>Worship me or burn in Hell Goyim
How is this free will? Christfags always talk about how god gives us free will but how is it? you have to do as your told or burn and torture forever and for what? a short lifetime of ''sin'' ?
>b but god doesnt send you to hell you send yourself!
And by that logic Gunmen dont kill hostages, hostages shoot themselves, brilliant
Worship me or burn in Hell Goyim
Other urls found in this thread:
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life
Hitler 3:16
Fuck Niggers
Fuck Kikes
Fuck Chinks
Fuck Jannies
Hey rabbi. cool gaslight attempt.
please dont take my foreskin Ill turn the other cheek, im afraid and weak, give me your love master jew
>expelled 1,030 times
Full list with sources: chuckmaultsby.net
Fun fact: Norway had it WRITTEN INTO THEIR CONSTITUTION until the late 1800's that jews were literally banned from their country
Understand what jews have done to the West. See these threads for more:
>The truth about the world wars:
>The truth about slavery:
Jewish (((educational))) propaganda aimed at children sponsored by tax payers
I used to be a non descript christian. But all the kike anti christ posting really made me remember that no one hates Christ more than the kike. Pagan posters are kikes too. It's pushed me hard toward the church when otherwise I would have just been a "believer"
Adolf Hitler is far more hated than Jewsus
>word salad
Not even close to how much jews hate Christ.
Adolf Hitler was better than Jewsus in every single way
Pivoting. Why don't you show your flag? If anything Christ Jesus and Adolf would have gotten along. You on the other hand hide your flag and try to bring down the greatest anti-kike figure of all time namely Christ Jesus.
>For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life
God's Son, Sun, walks on water (Sun rising on ocean) turns water into wine (fermentation) dies on the Southern Cross for three days in December before it's annual re-ascention. Death comes in threes. Listen to Gary Cooper, christ-fags, your religion is a perversion of Babylonian Sun-worship.
Riddle me this then,
Why isn't Christianity as feared, hated and censored as white nationalism
Your churches are still open and you get movies about Christianity every now and then
Stop worshiping the jew God
You kikes like to use the picture about hollywood funding films about Jesus then post pictures of direct to video films funded by evangelist churches without any input from hollywood. The last film that was about Christ Jesus in cinemas caused the biggest spike in antisemetism since the jews crashed the german banks in the 20s and 30s and all jewish groups demanded that cinemas not show the film. To this day they are still mad about the Passion and claim it sparked huge waves of anti jewry in the US.
>Christianity isn't feared by jews
Are you serious?
>Hitler was a white nationalist
Hitler abolished black people in zoo's and was the first european leader to do so. There were plenty of blacks in the africa theatre working with the nazi's and one of his primary allies was the japanese. Every leader in WW2 believed in nation states and borders which is solidified in the bible.
You call Hitler a white nationalist but he was a national socialist who genuinely was caring about people and hated injustice. He didn't want blacks to suffer or be used and changed it in his nation. He believed in a german nation just as (((churchill))) believed in a british nation.
Your lack of understanding about anything just really underpins this all for me. Atheists and kikes are so bad at lying. You haven't the imagination. So you shove out headlines at people. You claim to hate jewry but then attack not Israel or judaism, but Christ Jesus who was the greatest anti-jew of all time. The bible is a book of anti-jewry and how to combat jews who want to destroy your nation but you shun it.
I'm not asking you to be a christian, but the fact you attack Christ is proof enough of (((who))) you're working for indirectly or directly.
Jews hate white people, they don't hate Christ. Everything they're involved in is anti-white. If they hated Christ as much, they'd be just as anti-christian and would try to stop niggers and browns from being "saved."
Christians are degenerate monkeys.
The word pagan was invented by jews, polytheism is the real word, pagan was intended to sound barbarian as if worshipping 2 gods was bad
Jews were considered the most inferior of the races because they only had 1 god to worship and only 1 god to protect them, it was common to hear Roman Chad making fun of kikes
>Hey Marcus Flavius Septimus Severus, look at this subhuman kike, praying to Moloch while we have 12 Gods that are our ancestors and are actual Chads that we can aspire to be close to them one day
Kikes were mad, because they knew Roman gods and Greek gods were the only reason these farmers ended up creating Empires, they wanted to be like their ancestors so they had an idea
Why not give them an anorexic faggot that preaches slave behaviour to worship?
Everything changed circa 800-1000AD when Christiancucks became Christianchads because they knew it was made by kikes, imagine the reaction of these cucks once they realized that the only reason the Roman Empire ceased to exist is because a kike had this idea, well they massacred the kikes, also because they were kikes and well kikes steal, lie, kill, ect...
> en.wikipedia.org
A religion of cuckolded faggots became a fucking war like religion aspiring to exterminate the jews, finally, it happened, unfortunately, they were still considered Gods chosen people on the Bible therefore the kikes only had to pay some shekels to the King to avoid having more kikes dead which he did and the king, as a Christiancuck accepted, then suddenly they went from killing kikes to kill sandniggers in another continent while little Azaliah was sacrificing Christian kids in their own land (WW2 flashback)
Imagine worshiping the literal King of the Jews as your God then calling yourself redpilled
>jews hate white people
Wrong they hate non jews. And above all others they hate Christians because for one they are jealous God abandoned them for Christians. Second because Christianity is the primary source of anti-semetism.
Name me one pagan god killed by jews. Name me one pagan hero who named jews as sons of the devil and liars every one of them. Read me one passage in a pagan poem about how to combat jews.
You can't. But all of these are in Christianity. The jews know this and have worked ceaselessly for 2000 years to undermine it.
>pagan was a word invented by jews and
Holy fuck I really don't give a fuck about your dumb fucking retard bullshit. You don't understand anything about pagan religions or gods you just meme it because you're an atheist. Don't try and pilpul me.
Even the maple nigger knows.
>to hate christians
Typical Christian coping at the truth
>Muh holy book
>You don't understand anything
look in the mirror, nigga
>attack not Israel or judaism, but Christ Jesus
Because Christianity isn't a white mans religion, you could be a shitskin for all I know
>Christianity isn't feared by jews are you serious?
How much more clearer does it need to be you denialist scitzo fuck?
The church is still in buisness and the bible is still a mass produced book, penned by the Jews you supposedly appose.
>Hitler abolished
Hitler wasn't a Christian, privately he apposed Christianity
>Jesus who was the greatest anti-jew of all time.
Right, Rabbi yesuah was the greatest anti Jew of all time, dont ever read John 4:22 or ''neither jew nor greek male nor female'' Just keep calling people Jews that wins the debate
And for the record yes, I hate seeing my fellow whites drinking the Jew poison
>love your neighbour and do good to those that (((despitefully use you)))
> but the fact you attack Christ is proof enough of (((who))) you're working for indirectly or directly.
Right the Kikes are destroying the west, the answer is to worship the Kikes good plan
Christcucks, Shlomos and muzzies acting like their god is the real god while all of these religions copied Zoroastrianism.
That was the point shitskin
Connect your brain and stop eating bat soups Mourinho
>The fact that the Churches are still in buisness despite the fact that whites aren't buying the beleive in Jesus or go to hell
>The fact that the holy bible is still the most pass produced well read and translated book on earth
>The fact that Christianity is the largest cult in the world
The point is that you are not whiter than a Roman just because you have a clear eye, Gonzales.
Your arab brain must not understand this.
That's why they hate Persians, because they created monotheism by breaking the hermetic duality. God's Son, is the Sun. The Babylonian Sun worshipping occultists co-opted Christianity and used Constantine to do it.
Nice picture. I already debunked it above. It's literally jewish pilpul. You claim to be a pagan but you have no sense of honor to lie to people.
>Knows nothing about greek or roman paganism, knows nothing about nordic paganism
>worships it
What cements it all is that you claim to be for nation states and white people and against jews. Yet you attack Christians who created nation states, protected whites for thousands of years and are the primary source of anti-jewry.
This is because you're not anti jew. You're the same people posting pro bolsonaro threads and defending trump for sending money to israel. There's nothing honest or honorable about you.
Sure. All those Romans weren't white. The British empire wasn't white. The Christian western Empires weren't white. English Kings weren't white. Normans and Saxons weren't white.
You are as deceitful as you are unintelligent.
*tips to based kike defender of nupol*
hello fellow jewish person, we should increase immigration to israel
>Rabbi yesuah
Quoting the Talmud. As expected of (((pagans))).
What's the point of that you fucking brain dead shitskin?
Do not speak to me you don't have brain cells
Free will is an illusion. It's a pagan concept. True Christchads realize that God causes all things to work together for His glory.
Judaism didn’t exist yet. I hate this criticism, it’s so common but so stupid.
>Sure. All those Romans weren't white. The British empire wasn't white. The Christian western Empires weren't white. English Kings weren't white. Normans and Saxons weren't white.
>You are as deceitful as you are unintelligent.
That was then, i am talking about today.
The majority of Christians today are shitskins, you are probably one of them
My religion is my white race
>My religion is my white race
your religion is judaism
your flag has a circle aand stars instead of a cross = you are a kike golem
Gonzales, you are so stupid that you didn't understand anything I said. It could only be a moorish worm. You are a degenerate like the marrano Franco or his best artist, that degenerate monkey named Picasso. Shit monkey that only knew how to create shit in the world.
So you don't care about the past unless it suits your argument. You quote romans and greeks who became Christians and have been for thousands of years. The greatest empire of all time both in influence, power and size was the British, wholly Christian. Name me a pagan empire? You probably have no idea about the Indus Kingdom either do you?
All you have shown me in this conversation is that you don't hate jewry or kikes. You just hate Christians, the jews greatest enemy. You attack the jews greatest enemy and you spare the jew.
As I said at the beginning, you serve judaism indirectly or directly and attack it's greatest enemy. That says far more about you and your position than mine.
No it isn't. You've made it clear you don't care about White Christians. Your religion is the hatred and denial of Christ. Literally the definition of modern judaism.
>Written by Jews
>Derived from Jews
>But Judaism Derived from Christianity written by Jews
Its all the same Jewish Shit anyway
>Full cope
I know everything about Greek and Roman polytheism oh and calm down faggot remember you are Christian you speak to me correctly and If I slap you in the face you give me the other cheek
Do not forget your position
> I am not "anti jew" because a fucking Britbong who literally had ancestors who bombed Germans for the kikes is telling me so
Okay bruv
>Christians who created nation states
HAHAHAHAHAHA good one, literally one of the reasons the Roman Empire started opening his borders HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA literally every single church is using the "Jesus was a refugee too, please accept some niggerinos" HAHAHAHAH
>Proceeds to use a shitskin and a kike emperor as argument
Where is your argument against Theodiosus laws you brain dead Christian faggot?
>Picture related shows how Christianism is clearly meant for Nation states
do you know what kike means glownigger nufag?
>I know everything about Greek and Roman polytheism
Really? Tell me the name of the Roman God of sneezing. How many times have you prayed to him this month?
You don't know anything about it. You don't worship it. You don't care about it. It's a tool for you to use to bash Christians as though you have a religion to disguise yourself for what you are. An atheist. Just like Varg is and admits he is.
Praise jesus and god bless israel!MIGA!
>Your religion is the hatred and denial of Christ. Literally the definition of modern judaism.
Love your enemies and do good to those that despitefully use you is a despicable philosophy
I appose this 100% problem?
>your flag has a circle aand stars instead of a cross = you are a kike golem
My cross is the Swastika and you worship the Jew
Its no wonder you appose national socialism
Go suck a bible then
It could only be an anglo monkey to defend christianity. You are not white, you do not know what it is to be white. You are more ape than a spanish or portuguese. Have you tried to kill yourself after what you did in WW2?
Christ was a Yehwist, now a Jew
tfw Hitler was a reincarnation of Jesus, it explains the amount of hate he gets.
I **oppose** nat socialism because im not jewish nor a zionist
you on the other hand are likely both
Does that meant they both lost?
Really? Tell me where in the bible Christ compromised with evil? Tell me where he allowed sin? Tell me which psalm and verse he begged for his life from the Pharisees for offending them? Tell me where he demanded open borders for Rome?
You can't because there aren't any. Your arguments are so basic, so useless that it is just the abject hatred of Christ and Christians. You have no thought or instruction as to how to question something you do not understand and so you just throw out the most basic tropes you've picked up on here.
You have a lot in common with the Talmudists and you certainly serve their purpose of destroying Christianity.
Except Hitler was greater than Jesus Christ in every single way
Europe has so far been christian and has only absorbed shit, Anglo monkey. Where did you get that christians are nationalists?
Understand, atheists are secular christians. Christianity is atheism disguised as religion.
>Dude quote those well known verses in the bible about praying for your enemies and not asking for something back when someone steals from you
Just fuck off you faggot you have made it clear that all you can do is stomp your feet and shout ''JEW''
Every time, instead of presenting argumentd they start to mindlessly cite passages from their jewish book
Why would you ask me that? You can literally search on google every single god are you brain dead Harry?
I do not worship the Roman pantheon nor the Greek pantheon (in your case faggot) but at least it is better than worshipping a faggot anorexic kike who is giving you this
Btw I never claimed to worship anyone, that's just your deranged brain, we lost long time ago there's no point believing in anything, gods were meant to inspire, we know they don't exist.
lol imagine being THIS delusional
>pic is you XD
>it's another anti-Christian memeflag thread
The larp pagan reveals his true form
>pagans uhhhh liek jews
Tiberius expelling all Jews from Rome? The Jewish-Roman wars? Titus destroying the second temple? You don’t know shit nigger
Too bad he was a Galatian who hated Jews, you inbred kike fuck.
> How is this free will?
No such thing.
It's all about maintaining social order.
I have come not to bring peace but a sword.
If you do not have a sword sell your cloak and buy one.
If my kingdom were on earth my followers would have fought for me.
Go and sin no more!
You are of your father the devil and the sins of your father you will do!
You know nothing of Christ of Christianity. Nothing of the beauty of it's art, the fairness of it's law, the power of its empires. You're just a wretched talmudic pawn desperate to destroy it.
You talk like a kike. You act like a kike. You argue like a kike.
Hell is a spiritual state of being. Reject God, reject good. You get your choice, but God warned us and reminded that there is always a way back.
Get Simpsons-tier theology out of your head.
agrippa was a literal jew
Fuck it, for the record of making you look like a dumb faggot that doesnt even practice what you supposedly preach
Matthew 5:44
But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,
Luke 6:30
New King James Version
Give to everyone who asks of you. And from him who takes away your goods do not ask them back.
On the offchance that I am a Jew and completely full of shit tell me why these two verses aren't completely despicable and why I should Pray that the Kikes will see the light and come to Jesus
Go ahead
absolutely based
>I do not worship the Roman pantheon nor the Greek pantheon (in your case faggot) but at least it is better than worshipping a faggot anorexic kike who is giving you this
Just an athekike doing the work of his talmudic masters. Denying and trying to destroy the greatest anti-semetic book and figure of all history.
We will know you by your works.
Jesus was a dirty fucking jew
>Christian who thinks he is pagan.
Do you want to assign a shit you created for us, monkey? You are so stupid. Go bow to your degenerate jewish female.
Not much of a sacrifice considering he can instantiate his son at any time he wants
Thank you for proving that nobody disbelieves, they resent God because they want to be God themselves.
>I have come not to bring peace but a sword.
Contradicts the verse where he says
>for the son of man didint come to destroy mens lives but to save then yadda
But nice try
Not an argument.
I dont understand your subhuman english pedro
stfu and build me a deck nigger
Hell yeah brother, siege heil. Image related is more based than a happy Christian (jew) family. Fuck kikes
>Because Christianity isn't a white mans religion,
Yes, It is, retard.
It has been made so.
>Not an argument.
this from an avowed nat soc lol
you kikes expose yourselves more every day
>Insulting and not being submissive
>Heretic behaviour
>Went from using "Jews" to "kike" while calling me a kike
>Insults God chosen people
Love being called a kike by a kike worshipper but at the end of the day I clean my ass after taking a shit with nice towel made of the kike flag and you probably don't since it is stated in your book that they are God chosen people
>The greatest anti semitic book translated by a kike where the holy city is the kike capital and all the missionaries of the first era were Jews converted
Beautiful, you do cope bruv
Sorry I don't speak that monkey language properly. Positive point for me.
Pedro is the name of the christian monkey, as is his name, monkey.
Every monkey is a christian like you.
>Hey, you jews should stop being suck retarded dicks and practice virtues like being good to your neighbors, and being productive with your time, and having good families, and having a solid foundation of unshakeable principles, and this will result in a people, and hence a nation better and stronger than any other
>retards/atheists/jews: MUH HELL! MUH FREE WILL! MUH LOVING GOD MEME!
>ant: hey grasshopper, if you don't work together and prepare for the winter like us you're ngmi
>grasshopper: STFU KIKE!
>retards/atheists/jews: WTF? TALKING ANTS DONT EXIST! Your fairy tales are retarded lmfaoooo
Majority of Christians today are Shitskins, why do you think so many of them on this board dont give a shit about the white race?
It's an argument for you being a subversive lying scumbag.
lol you're spamming alot of threads now rabbi
Jew biblical term
>someone residing in Judea
Jew modern term
>A person who follows Judaism
this is literally 1st grade Sunday school knowledge.
Take meds
You quote the exact opposite of talmudism.
Even the crusaders prayed for their enemies. But they still fought. Christ prayed for the jews who killed him but he still stood against them.
Talmudism demanded that the hebrews stole from goyim. To take of everyone. To rob those who were not hebrews.
Christ Jesus taught anti talmudism. Anti jewry. It is strange you use these verses that in some way he was a pacifist when he beat those in the temple with a whip and said to Pilate that his kingdom would have fought for him.
Anything else in your little notepad file you want to post out of context talmudist?
No it isn't. Not even to someone who has a basic understanding of the English language. How often do you lie to defame Christ? Do you not have any feeling of how filthy you are acting like the kikes you claim to combat?
The bible clearly states that the kingdom of God are the Christian people. Israel doesn't exist on this earth and those who reside in Palestine are pretenders and liars. Much like yourself.