There are not more people dying of the Coronavirus than of the flu every year. In fact, according to the statistics being presented, the flu bodycount is low this year. It is presumably because the people dying with Coronavirus are being classified as dying of a different disease, when every previous year, people who died of a Coronavirus would have been put in the statistics with the other flu deaths.
You’d think that someone would run it through their brain when it’s announced that flu cases are dropping at the same time Coronavirus cases are rising.
Dont all these journals sit like 2 seats away from each other? lmao its hilarious how they try to single this chick out to divert attention away from how shitty they are at their jobs.
>not returning that money to the taxpayer more proof teachers are LEECHES
Kevin Fisher
Bold faced sedition, nothing else. Pelosi needs to be held accountable.
Lucas White
Nurse Awoo, you have a coofer in room 188
Nurse Awoo, you have a coofer in room 188
Isaac Davis
Eisenhaur Place Residents of Bridgewater. There's a known. Should be known now and I figured it out with no help. But an old pervert retard with no life who has computer skills and he's able to tap into your internet and landlines phone. Mine most certainly is, I guess i'm the enemy. But if you didn't know, now you do. And actually a lot of the uphill residents are kind of gang like. Sooo. This guy and his thugs also like to try and intimidate me and who knows what else. (assaults, assinations have been things I avoided) So if you be talkin some shit, or saying some shit on the motherfucking internet anonymously the grand pappy don't approve of. You gettin capped, bitch And I only made that one thread cause I thought it was other people. But I mean some of them could be helping him or withholding info from me. so, fuck you. But this guy doesn't just spy one me, he fucking messes with me and stirs shit up. So......and that Jenn girl is all in the middle of this horseshit. Just fucking drama as fuck. I live in drama land with thugs in huggies and whores playing them like puppets anyway it's all fucked, it's all garbage. it's all " who cares". And just get fucked and get a life. Words offending you doesn't justify assination attempts. GANG PLACE, BDUB. REPRESENT. GET THAT BANG BANG ON I'm just a loner, keep to myself guy. Nothing to worry about. I just don't like people fucking spying on me. If it was the Government, it be one thing. It's local criminal dicks though. All I have done in the past year is watch and listen to metal music on Youtube, and Shitposted on here. And I mean shitpost. Umm this is Yas Forums am I correct? People trash talk and bait and troll each other all day on here right? Am I on the right site? I thought this was the place to do that with other anonymous people. I'm often wrong though...... no, not really. random number........13
Luke Davis
Just a reminder. 1: China = communist niggers 2: China = frens with cartels 3: If you support China not only are you a nigger but you support all the face cutting Pacos Simple as that.
FAKE AS FUCK PANDEMIC THAT IS ALSO HOMOSEXUAL >FAKE AS FUCK PANDEMIC THAT IS ALSO HOMOSEXUAL FAKE AS FUCK PANDEMIC THAT IS ALSO HOMOSEXUAL >FAKE AS FUCK PANDEMIC THAT IS ALSO HOMOSEXUAL FAKE AS FUCK PANDEMIC THAT IS ALSO HOMOSEXUAL >MEXICAN VIOLENCE MEXICAN VIOLENCE >MEXICAN VIOLENCE MEXICAN VIOLENCE >MEXICAN VIOLENCE MEXICAN VIOLENCE >MEXICAN VIOLENCE >President Donald Trump announced on Tuesday that the administration was launching an all out assault on Mexican drug cartels using the U.S. Military. >“As governments and nations focus on the Coronavirus, there is a growing threat that cartels, criminals, terrorists, and other malign actors will try to exploit the situation for their own gain and we must not let that happen,” Trump said. “We will never let that happen. Today the United States is launching enhanced counter narcotics operations in the western hemisphere to protect the American people from the deadly scourge of illegal narcotics.”
>shelter in place Yeah, that ain't gonna work when the weather gets warm.
Landon Nguyen
The suspected sniper is a hefty dude maybe little to no hair. I seen him walk these parts 2 times.
Also he looks an awful lot like my anesthesiologist when I got my wisdom teeth taken out, and the "doctor" or whoever came in started saying "this guy isn't" afraid of death....." I know I would want to be in a cold place full of drugs if I died"
Like a surgery room????
Yeah that was some of the comforting dialogue I got before they gassed me, oh and you'll never guess what? I had complications (nearly died) I dont know. They don't tell you shit. I awake back in the surgery room, all done and a hose coming out of my throat as I opened my eyes..... Bridgewater Nova Scotia Hospital. like 12 years ago......... what was that all about?
US's pace of testing is insane. jesus. not to mention, how quickly they made ventillators and have so many in production. fuckkk peak production
Robert Cruz
These things should really be comparing the US to the entirety of Europe - or at least Western Europe.
Logan Allen
With that, our fatality rate climbs to 2.37%
Tyler Lopez
someone post fauci's emails to hillary clinton
>i love you so much i love you even more now than ever
Matthew Taylor
The guy on the right to me is in on it. He starred in my window the other night trying to intimidate me. LOL Get your flood light out faggot, we'll have a good ole fight, pansy
Caleb Williams
Perfectly fine for Yamiche to get 2 consecutive days, though.
Camden Collins
Trump said “do the right thing”, trying to intimidate Florida into taking in the cruise ship full of sick corona patients. The idiots got on a cruise ship in March, smack dab in the middle of the pandemic, and multiple countries rightly told them to fuck off. Now Trump wants them to dock in Florida and put their people and medical workers at risk. Trump just confirmed this in the news conference "humane thing to do" "we have to help the people" Trump cares more about the lives of these assholes than he does the medical workers and general public in Florida. >also announced in the press conference: The continuation of the CIA's war on drugs. Trump is deep state. The media constantly bashing him IS THE PSY-OP. Theatrics. Ever hear Trump say the name, Jesus Christ of Nazareth? There's one video out there of him saying Jesus' name, and he likely caught a lot shit in doing so from his (((Masters)))
Austin Richardson
>"Trump gratefully accepted this humanitarian aid," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov was cited as saying by the Interfax news agency on Tuesday. Trump himself spoke enthusiastically about the Russian help after his call with Putin.
>A U.S. official in Washington confirmed the shipment was a direct result of Trump's phone conversation with Putin. The official said it carried 60 tons of ventilators, masks, respirators and other items.
Great of our white, Christian friends to the east to assist in time of need t. patriotic American citizen (not FSB)
Don't forget. >people scream for Trump to do something about CHYNA releasing the Wuhan Bat Coof from their Umbrellacorp labs >Trump sends the US military to kick their spic friends in the burritos and crack down on Fentanyl smuggling >Maduro is now a wanted criminal head of a designated cartel which allows us to use all sorts of fun financial tools to fuck with his government
desu as a Commiefornian I'm pretty surprised at how well Newsom is handling this. He isn't getting hostile like Cuomo or the other Dem governors.
Carter Smith
Absolute garbage w/ a shitty aftertaste
John Allen
already debunked: >"i-it hasn't cured America yet" not even two weeks have passed since the study was published (not an argument) >"killer 2g" is 10 TIMES THE RECOMMENDED DOSAGE OF 200mg >fauci's "it's not a prophylaxis" literally means it's not prevention, THIS SAYS NOTHING ABOUT IT NOT BEING A CURE >"only 6 patients in the study" ALL 6 WERE CURED >"one relapsed" after ONLY THE FIRST ROUND out of 6, the treatment isn't bunk >"one died" ON DIFFERENT TREATMENT >32- and 65-year-old drugs are NOT experimental drugs >H's retinopathy sometimes caused after 5 years of use or 1000g taken in one sitting (recommended dose is 200mg), neither applicable >A's heart issues are extremely rare
Brody Sanchez
>The continuation of the CIA's war on drugs. there's a difference between (((CIA)))'s "war" on drugs compared to Trump's NSA-based war on drugs this isn't a slush fund operation anymore
>boomers I know are saying they're not going to watch anymore thank fucking hell, in leafland fox and cnn is the only choice, so I left it on after trump talked and damn I hate these fuckers
>1: China = communist niggers You a weeb that watches gook cartoons >2: China = frens with cartels You're probably a skinny faggot that unironically thinks Trump is "Pro-American" >3: If you support China not only are you a nigger but you support all the face cutting Pacos I live in the southwest, most god-fearing, gun loving part of America, and Mexicans are not an issue here. You are a fucking ZOG nigger, and you think Fetanyl is coming up south of the border, when it is probably already stockpiled in the U.S. and Canada being it was only scheduled 5 years ago. To add to that, Heroin is a American made product as seeing that Afghanistan controls 90% of the world's heroin supply, and is under armed protection of the United States of America. How about you read into the assassination of Gary Webb, the Mena, Arkansas drug running, and the entire CIA smuggling occuring in Laos, and Cambodia.
Chinks should be took down a notch, but you are just a blind weeb.
Adam Edwards
this is great news let them go to Botswana for treatment
Justin White
just need to manufacture enough of this shit that people can take it at the 1st sign of corona virus
That's only symptomatics who got tested. Divide that by 5-7 to include all likely cases.
Kayden Long
Federal prosecutors allege train engineer Eduardo Moreno, 44, of San Pedro intended to hit the ship, saying he thought it was "suspicious" and did not believe "the ship is what they say it's for.'"
tell me, is ISIS alive? tell me, is bag daddy alive? tell me, is solemaini alive? tell me, is head of hezbolla alive? tell me, are there sanctions in middle east?
in the coming few years, trump will bankrupt their fucking heathen country yet again.
all manufacturing in china will be moved to india, a much stronger ally and or moved back to america
Brandon Walker
a one year break in jewish public school programming might actually give the next generation some hope
Bentley Jenkins
>"suspicious" and did not believe "the ship is what they say it's for.'" I agree with him, but what a dumb nigger so how far did his train get on the water?
im hoping countless families move to homeschooling indefinitely to escape the demonic programming at schools
William Foster
No, I'm excited that the normies have something to cry about while we know what is truly going on right now. I've never been more excited in my fucking life, I am flowing with energy over all of this shit. Couldn't be alive at a better time
he can only be a never-trumper for so long. at a certain point, likely as of this acknowledgement, he realizes it hinders him to go against trump for literally no reason. expect other governors to start trying to out-do their support of our president, since that signifies strength right now.
By shutting down Panama with this stupid initiative to curb drugs. 70% of Americans are on nueroleptic medication, 60% of women are chemically castrated, and the fucking Trump camp is sucking Zion Don's cock on this Nixon-era drug policy.
Daniel Moore
>people dont know what's going on here. now they will
FUCK is that supposed to mean?
Michael Gonzalez
disappointed, I was promised piles of bodies burning in the streets and all I got was a few people in the last year of their life, dying a predictable death.