Ted Kaczynski

I just saw a thread about Ted fag.

I want to say to all who support technophobia.
Technophobia is the mark of ignorance. Stop lying to yourself to the point of madness, technology brings both good and evil.
The technological and scientific progress is beyond you!
How dare you stand against it!
How dare you not respecting thous who brought us into this golden age of humanity!

You do not deserve what you have!

Attached: Rogue_Genetor_by_Blazbaros..png (800x1200, 315.01K)

Other urls found in this thread:



As a novice tech priest I can confirm you’re wrong. Computers agree with Ted.

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You clearly haven't even read his manifesto.
I'm a transhumanist and even I recognize that he's correct. The advancement of technology inevitably leads to loss of personal freedom.

haha funi tech man angry haha

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>Hasn't read ISAIF
>Hasn't read Linkola
>Hasn't gone for a walk in the woods in a while

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begone industrialist

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Cellphones are the cause of colony collapse in bees. They interfere with the EM field and the bees end up confused and disoriented. Look it up. Technology is not compatible with biology. We are going to kill ourselves if we don't slow the fuck down and reevaluate our progress.

Did you know that your shoes basically break your feet and ruin your natural gait? If you have crooked toes it's because your smaller toes are being impacted in your shoes, they should be splayed out and grip the ground. Shoes also tend to raise your toes off the ground so some of you might notice your small toes are now permanently forced off the ground and are basically broken permanently


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>Ted Kaczynski
i appreciate his philosophy, but turning to harming innocent people is evil. his creativity with his bombs having a running theme of wood is funny, despite the evil intent. sounds like a detail that would be in a movie. if you need to maim and kill innocent people to achieve your aims,then you have already lost

industrialist aren't people

why doesnt the archive link work?


day of the emp when

Soon fellow coofer

it did, you’re now on a watchlist faggot enjoy

The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

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innocent people using air travel are not people? i appreciate mass immigration and the facilty of planes mass importing shitskins and future members of society who are useless, but it is evil.

no, sweetie. you are a little late to the party.i have been on watchlists for at least a decade. the link didnt work

commie detected. it was not the revolution that was the disaster. it was those who control it

>innocent people using air travel are not people

Attached: yesyesyesyesyes.gif (444x250, 3.78M)

There were not enough Dreadnoughts

>no, sweetie
post tits

uncle ted is a treasure
industrial society and its future is legitimately the best political philosophy written since the ancient greeks (with maybe 2-3 exceptions)
another user mentioned linkola, and although i've heard him mentioned favorably before, i've yet to read anything of his, so maybe i'll correct that soon.

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D-does that work?

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Counter-argument: humans have not evolved to live in our current artificial environment and therefore it makes sense that it would not make them feel fulfilled

Based. We should cram as much metal into ourselves as possible and see what happens.

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It made us 9 billion strong and made about 850 million of us virtual princes whether we recognize it or not.

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Commie? Fuck commies nigger I’m not retarded

Based rewilder

I coof on you all

A phobia is an unfounded pathological fear. Ted was afraid of technology. He recognized that the industrial revolution and its consequences have been, and will continue to be, detrimental to the human race and our planet. And he was right.

Maybe mailing bombs to random people wasn't the best idea, but try and read his manifesto and find something you can logically refute.

You can't.

im a man, faggot. lurk more. i was being condescending

Technology and industry system are like drugs.
They make you strong and smart at first. But it's not YOU. Human have been gradually addicted to them. Human can't live without them any more.

Of course you can use them, but make sure you are not addicted to them.

>the virgin technophile vs the chad technophobe

It´s because all we have nowadays on /pol are Trannie-Jannies. A /b infection apparently

I´m cured but I´m an emoticon fag now. Lord help me.

>golden age of humanity

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>Maybe mailing bombs to random people wasn't the best idea
it was possibly the worst idea. for a man so intelligent (and correct in his philosophy), i am quite shocked he went down the terror route. so many better options. pretty much any other option...


No straight man uses "sweetie" when refering to another man.
You're either a woman or a faggot

>technology brings both good and evil.

You said it yourself, you one-post faggot.
It brings evil.
Maybe it brings other things too, but it brings evil for sure.

>You do not deserve what you have!

No one deserves anything they have, anything they desire, or anything they have lost, faggot.
Welcome to the 21st century. Enjoy your creepy-sensual happenings, faggot.

>it was those who control it

Kek, imagine thinking anyone could control this shit, lol!

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/TKG/ - Ted Kaczynski General - 2PM EST, every day.

Only on Yas Forums

Be there, faggots.

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All I see is a whole bunch of hypocritical faggots who only benefit from living in such a technologicaly advanced age.
You talk here using devices that are
only possible becouse of thousands of years of human knowledge.
No respect to your ancestors who brought us here.

You people are disgusting.
If you do not recognize that we live like kings of old becouse of technology then there is nothing of value that you can say.
You don't deserve any rational argument.
All technophobes will die and be forever forgotten, while those who embrace the future will live among the stars.
In your ideal world everything dies due time, in mine we become immortal godlike beings.

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you are so fresh off the bleddit boat its embarrassing. lurk 2 years before posting

>Kek, imagine thinking anyone could control this shit, lol!
who do you think runs the corps pushing mindless unnecessary shit into society? industrialization could be great. we need to focus on essentialitems,not mindless chinese manufactured shit

I've been here since the first habbo raids.
No man uses sweetie. Cunts do that when they're trying to be condescending.

>I've been here since the first habbo raids.

Ted only killed 3 people, and now millions can read his work.

Take your shitty reddit lingo and fuck off,back to your safespace, you insufferable fucking prick.

Are you scared of an actual discussion, you two-post faggot...?

Several anons attempted sincere dialogue with you by responding to your thread.... Why are you so afraid user, are you some kind of little bitch....? Take those anons on!

After all, you know everything there is to know about industrial society, its present, its future, the good, the evil, and all its consequences! Throw those anons a (you)! Discuss! lol.

>You talk here using devices that are
>only possible becouse of thousands of years of human knowledge.

Lol, if that were even only half-true.... You need to try harder than that....

Please user, have some self-respect, after all, you're not some VPN-shill, are you user...? Are you...?

>while those who embrace the future will live among the stars.
>In your ideal world everything dies due time, in mine we become immortal godlike beings.

Sounds just like Jewish promises, user.... Do you happen to be Jewish...?

Have some self-respect user, after all, you are not some lousy VPN-shill, are you...?

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>Ted only killed 3 people
thats because his bombs often failed. killing innocents in order to spread philosophical material is never acceptable. he could have targeted landmarks (mt. rushmore, statue of liberty when its closed, i cant think of any other american landmarks where casualties could be avoided). targeting the 2 landmarks i mentioned would have had same effect and no one would be harmed. if he actually did as i suggested, and continued to attack landmarks without casualties, he would have 100% had same result, and maybe less prison time? imagine if he got a 10 year sentence, everyone knew his work, no one was hurt, and he could have continued his work/life. think about what i said for a few minutes

is this your first time here too? you have never seen this condescending meme? on this board? before?

Well retard because new technology and ai is heresy, prepare to have your anal cavities displaced heretic

It's OK. Newfags everywhere.

they are larping like they are vets here
>1st habbo raids
>never seen sweetie in all these years
then some dumb paki chimes in saying
>no you are the redditlingo
just wow.

Yikes sweaty there's a lot to unpack here

no. fuck you.

>never seen sweetie in all these years
I've seen it plenty of times. When they get called out on it it always turns out its a newfag femanon trying to act condescending. As I said, either a woman or a faggot, take your pick.