Black pills

Give me your most depressing and shocking facts you have, anons

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søy filters to onions

Hispanic girls are better than White girls.

Nazi Germany was Humanity’s last hope. Kikes have flipped everyone’s moral compasses and Evil is now good and good is evil, kikes are at the height of their power in history and going nowhere.

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There is no good or bad

all self-evident

The sad fact is, if the Americans don't sell weapons to the Middle East for profit then some other country will. The eternal war in the Middle East is basically a money making scheme and the American's, for all their talk of peace, is the sole benefactor.

One day your mother put you down and never picked you up again

Salutations, Habsburg!


2/3 of american children don't believe in the holocaust and 10% of americans believe it was a good thing.

China will most likely get away with this shit and go unpunished.

You will never taste Kay’s cooking.

Globalisation cannot be stopped and will ultimately end up exterminating all that is good, noble and unique in human civilisation. Globalisation is entrenching and will entrench already established power blocs, fostering an oligopoly bent on censorship and neutering the human mind to enable the creation of a true slave caste.

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Most people also rather not be around niggers but they would socially destroy your life if you said it out loud

It doesn’t matter what the goy think, it’s what they want the goy to think

The kikes used the fall of Germany to their advantage

>Give me your most depressing and shocking facts you have, anons
The fucking vegans are right.

Ops a faggot


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That actually hurts a bit.

True. It's all subjective

I always wondered for what reason would the elite go so far? Are we at least going to space?

maybe there is still hope

stop being gay and no fap

there is no meaning in the end of the journey

Back in school they teached us how Hitler and Nazi-Germany were the incarnation of pure evil and how the allies ''liberated'' us from them.
I instinctively knew that something about that story was not right.

Hitler loved his fellow Europeans too much and this bit him back in the long run.
Dunkirk and the Battle of Britain being good examples

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Massive ice age incoming.

It's 00:54


Poland was never liberated by the Allies in WW2, only fell to the Soviets to be raped

I’m losing my coof actually


Looks like I'll just have to be ready to pick her up some day.

Q+ is a very successful Pied Piper. The real evil is rooted in Racine WI. Foxconn. Is building the world's largest quantum computer. It needs to be built by the great lakes to cool it down efficiently. Look who has roots in Racine. The bad guys have full root. Trump is just playing his part. The only salvation is God and Jesus Christ. Know the signs, trust in God; for he is always there.


Jews need to extract maximum terror from their victims to please their master. (((Bolsheviks))) would chain up Christians and force them one by one to eat the brains of the live prisoner in front. NEVER underestimate their ability the worst imaginable

the white race has had it's last stand
all that's left is the slow sad decline into mongrelized nigger barbarity

those "trans women" are just men

there are guys in this thread who think they have a loving girlfriend, but she's cheating on them behind their backs

You will most likely never find true love that gives you butterflies in your stomach, you will probably settle down in your 30's with a woman you only care about beacuse she gave birth to your one or two children.

And also, love doesn't really exist.

reCAPTCHA is being a bitch


Stop going to Yas Forums. Stop using social media. Stop watching mainstream anything. Start actively seeking the real positive changes that are happening on this planet. They are happening, but are buried under the slurry of fear/anger/paranoia/hatred/division that is force-fed to us on a daily basis. You know it's wrong, everyone knows it's wrong... how we have been driven against each other. To fight amongst ourselves. To be made to feel hopeless, worthless, powerless, frustrated, and ultimately unfulfilled. IT IS ALL BY DESIGN (but you already know this). It's time to remember the Good.

You can start by looking within yourself. Even if you don't believe it's there; it is. It always has been. It always will be. Your perceived misdeeds, regrets, or sins are all merely ephemeral stains on the light inside of you.

Think about a time in your life when you were just taking in a singular, beautiful moment. You weren't trying to categorize it, or analyse it, or rationalize it, or deconstruct it; you weren't thinking at all! You were just EXPERIENCING it. What was that moment in your life? What did it feel like? Even if it lasted only a few seconds... what did it feel like?

Know that you aren't the only one who is tired living the way we have been living for so long. It's time for us to remember what we have lost. It's time to re-connect with what we have been systematically blinded to and made to forget because of just how powerful it really is. What has been inside each and every one of us all along, and what will forever be.

Light and love.

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Five Questions ("Government on Trial") Larken Rose youtube video

when you realize 80% of people aren't capable of understanding concepts this basic.

>Europe will be forever changed and will permanently become a multi-ethnic Continent with lots of social problems. It'll become much less productive and resources will have to be spent to take care of the undesirables, so it'll fall back on technological and scientific advancement.
>Since Europe and the US will be mutt sanctuaries, China will become the undisputed World leader and it'll bully all the weaker nations until it controls the whole World.

The universe we live in is Davey Jones's locker. We are floating on a rock suspended in a bottomless pit.

This is the black pill

This is probably true, and quite possibly the winner of most depressing blackpill. Everyone always thinks "no not me" but it is one of us.

Everybody has shit in them.

he said black pills and depressing facts user

People say my homeland will be minority white British by 2066.
What they usually fail to mention is that change will actually happen in 2031. The rest of the time is just waiting for the old white people to die.

USA is gone forever to any concept of "white christian" nation. In the future it will be a multi-cultural power-house and whites will be a tiny minority.

Whitepill: Remaining whites will eventually all flee to Europe which will trigger Reinaissance 2.0 and a new Empire that will usurp USA.

i dont fucking understand you, in one breath you say hitler loved europeans and in the other you say 'liberated by the allies' for fucks sakes at least pick one retarded propaganda to subscribe to

Fat girls are tighter than skinny girls.
Fat girls put more effort into sex and appreciate you much more since they have a hard time finding quality men.

He said "facts" not bullshit Mexicunt fantasies. Are you drunk?

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took me 6 minutes of editing and trying to pass the captcha on that post, and now 2 minutes on this one, first time today.

w..we wuz kangs n shiett :(

gen z is absolutely based

we live in a giant dreidel.

Stalin got redpilled on Jews and hated the Zionists and Chabad's with a passion, he also respected hitler.
Ironically he didn't hate all jews though, just Loxists part of the tribe

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The Kung Flu lockdown is permanent. Citizens will not be permitted to use transport or enter cities without digitally tracked health certificates carrying their entire movement history. The pretence that achieving an independent existence via the free market is possible will be dropped in favour of Universal Basic Income. This will be clamoured for and granted without hesitation, but UBI is a trojan horse for a China-style Social Credit System, tuned to the values of globo-homo-shlomo, and targeted to engender total dependency on the state. Sanctions for bad goyim will be applied at the individual level, and the universal network of citizen police (already well trained by social media) will denounce their neighbours and family members for good goy points as nonchalently as they fish for likes on Faceberg today.

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nothing is true, everything is permitted

The west can't stay ahead of China and India forever without compromising national identity and forming larger political unions, like a united europe. There are simply too many people in these countries to compete with and their power is growing.

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The Bible God is real, the Earth is flat with a dome. Obey or go to Hell and die forever.

You are stuck being who you are for the rest of this lifetime, we are probably entering The End Times with this coronavirus hoax and mass 5G roll out.

No they weren't.

Yes there is, go drink a gallon of bleach and see if there's any question as to whether it is objectively good or bad.

Like the "equality of all men", amiright.

Yes, very Revelations-y.

I doubt it.

Go rape a baby to death and then tell me if it feels like what you just did was objectively evil or not.

There is no outer space, Earth is flat with a dome.

Wrong, you're either God's slave for eternity or you die forever.

Most Whites were already low IQ peasants.

Killed 50 million of them, peculiar way to show the love

Can you have a better pic? Bruh

He was right... about everything.

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You have all the power you need.

There isn't anyone "there" bro. And if there was he wouldnt save humanity from itself. It goes against the free will "god endowed" onto Man in Genesis anyways

Everything Purple user posted
>pic related is only his responses, NOT entire thread

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To be fair, Mexican woman typically have very bad tempers, and you literally have to walk on egg shells around them if you don't want to give them regular beatings.

the USA will never be the same after this bioattack, whether or not it is for better or worse is yet to be seen.

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people like that dont consider us and other slavs to be european or human

I came here to laugh, not to feel user

Yeah this is a kms-pill

Andrew Yang was the last hope for merica
UBI would've went global once the US's economy boomed
Now this pandemic will destroy the economy, and further incentivize companies like amazon to use bots and AI instead of people that could get sick and demand lots of pay
It won't get better

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This is party true. But chinks don't give a shit about holohoax, also they don't have a lot empathy. So probably they will win out. But as of right now, and since nixon and kissinger open relations with ccp, the jews are still making money selling america to the chinks.

We’re a game higher intelligences play with for entertainment.

my area was 25% white 4 years ago

The white race is doomed to fail, civil war wouldn't be the same in current year, boomers are dying while they represent majority white in the ethnicity censuses, large population of whites would be "race traitors"

Thats the blackpoll that makes me want to die sometimes

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Most liberals I know have separately confided in me that they hate blacks and the way they act, but act opposite because they feel like it's socially unacceptable to treat people differently based on skin color/general behavior alone.

The Chinese are going to get away with spreading their chink virus because the world's leaders are too pussy to actually take economic or military action against them.

>Iran War

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>The Bible God is real, the Earth is flat with a dome. Obey or go to Hell and die forever.
>You are stuck being who you are for the rest of this lifetime, we are probably entering The End Times with this coronavirus hoax and mass 5G roll out

I cannot even comprehend how people could be "at peace" in some heavenly realm knowing that there are people suffering in some other
And if you could be, there is something wrong with you
If hell exists, there is no heaven.

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hell is real, heaven is the nothingness

see my post

The pictures that will be shown at your funeral have already been taken.

i understand a colonial saying stupid shit, they cant help being born as they are but for fucks sakes you are a slovene.
did you get stockholm-syndromed into actually LIKING the feel of one german boot on your head and other in your arse?
and as for the massive jewish conspiracy you retards are always talking about the real world is much simpler.
MEN died, females raised new fucked up men without fathers they allowed females to vote by law of profit govs pushed agendas what 50% of their voting base liked and we all fucking know how pandering to women ends up.

you bible retards always amaze me.. i dont know whats up with your bible obsession,like its answer to every single thing in universe,do you think ancient egyptians and maya's lived by the bible? no,yet they lived in perfect harmony with world as it was ment to be..every answer we need in within ourself not some fucking book written by jews

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At least one of us will rope within 3 days of reading this thread.

The Jews will probably rule over a slave class of half breeds within 100 years globally

Experience trumps education almost always.

>fostering an oligopoly bent on censorship and neutering the human mind to enable the creation of a true slave caste.
that sounds kinda chill for the slave masters though ngl

there is no conspiracy

>implying jewrope isn't gone forever either

The material world is an inferior shadow of the immaterial spiritual realm - it is designed to be faulty, in order to be a mechanism of purification for the spirit of man. It is a great test for the spirit and a brittle servant of the spiritual plane.

Hitler reached into the clouds and tried to bring an order to the world that goes beyond what mortal men deserve, and beyond what the material world is capable of sustaining for us.
The waves are designed to crash into each other endlessly, and the flames to reignite into eternity.

Wrong, love exists among the top tier of attractive Whiteoids. For a little while, at least.

Literally not true, only some White boys trying to be edgy say dumb shit like this. You indoctrinated simpleton, stop watching The Simpsons, simp. There are rules and you are forced to follow them. If you become a serial killer you will be caught and imprisoned and probably executed.

You complete morons.

The only way to get away with it (for a while) AFAIK is to unironically worship Satan, but you're probably too much of a low IQ peasant to gain access to whatever elite underground/underwater baby-raping installations that may exist, you unconnected pleb. You poor person.

And it's not the Jews doing it, it's some rich Jews and White men, it's your nobles and burgeoise and some Jews that married into the elite.

Jesus will come to divide father from son and mother from daugther.

We won't go to Heaven, we will be resurrected in the Kingdom of Heaven on the Flat Earth. The wicked are burned in the furnace of Hell and die forever.

Egyptian and Maya mythology hjas it's roots in Noah's Ark and The Great Flood, Maya and Egyptian pyramids are symbolical representations of Noah's Ark atop Mount Ararat, that's why the temple is at the top.

Yes I read this and almost commented, it's a great whitepill but I'd imagine kikes putting international flight risks on all us ebil nahtzees
It's still good whitepill, we'll find a way


There is no punishment for wrongdoing. Many people have lived incredibly sick and twisted lives and never suffered a day for it in their minds or in the physical world.

The only people to suffer from behaving immorally are those who have a conscience.

that would warm my heart
if everyone has equal suicide chance numbers say itd prob be a mutt

there is always a conspiracy its just never as big and well organised as people think it is a small group of powerful individuals that want more money wealth and power

noah's ark was stolen from sumerian texts you do realize this?

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No, destruction of family, abortions, and divorce is all part of the jew plan.
Also big kike state is breeding subhumans with welfare, kind of kalegri eu-asian-nigger, again part of the big kike state plan

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so logic is a blackpill now, fuck this gay world, in the spine, so it doesnt feel good from arse

We never got a chance, since year 0 there are people ruling the world from behind

>Many people have lived incredibly sick and twisted lives and never suffered a day for it in their minds or in the physical world.

No shit, name them.

Bruh that’s a whitepill

there is no such thing as a black pill. Only a redpill you refuse to swallow.

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Jimmy Saville, lot's of peoples first blackpill.

there is no fucking plan, jews are scum and parasites and its because their semitic brain only see short-term profits THATS IT, if your degenerated stem of a brain can comprehend try analysing the situation in terms of short and long term profits

>t. Simpleton

Wrong, since we all descend from Noah it's only logical that the Sumerians were retelling the stories of their ancestors passed down to them through the generations. Same with everyone else.

He will forever be Jimmy Savile.

Most of the faggots on here will jump to a life of total virtual reality once the technology has been perfected. Just plugged into the system for life.

sumerian tablets are thousands of years older then bible bro are you serious?