What should the proper retaliation be?
What should the proper retaliation be?
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The entire western world should turn their back on China and absolutely decimate their economy even further. They shouldn’t be allowed to rebuild.
Infect them with the gay
The British will send a strongly worded letter detailing how cross we are
>What should the proper retaliation be?
Nice try chang
Not gonna tell ya
You seriously still asking this? It's never gonna happen.
Nuke them all and let God sort them out.
You won't do shit to China. Your country is dependent on them for cheap product.
Complete political and economic quarantine
Exile the Jews to the mainland.
Nuke them from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
1. Investigations
2. If that gets anywhere fine them with economic provisions.
3. If not call for an international use of force, maybe even tell Russia they can have some northern territories.
Sanctions and banning westerns from doing business with them.
Give it back to Japan to clean up
Go to Seria, lots of products in 100円 shops are made in Japan
We don’t have to rely on the communist occupied mainland
Outlaw trade with China, outlaw travel to and from China, cut China's internet, blockade China. Sanction any nation trading with China and stop any travel to or from nations that allow travel from China.
Nuking America?
A well coordinated world wide embargo. Only Iran and Russia would probably violate it, but they aren't that rich.
Honestly, this crisis has made me SO FUCKING racist against chinks. I already thought they were the NPC race and how robotic and hive-minded they are, but this shit just blew the lid off my racism against these insectoids.
If the world doesn't hold China to account for what it has brought upon us, we all deserve to go extinct.
United state policy is to use nuclear weapons in the event of bioweapons being used. Either it wasn't bioweapon, our nuclear armament has fallen so far behind to be deterrence or we're so weak from being ZOG'd that we can't retaliate properly and the chinese knows this.
Default on any loans made by China. Stop allowing companies to do business there and force them to move home.
The communist occupied mainland is a creation of the US and USSR friendship during the Second World War.
A systematic, decentralized campaign of terror against all Chinese nationals (reminder: they’re sitting on a shitload of supplies everyone, when you start running low). Full-scale armed conflict culminating in massive coordinated nuclear strike
Allright. So you round up all the Chinks in your country. You stuff them in a camp with very high walls. Then one by one you take away everything they own. The houses, the bank accounts, everything. Then you strip them naked untill they have nothing left. Only their bodies. You pay the economic damadge of the virus with this money and these goods. And then you ransom the rest off to China and build more camps with it for kikes, nogs and camelfuckers.
blockade the Strait of Malacca, sudden missile strikes on strategic positions, try and eliminate every chink sub out there. Other than that do whatever you can to weather the missile barrages. China will collapse from within quickly. Watch out for angry nukes, tho.
They love Basketball-Americans so we should give all of them to China. Let the chinks deal with them for a while.
boy this is one yellow post
Though chinks would never pay ransom for another chink, individuals have literally zero value to winnie the pox chairman.
multiple years of naval and aerial bombardment
Trade blockade and sanctions. Chinks have entire cities consisting of nothing but factories and cheap bunkhouses for workers. Hundreds upon hundreds of miles of factories churning out cheap, nasty garbage to be sold to the West, employing millions. Now imagine all this grinding to a standstill in a single day.
Oh, and all these millions need to eat. China produces barely enough to feed 10% of its population, the rest is imported. There will be massive starvation, food riots and even cannibalism within a week. And China will deserve every single moment of this.
But of course, all these Western politicians with palms greased by CCP "negotiators" will block and sabotage any effort to get back at China for what they've unleashed on the world, citing "forgiveness and unity" as the motive.
just stop buying shit from China
they really fucked up because now the simpletons who buy their shit without thinking will now think that everything from China is infected so they're going to avoid chinese goods
then China will make some powermove like trying to stop the whole "Made in China" labeling that they've been pushing all these decades
You people will cry when you find out that Chinese trade with the US only amounts to 3% of their GDP.
Most of Chinese economic growth these days is driven my its consumerist middle class, which is 550 million people and growing.
You can't really make a dent into what they have going, especially not with the backup of Russia they get and vice versa.
They have been unstoppable for some time and even Obama knew it, but this is the crisis that will cause the populace of the West to suddenly realise it.
Bring 100% of manufacturing back to the US. Cut off all economic ties with China. Companies who do business with China should be taxed at huge rates to bankrupt them.
They have been trying to replace it with "Made in PRC" for years now. If the barcode starts with a number from 690 to 699, leave it on the shelf. Do not touch anything with barcodes starting with 729, 868 and 869 while you're at it.
The west should have abandoned them in the 70’s instead we abandoned the republic of China, the true successor state to the Qing Empire
Deport all Asians from the west.
Why, they have adopted everything that was good about the West and improved upon it and additionally scaled it up to an insane size.
They old system only lead to mass starvation and poverty, China was in the late 80s poorer than most subsaharan African nations.
What they did is a grandiose achievement and they didn't need to go to war with anyone to do it.
The communist occupied mainland is not a legitimate state, no communist republic is. Rightfully the mainland of China should be split into two, the republic of China and the empire of Manchukuo
I know you Yugoslavs might feel sympathy for your communist republican allies but human beings realize that communism is the political ideology of the mentally deficient
The whole world should nuke israel and china out of existence and have world peace.
You send an angry email to the Chinese gov with your proposal.
Why should anyone give a fuck over there about your opinions on how their country should be split up.
And being such ass blasted losers makes you really look disgusting.
Economic sanctions, naval blockade, remove manufacturing from China, repossession of property owned by Chinese nationals and Chinese companies.
Instead you should be happy that for once there will be a world empire in the future that isn't will never be run by jews since you people care so deeply about this.
The proper retaliation is: let chinks dies from hungry.
How can do it? Buy our onions. Yes, you guys must have buy our farm products and let the chinks die.
Stop trading food with them. China is way above its local food capacity. If the west turned their back on them they would be starving in a month.
55 days in Peking
So you propose the US defaulting on sovereign debt and entering hyperinflation.
I can guarantee you that this scenarios is being considered in your gov, but they wont do it because there is no comeback from such a thing, it will further empower China.
God gave man the right of dominion over the animals, I know your species is upset they will never understand this feeling but if you quit this masquerade of being a civilized species perhaps a truly civilized race can come in and fix what you call a country.
>What they did is a grandiose achievement
Yeah, all those rivers of dollars Kissinger sent their way in the seventies definitely had nothing to do with that. Or that US was tricked into lobbying for China's acceptance into international organizations like the WTO. The West was fooled into brewing its own poison, and is now taking a big gulp.
If not for Kissinger, China today would be like Turkmenistan - closed, piss-poor, and about as relevant politically as Pitcairn.
Based maple satan
No, Chinese are our friends. They deliver us in this crisis anything we want need of charge, including their doctors.
Their gov told ours that we can name any amount of respirators we need and it will be sent.
You people on the other hand poisoned my countries soil with radioactive material which causes 40.000 people here to die every year of cancer, mostly young people.
Glassem glassem all
>he doesnt know about the jewish influence in china
You can only be racist against a human race, of which the Han Chinese do not belong to
They needed to do this in order to counter the Soviet Union.
It's either that or the Soviets helping China industrialise and getting themselves more powerful.
I do not see this as Kissinger trying to "jew" the US, the US needed China to split from the Soviets.
Begin reviewing or restricting their ADRs on the New York Stock Exchange.
Simply stop buying from them. I’m a femanon. I know exactly how to piss men off. Go for their wallet. And when they retaliate remind them of how they abused you and betrayed your trust. If they insist on harassing you past that you remind the whole world how China betrayed everyone. And start the rallying.
China isn’t stupid though. And China really screwed the pouch here we have a great hand to play if we want to bring back western manufacturing.
>Serbian flag
chang, we know it's you. we don't forget.
Proper retaliation. Nuke Israel. Move all chinks to Israel let them play with the sand niggers.
Genetically engineer dogs so they can't be cooked alive.
>They needed to do this in order to counter the Soviet Union.
They didn't. The idea was Kissinger's.
>It's either that or the Soviets helping China industrialise and getting themselves more powerful.
China was openly hostile to USSR at the time; they even fought a war of sorts.
>I do not see this as Kissinger trying to "jew" the US
Then you are blind. China is what it is today because Kissinger manipulated the US into supporting it, funding it and lobbying for it, while all the time thinking it would gain a grateful ally in the long run.
Time to call in a favor to Israel then.
The only outcome will be the west turning its back on China and there isn't a single thing your country can do about it unfortunately. China are only saving face by making soft political gestures to US enemies by saying 'you can have our supplies' because they value spiting the west instead of feeding their own. It's not going to work and China don't have many friends in this world.
call them dog-eaters
The Yugoslav is either a communist hold out hoping for a restoration of the USSR or a Chinese communist exchange student
I mentioned this before in a comment: Trade with the US amounts only for 3% of Chinas GDP.
Most of their economy these days is driven by the middle class in China, which is currently 550 million people and growing.
Why do you believe that US corps are bending over backwards to serve the Chinese audience more than the US audience?
Why is China the greatest market in the world for high price products like those of Apple.
ill screw your pouch, if you know what it is that i am saying
Fill every single plane in the world with septic tank sewage and continuously fly over china, dumping feces on the entire population for a year straight. Literally bury them in shit.
Up yours Chinksect with a VPN
>doesnt reply to my post because he knows im right.
Get fucked bug.
10,000,000 gook lives for every western life lost.
One nuke for every country infected
Only problem with that is Xi is doing everything he can to reel back the reason why China's middle class is growing. They'll likely get caught in the middle income trap and stagnate.
Letting them off with a handslap i see
Please, there is no way back for your countries. You all had it coming for a long time, and were in the process of disintegrating through your own actions for decades.
China is not the one to blame for your incompetency and your horrible foreign policy and system.
They won fair and square. And by the I'm pretty sure that god had his hand in this as well.
You believe god would allow a group of nations that are obviously ruled by Satan himself to rule over the world and destroy all of humanity? Not gonna happen.
God sent you this virus to mark the end of your system.
Because it's retarded
Realistically? Economic sanctions; this time everybody will be in support of it. The question is how severe