurate, this isnt remotely how someone should respond. Either hes a total schizo (bless his soul) or this was done to make Q stand for Qrazy

oh no i lost my smiley, guess i'll be getting reinfected

All you had to do was follow the goddamn train, CJ

Twitter's on it.
Nothing to see here.


Q doesnt say anything about government takeover, unless youre talking about taking over things to remove occult cannibalistic pedophiles and use these ships to help the rescued children, in which it would make no sense for anybody involved the Q movement to want any harm to come to this ship or anybody involved in helping these children. In fact quite the opposite is more sensible and I know you're just here to seed propaganda, but I appreciate you giving me the platform to respond with this obvious and logical explanation to counter your propaganda, and I welcome all Anons to cap this post so responding to you clowns is nothing more than a quick image post, and also youre a disgusting creature who deserves the hot burning hell that awaits them, one far worse than the hell you must wallow in every day of your miserable existence.

alright wheres the fucking video, i love train crash videos

Whitest guy in L.A

>Either hes a total schizo
Like anyone who looks at any Q bullshit for more than 3 seconds and think's it's plausible.

His wife set up a gofundme. Already collected $5,000 baka

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This user speaks the truth. My grandfather was injected full of corona on a hospital ship before they made a lampshade out of his skin.

> "You only get this chance once. The whole world is watching. I had to. People don't know what's going on here. Now they will."

Sign me up for nazi superpower experiments bro.

Multi-track drifting

Blonde one has a nice butt

what the fuck, who the fuck is gifting money in this time

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Its money laundering almost always has been

pmsl at the faggots talking about deep state attacks

i think theyd do better than this

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Yeah like you would pay up you leftist subhuman.

So paranoid boomer?

Based doomer just trying to forward the apocalypse

>intentionally derailed a train
>to sink a boat
Has this been done before? someone add this to the records of weird shit that actually happened.

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250 yards wat?

what the fuck

so this is one big go fund me scam should of known

>using a train to sink a boat

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kek 80% of the american workforce is overpaid and underworked.

>Eduardo Moreno, 44, of San Pedro
a fucking spic
>he thought it was "suspicious" and did not believe "the ship is what they say it's for.'"

I don't know how he thought that would hit the ship

i actually am happy, this is way to funny and retarded... i mean WTF for real?

and OP is a faggot

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wrong faggot

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>Eduardo Moreno
White Hispanics at it again. Damns white supremacists for what this pvre aryan man has done.

Q boomers do more to fight the deep state than Yas Forums ever will. Remember when a Q boomer legit killed a fucking mafia boss? Yas Forums will never achieve such glory. Never.

>Train at high speed
>in the USA

Small wonder it failed

A Q follower would believe the ship is rounding up pedos (or something like that) and NOT want to ram it with a train.

He wasn’t even fucking close to the thing, what the fuck was he thinking?

Based smiley face

The Breaking Bad money laundering scheme, nice.

I so bad want to know what he thought ship was containing waiting to be exposed by crashing a train into it

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Schizo poster IRL.

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But no one died...

>The whole world is watching
One of Qs many catchphrases, look it up.


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>Of course he's 'dark white skinned'.
Dark? He's not even 56%! He looks like a 68% at the worst. Now apologize to your white brother!

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>this amount of Q attacks

Giving money to a literal terrorist who attempted to kill medical personnel during a disease crisis.

this has to be a new one, bravo to him for creativity

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>Eduardo Moreno, 44, of San Pedro, was charged today in a criminal complaint with one count of train wrecking as a result of an incident Tuesday afternoon

They're not sending their best.

picture of suspect

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Based leaf

listen rabbi it's makes zero sense for a Q follower to do this because it's well known the Mercy is on the good guys side. It's obvious that this was a deepstate faggot

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lol sister-fucking Q-fag for sure

>attacking a US Naval hospital ship

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That picture is hung up in my can room.

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The internet was a mistake.


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He'd give you the shirt off his back
or the train off the track

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