Tencent is taking over the world while everyone is distracted

How the fuck are they so successful? They are currently buying up the US as we speak even during this pandemic. How can we stop Chinese conglomerates from turning into literal corporate Gods?

Was this their 4D plan all along?

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>How can we stop Tencent
You can't. They are literally unstoppable. Just accept your Tencent overlords.

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all going according to plan

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Oh god. How is this even allowed?

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Tie them to Human Trafficking.

Oh shit I hope they do it just for my entertainment.

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I’ll never be able to watch Disney again.


why Tencent?
because they will buy everything for 10 cents on the dollar

JFC kys after that one.

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This is actually based.

Based Chinese control over SJW american media and entertainment corps can only make things better.

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So true. ChinkTV won’t be full of tits, adulterers, and miscegenation. This is a legit upgrade.

>Tencent buys stock
>Nationalize stock via new FED scheme or Human Trafficking EO
>Take all the gooks money
Yes go ahead Chang. Good idea.

Because they are a digital company and people are at home playing their games, so they're making bank.

Absolutely based.

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Why wouldn't it? Just as the US raped war torn Germany the Chinks are raping you at your weakest, stealing all your technology and then using it against you. All apart of the cycle of life on this shithole planet.

>redditors are actually chinese shills

>Germany starts war with USA
>gets btfo

Shut the fuck up, neetsoc nigger

At least we'll have actual attractive actresses now.

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replace tencent with chinese government
because theyre the same thing

Yeah that one was a heartbreaker. I liked platinum :(

>How can we stop Chinese conglomerates from turning into literal corporate Gods?
A mortar barrage, probably.

They're still SJWs, only they protect CCP instead of blue hairs and woke pets.

Pick 1, but only one. I'd be preparing for more interracial shilling desu. If you thought the Jews were bad hold the fuck on

It's really easy to be successful when your R&D costs are zero because you just steal ideas from the west.

That chin.

Will rules of survival still be available?

well maybe but thats streaching the term to thin

at the end of the day one group is building an empire while the other is eroding the rest

Shit finally starts going my way in life and all of a sudden God chooses to blow up the planet fml....

Serious, they're one of the only companies to actually do BETTER because of the virus.


>Online service providers such as Tencent Holdings and producers of medical products saw demand skyrocket amid the pandemic.

And now they've also bought 10% of Universal.


Have you ever played Chinese weeb games?
These are lewd and racist as shit.

I rather have chinks controlling companies than kikes

Also they are based since they know how to control population since they only aim at things like Tik Tok or Universal Music Group which host every single nigger on earth that raps

Worse comes to worse violent riots in the streets where we target chinese people.

The FED scheme nationalization would pump Tencent full of fiat dumb mutt

Imagine the kino fight scenes we'll have when Tencent buys Disney.

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Everyone already knows Disney is tied up with that.

Thats not going to stop Tencent

fk tencent too prideful

looks like a fucking snow owl

>wants lewd
yeah, you don't belong here.

If you’re into insects


Most modern Hollywood films are meant for fucking China anyway

Trump, the daddy's money rent seeker, failed to stop China's rise to power because he never worked in a sweatshop or built anything of value from the ground up.

>We started from nothing, only a small loan of 1000 American factories.

This virus is a ploy to transfer power to China so it can run the new world economy.

The Chinese Americans were working brutal 16 hour days, grinding their businesses like an MMORPG. What did Trump do? Well, Fred Trump secured all of these government contracts to build housing during WWII and made a massive spread, then Donald Trump took over his father's real estate and did this revolutionary thing of charging rents on his daddy's property and collecting it for himself. Trump went on to underperform the index, and 50 years worth of wages of idiots was collected during that time.

Who do I respect more?

Everyone at home = more people playing games = more $$$ for Tencent


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test 2

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Of all the buyout this one is just just and deserved.
I finally want my revenge for what they did to Star Wars.

Cue fujoshi shrieking when all gay content is banned in tv/movies and they get sued for gay fanfic. Just like China.

Because the chinese don't care about diversity or excessive tolerance, they only care about efficiency.

Because it's a chink virus.

They release the virus while having the antidote already, that's why they are safely going back to work while the whole world closes up.

me too bro

i for one welcome our new chinese overlords

That south park episode actually came true.

Idk why nobody has yet waken up to how bad tencent is. A Chinese government proxy that is rapidly taking over and buying up western companies is probably going to be a major headache for any policy maker.

I mean they made a fortune off buying Riot Games the most SJW publisher in games I would say. They started all the garbage with ''toxic'' players (i.e. ones that would tell their garbage teammates to not play like retards in their games). They actively permanently banned them from the game. Say nigger or kys once in the chat in that game and your account gets an instant permaban.

Those are Japanese, and from Jap publishers. Though mainstream games from SE, you can expect to not be able to offend anyone since they have mods that ban for the most minor reasons.

They dump SJW shit and mass accessibility in everything they do anyway. Often accompanied by money grabbing schemes that'll make a jew jealous.

>I finally want my revenge for what they did to Star Wars.
There's better ways to Punish Disney... like actually enforcing the law.

There's no laws in the US.

Sadly, far more true that I'd like.
Apparently we can't even enforce our immigration laws because "thass raciss!" or some BS.

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>They started all the garbage with ''toxic'' players
dumbass riot was doing that all along
all tencent did was sponsor them because now they can literally print free money by being the sole distributor of the game within china
its probably the most popular game there, chinks dont care at all about PC bullshit
the only censorship they do is of criticism of the government or spreading information the chinese government doesnt want them to know

It's not raysiss, there is a deep state controlling the US and just does whatever they want, laws don't matter to them.

If they are bought out by China, it's better for americans because at least China controls their corporation, the US doesn't.

It's almost like this happened before with a certain banking family.

Chinese only censor Taiwan and shit outside of China.

And if a country has some balls, it can stop China from censoring Taiwan too.

Only weak government falls prey to China.

>It's not raysiss, there is a deep state controlling the US and just does whatever they want, laws don't matter to them.
The deep-state could be handled several ways; that none of these have-happened/are-happening indicates to me that Q is full of shit... much as I'd like to see the deep-state held to account.

One way to vastly reduce deep-state control is to concurrently (a) mass declassify, and (b) prosecute the crimes hidden in those now-declassified documents. – Another way is to do things like pic-related to the big corporations and cut off that support; as the whole lockdown proves, most of these Big Corporations have *NOTHING* in reserve.

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Looks like I've finally caught it.

>Those are Japanese, and from Jap publishers.

Azur Lane, Girls Frontline, Honkai and other weeb games are chinese tho.