We did it kekerinos! Israel is saved!

Based and red pilled!

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Other urls found in this thread:


>don't ask me what your country can do for you. Ask me what you can do for Israel

Attached: 2019-12-11t195559z_599229512_rc27td9nxomf_rtrmadp_3_usa-election-facebook-ads.jpg (362x335, 18.4K)

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make israel great again!!!



Attached: 1585430951976.gif (360x202, 3.35M)

Too late

Attached: all of israel infected.png (1053x1776, 279.05K)

Organic thread



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Kek imagine voting for this MIGAnigger holy shit mutts BTFO

Attached: kike.png (860x636, 158.72K)

>tell everyone not to wear masks
>send all masks to israel
makes sense i guess

maga is the last piece of white culture in america

>germans cant understand altruism


surprised the masks fit over the noses

source faggot blue checkmarks dont count.

Trump also said “do the right thing”, trying to intimidate Florida into taking in the cruise ship full of sick corona patients. The retards got on a cruise ship in March, smack dab in the middle of the pandemic, and multiple countries told them to fuck off. Now Trump wants them to dock in Florida and put their people and medical workers at risk.


>don't even have enough mask for Americans

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yes animals indeed goyim are disposable cattle meant to die en mass for israel


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Trump just said in the news conference that it’s the
>humane thing to do
>we have to help the people
Trump cares more about the lives of these retarded assholes than he does the medical workers and general public in Florida.



Nearly all countries are hit by this virus. Why helping Israel?

Attached: spannend.jpg (268x359, 42.29K)

soft-nationalize general motors to produce thing
>ship thing to best ally

watch, it'll happen

Don't get why people on Yas Forums support trump. Its obvious their desire to make liberals mad far exceeds any actual common sense

Based Zion Don does it again

It's fake.

nice source

...but you're OK with the barista who spit in your coffee this morning.


US is a World's agregator of shit people.
If millions will die then they can give millions greencards and its fine for them.
But jews lost people in holocost so they need help

Is this for real or just a twitter shutter? I need a source.

>just wear a scarf


Attached: trumptard-corona.jpg (2048x1423, 191.16K)

They have more masks than we do. Also, where's that sauce?

it's a fake tweet made almost 2 weeks ago
any retard in here acting like it's real is a reddit tourist that needs the rope

America loves jews user. Why else would politicians have to go to AIPAC to kiss the ring

that was fucking hilarious

Jews are white

>gimme dat

Attached: trump-this-is-for-israel.png (618x867, 329.6K)

What a pathetic kikeshill lmfao

Yeah that's my fetish


why is this fucking site full of fucking retarded niggers now that believe anything they see? especially shit that is weeks old

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did q predict this

In the land of the Goy, the Khazar is king.

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>Russian yapping about altruism

Switch tactics: say the tweet is fake (rather than deleted)
Stay nimble, fellow pedes.

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My redpilled poli sci prof ordered us this copy like over ten years ago. I had no idea about (((them))) back then

Attached: mutt-cloth.png (500x583, 100.36K)

Bioscarfs are actually rated N95 I considered getting one but they are basically useless since you can't get a seal and if you flip it around on accident you just suck in everything it caught

You subhuman baboon.
You literal nigger.

How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?

You are human trash, Jose Tyrone LeShawn de Cordoba. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back into the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.

Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about human affairs again you antiquated farm equipment. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage. Your crude makeup isn't fooling anyone.

You nigger.

You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilization.

You are the Baltimore of South America.

Go fertilize the Pampas with you and your families corpses, it's the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life nigger, you will have a job. Making food for a race of beings of infinitely higher worth than you. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time a Brazilian "man" provided for a family.

Die, banana eating freak. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.

Fake and gay

I'll do some fed shit to a jew if this is true

Yes send aid to israel!
we don't want another 6 trakillion to be masturbated to death do we now?

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It’s all good. Our Russian bros sent us some to replace want we sent. It’s all a game.

You suck at this shilling business so fucking much, chankoro.

>Adrenochrome can only be found in the human skull
retard alert
it can probably be produced with relative ease from cough medicine or crystal meth

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MIGA. Iran must fall. WWIII, lets go.

I can't find any news on this. Source?

They're all the unsanitary masks the chinks contaminated before they sent them here. Based Trump played the kikes again

>trump supporting strategic geopolitical allies