Should the US ban Chinese food?

They are already losing clientele. The food is nasty and bad for you health. And we really shouldn’t be eating rats, bats soup, pangolins, and human infants.

Besides Costco’s spicy orange chicken, should we ban chink food?

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american chinese food has about as much to do with china as taco bell does with mexico.

USA doesn’t have authentic Chinese food, it’s all fried or pan cooked meat in sesame or teriyaki oil anyway

Which is still bad and nasty.
Costco is the only exemption.

chinese food is still spice brain shit soaked in unhealthy vegetable oils and an once of meat with a pound of rice.

You want the real chink food come to canada my burger friends. Sad kek........

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>teriyaki oil
teriyaki is a sauce made with the reduction of meat drippings and alcohol/sugar you cooklet.

>spice brain

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>Chinese food

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I love Asian food. Fuck off kike.

Fuuuuck pad see ew in XO sauce sounds so fucking tasty right now. Fuck you man.

Teriyaki is a cooking technique, not a sauce, you colossal nigger retard

this, there is no "authentic Chinese" food outside of china, because real chink food is disgusting.

>spice brain shit
Poor spicelet can't even handle Crystal hot sauce

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Ever notice how any of them all have the exact same menu? Pretty sure they are a chinese govt run business

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Ok they are absolute, vicious degenerates. Eating rodents alive, rats, worms I mean wtf

Chinese food outside of China is greasy leftovers anyways. Avoid. Not that the real Chinese food is any better...

Authentic Chinese food is Bats, slugs., live mice, and anything that is alive.


This is Thai food you nigger

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I've bet we've all eating rats or some mystery meat at a chinkstraunt

The only Chinese things that should be allowed in America are the masseuses

>Companies sell bottles of it
>People have a general idea of what "teriyaki" tastes like
>People buy teriyaki flavored noodles
Yeah I get it. It originated as a cooking style wherever the fuck it came from. That's cool. Everybody else who can barely figure out how to use the microwave and the toaster oven without setting the house on fire knows what the pic related is, knows what it tastes like, and probably likes it.
I get triggered when I see Texans go on about how good their Kolaches are, when what they are actually selling is a pig in a blanket and not a little pastry with apricot jam or farmers cheese in it. Get over it user.

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fuck banning shit that you don't like, just stop eating it and they'll shrivel up and flake off like an old zit

I love Thai food and Japanese as well but I will never eat Chinese again in my life.


What the fuck happened

I still like siracha

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what is wrong with chinks?

stay the FUCK away from my kung pao chicken and shrimp fried rice ya god damn boomers

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Have you gotten the secret menu?

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No one could post for about 10 minutes, but the site still loaded. Spoopy

Chinks were hoarding masks and believe the CCP, enjoy going out of business bc their gov't has underminded their own people worldwide. Invisible hand will take of this problem on its own desu
They are easy to single out, can't shape shift like jews.

I like chinese food every now and then

They don't trust food to be fresh unless it's still alive.

Just ban the people. Are you one of those " can't fuck other women so I need to fuck a bug instead"?
Just ban anyone of Chinese heritage.


They also cook animals alive because they think torturing the shit of them makes the meat taste better.

Imagine even making that mental calculation. "I could make the meat taste better, but I have to put a living creature through unimaginable pain to do so." Then imagine actually fucking doing it. Now imagine this is deeply ingrained in the culture of an entire country. China is a country of literal psychopaths.

I burnt myself out on sriracha a long time ago. I used to love just throwing whatever weird spicy and sour shit on food but I've really come to appreciate how far salt, butter, and olive oil can get you. Honestly kind of hate to eat over seasoned food now.

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ok boomer

No. We just rename it like the cunt liberals are renaming the Spanish Flu. General Tsos Chicken is now Bubbas Best Spicey Chicken. Moo Goo Gai Pan is now Chicken Shrimp Beef and Fucking Snow Peas. Then we nuke China and even history will forget them except they shall be called The Degenerate Dog Boiling Bat Eating Slanty Eyed Fucks. Pretty simple actually.

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no it isn't that happens pretty frequently actually
t. spend too much time on Yas Forums

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Jesus Christ Allmighty
Do they have so little normal food, that they have to do things this way?

All the countries posted so far are being hypocritical toward those disgusting, soulless, subhuman, lying, cheating chink fucks - you all eat meat. Only the great civilisation of the Indus valley voluntarily became vegetarian for purely ethical reasons. I thank my ancestors for that. Jai Sri Krishna

>They also cook animals alive

Attached: chink cooking dog.webm (368x640, 668.04K)

Sambal olek > sriracha

You do know the meat you buy at the store gets the same treatment retard

i dont understand... raising chickens isnt hard. why do these subhumans eat this shit?

Yes, and although you say they’re losing clients, I actually saw a pretty long line at my local Panda Express drive thru the other day when I went to pick up groceries.

No. I’ve lived in China and asked this of people there. They have plenty of food. No one eats like this because the alternative is starving, they just like to eat everything. They like the novelty.

Except that’s a small dog and not a farm animal in the webm dumbass.

'authentic chink food' is fucking disgusting, my uncle went to the same chinese place in london for 10 years, it got shut down after they found cat in the storage area.

after its dead, yeah. chinks believe making the animal suffer gives them bigger penises or something

okay dogfucker

But are those nasty eating habits a result of communist starvation under mao, so that people had to start eating strange shit and it became something to appreciate, or are have they been eating this shit for a longer time?

>Checks out
At least we kill our animals, before we start cooking them.

They have tons of chicken. Every large city has major western grocery store chains. They just like eating everything that moves.

>Do they have so little normal food, that they have to do things this way?
who knows

Attached: chinks butchering cow.webm (204x360, 187.94K)

I once saw a similar video and someone claimed that's just how they clean the dog of flees. Is this true or are they really preparing dinner here?

Japan did nothing wrong

They don't skin cows alive retard

Attached: chink skins cat.webm (320x240, 2.83M)

No, not at all. Most of this shit they’ve been doing since long before the commie famines, and even young people who’ve never experienced it ear the stuff we think is very weird.

Don’t know about the specific video but there are people who like to cooks dogs alive and essentially torture them before they eat them. They say it makes the meat taste better.

Chinese food is more American than a big Mac these days

The ol skinning a cat alive against a tree huh. That's a noble cause..