I would like to ask all my countrymen to stop making threads about the latest Brazilian political happenings for one simple reason: NOBODY CARES ABOUT THIS COUNTRY. Every time some Brazilian makes a thread about some irrelevant political unewsworthy event, 50 posts into the thread all you'll end up with will be a handful of Brazilians talking to each other in English. Understand this once and for all, we are completely irrelevant in the eyes of other countries. If Bolsonaro says something stupid, nobody cares. We are only really known for our insane crime rates and our easy women who are desperate for a first world passport to show up in their lives. You might even say our nature has a lot to offer, but Brazil isn't even that beautiful. Any average beach in Thailand is prettier to look at than Copacabana or whatever you come up with ever will be. Geopolitically speaking, we are irrelevant. If something stupid happens in our politics, it's expected. This is South America, a continent known for retarded politics and poverty. Every time I see some Brazilian making a thread about something random Bolsonaro said I imagine some kid joining a new school trying really hard to emulate everyone around him in order to fit in.


So, Brazilians, stop making Brazil threads. First worlders will look at your thread and laugh at it because you come off as if you're trying really hard to make your political event seem as relevant as something Trump said. Note I'm not referring to the content of what Trump would say but to the fact people will give a fuck. If Trump says something innocuous along the lines of "We have to make sure the American people retain access to their Big Macs", people will actually give a crap about that. Meanwhile, nobody will care about whatever Bolsonaro says. Our country is not taken seriously by the other relevant countries on Yas Forums.


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Other urls found in this thread:


bruh chill


how you feel about them and what they are doing does not reflect into who you are. relinquish ownership of your cis sexuality identity and try sucking a cock for once. It is good for you!

Based, very fitting.

The only country in Latin America that matters to gringos it´s Mexico.

Take your test injections, faggy

based and americanbootlickingpilled

baseado & faveladelicia-pillado

Eu só quero é ser feliz

Michael, Michael! Eles não ligam pra gente!

Since OP took time to create this thread, lets talk about brasilian politics and the current state of corona here, what do you guys think of how Jair is handling the situation?

How did your dinglefuck of a leader get voted in anyways? He sounds worse than trump.

You have a mutation of the virus dont you?


I think he's finally getting a grip of how real things are and that this shit isn't just a gripezinha

that's exactly what it is

Vai se foder viado. Mais orgulho da nacao seu bosta

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Favela chegando em peso

Even if it was something small like the flu this shit is going to overload our hospitals that are 100x worse than american ones, this is the real problem


sad but true, mainly because you are not europeans, whites.


t. vira lata

As a burger, I don't care about anything Trump or Bolsonaro say beyond entertainment value. I find Brazil threads entertaining. Please continue.


A bad choice of words from his part, however, you can argue that he as just trying to calm down people, also he was being sincere, something that made him be elected in the first place, people seen to forget that.

baseado & Datena-pillado
da-le neles porra

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He tried his best to stop the country from going hysteric over this nothingburger, but he can't go around backhanding governors, so he will sit back and let them run the country into the ground so he can come back later telling "I told you so".

Empty hospitals in Italy

Empty hospitals in the US

Empty hospitals in Berlin

Empty hospitals in Spain

Empty hospitals in New York

Dublin Ireland

Louisville KY

Berlin Germany

Brooklyn New York

what's going to overload is the unemployment offices

I agree with you, OP. The same goes for the retards that make the "What does Yas Forums think about Brazil" threads. Nobody cares.
>inb4 vira-lata syndrome
Why do favela negros have so much pride of being Brazilian? Nobody wants to come to this shithole. People leave as soon as they can.

>t. seething lefty

Thanks Corcovado, we're getting pretty tired of your shit.

I'll be honest that i don't know what to believe anymore cuz i'v been seeing all these videos but i have a friend that was diagnosticated with Corona and he's getting FUCKED by it


You have beautiful women, and we all are very interested in all global events...

Don't be a faggot.


Is pay for sex morally wrong?

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I care about you :(

I'd say soccer is the only thing preventing you from becoming irrelevant.

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Agreed. Your country is boring.

brazil is a lost country and everybody knows that, no country with so many non euros and with so much mixing has any chance. It will always be dangerous and poor. The worse is that if brazilians go out, they will destroy other countries too. fact

if you want to fuck a female, no
if you want to fuck a male, yes

why is that? he is old?

you have to go back

kek here comes the "white" memeflagger, just in time
pretty sure your country is doomed too

Big Richard isn't eating your ass good enough

basically this, also anything he does wont be enough for our media/supreme court/deep state.

tell us more about your friend, hope he gets better.

You are south africa tier. and i'm not south african.

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I care

Must be
>angry about everything because the world doesn't revolve around me
>less than 30 years old
>probably has confederate ancestry

>Big Richard isn't eating your ass good enough
Ricardao nao, mas o Marcola sim


just filter "brazil" and "bolsonaro", problem solved, no need to be a faggot about it.
this is a place where brazilians can be honest about politics without the risk of being doxxed, mostly i just lurk and only reply to threads about brazil.also you niggers need to understand that what you believe to be politics is just a theater, it is indeed entertaining, but we could go beyond the latest tweet by bolsonaro for a change

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>Understand this once and for all, we are completely irrelevant in the eyes of other countries
very true
>Our country is not taken seriously by the other relevant countries
very, very true
spot on, chap

best thing i've ever seen a rainforest nigger post on here, top notch user, now go back to shutting the fuck up while the rest of us discuss things

Kill the monkeys and the mutts and become first world.

You still have whites and raw materials.

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it is though
more like starting to accept the fact most people are against him in such matter
personally I like him changing stance because it means his grip in power is still strong
also got it completely right
no need to say much more
these days we are russia tier violence-wise
>mostly i just lurk and only reply to threads about brazil.
same. lost the hype about corona a good while ago

Not every hospitals have ventilaros or strructure,and they are also not testing in the same place people usually go, tey are makings pecial places so that they test people that might have corona,why expose others?

These videos are retarded they just point empty hosipital but dont tell if they even have the structure to deal with people in severe situation or if they are resting somewhere else

probably not because most brazilians are so faithless on SUS that they'll just stay home and coof their lungs out
OP, teu dono chegou

>Consider monkey killing monkey as homicide.

Nobody cares about monkey killing monkey.

For all you non-Portuguese speakers who can't read monkeyspeak, all you need to know is that almost every BR in this thread is chimping the ever living fuck out trying their hardest to prove me wrong by calling me a sell out and usa boot licker. They truly think we matter. We are one needy fucking people. It's almost as if their entire self esteem is dependent on people giving a crap about us.

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>I'm not like other monkeys

Well actually you are right. Nobody gives a single shit about your country, as long as you are shipping us these bland tasting unripe bananas wich europeans seem to love. So cut your forests to the last tree, we don't care.

why don't you pack your bags and move elsewhere then?
>We are one needy fucking people. It's almost as if their entire self esteem is dependent on people giving a crap about us.
projecting much?

bark moar faggot

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My vava was brazilian(she ded) and I enjoy hearing about Brazil. Brazil anons, do not give up! Communicate with each other and fight back against the Jewish menace.

You like black banana, slav.

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It's just MBLfags spamming the same shit every single day, OP. Don't like it? Stop sucking dicks and start beheading commies.

of course people care about brazil you retarded faggot. stop this cringe self-flaggelation and grow the fuck up.


dont be a cuck huebro, share the news, it's good to be informed of happenings in other countries

>15 mil linhas em inglês só para chamar a atenção dos cornos desse recinto
Eu tenho pena de você.

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I will be satisfied when your jewish country becomes Hispanic. Then you can teach me spanish.

Suck a giant dick faggot op, brazil threads are good, its part of the americas and it's relevant. You are in the sphere of influence. Monroe Doctrine.

We certainly are in A sphere of influence, just not the same one as everyone else.

Based Brazil user. I unfortunately agree. While head of the Latin sphere somehow the vast majority of your continent manages to be irrelevant

Turista pra caralho, volta pro facebook newfag.

It's true. Nobody cares about the huehue jajajas

Me abraça?

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dis niqqa look like a turtle

Ninguém se importa com o que um macaco pensa.

sorry, I'm not a pedotranny

I just want to watch Flamengo win another championship. Fuck Bolsonaro.