How did we let society get this degenerate?

How did we let society get this degenerate?

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>my late daughter

Wait.., wut ?

Reminds me of Weimar times

She ded


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Because Boomers threw their sons and grandsons under the bus by not teaching them how to put a bitch in her place.

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Lol what the actually fuck

Don't worry about it. We also let lose viruses on the degens.

Every day i lose a little bit more hope.

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The lady's Twitter handle was @hotlizamartini but it's been deleted now

Pic related

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Those are nice titties

What was she late for?

God damn it

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No those arent

>t. gay corona

i wonder how else to make money off the the late daughter

Who gives a shit you fucking retard .

show pics

Fuck off lolbertarian. Evil must be stymied at its sauce.

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gross tits

GREATER INFO REQIRED NOW FAGGOT. Post the dump or be bannnned.

simps and other such cucks encouraging and paying for this kind of shit

Did she died from the flu?

share pic of daughter's tits

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Asking the real questions

My actual reaction was 'WHAATT'

I'm surprised I still have that in me.

your boomers' parents threw everyone under the bus when they "won" ww2

Dunno, but coronavirus is the cure

Yeah, I'm thinking Islam is right about women.

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Please come back Jesus.

The roastie thing is a meme. It's a genetic lottery, some vaginas are like that. My mom for example has a pussy like a baby, you cant see the labia Yet my sister has a big labia even when she was a virgin Same as the "uncut dicks smell" thing. I am cut and mine smells in just two days of not showering while the dick of my father, who only showers once a week, never smells

irreparably wreck the current civilization and reduce human polulation to 1 million. thats probably the only fix to the current system

Gonna guess the daughter died of suicide, maybe I'm wrong but these kind of hunches are usually dead-on.

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you leafs are really fucked in the head.

10% of US women whore themselves out at some point. Most Americans are in debt for most of their adult lives. Millennials are on track to have a baby bust if the economy goes to shit, again. Our environment is filled with xeno estrogens a most working people pay over 30% of their income to taxes and fees. And were all worried about some faggot virus we probably deserve, when shit like this happens everyday?


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I'd suck on them big guns

I'm not a brainwashed goy or a filthy rich kike pushing the propaganda that got us here

this can't be real. im actually crying

>your boomers' parents threw everyone under the bus when they "won" ww2
Boomers didn't fight in WWII retard.


You'd fuck anything you pathetic pussy worshiper

Thats the joke reddit

I saw this yesterday, the coomers in the bread are hilarious
but I love how those people are allowed and it's fine but I get b& for saying faggot

Holy shit your retarded as fuck

read that again you dumb fag.

Anyone have the moms pics/vids? Come on help a fellow coomer out.

And yet I still want the pics.

Which comedy sketch?

you americans are really as dumb as they say you are, its not a myth.

Incredibly low estimate, women whore themselves for a few free drinks at a bar or a free meal at Olive Garden every day

This. Just turn off the electricity and you might see local brothels set up within a month. Very revealing. Very disgusting. How bankrupt are we as a society?

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you're really throwing a lowball there pal!

Society has always been this way. Sex has ALWAYS sold for maximum profit.

You destroyed the Germans, and then you guzzled rancid jewcum like it was the elixir of life, you stupid fucking niggermutt!

And then you have the audacity to come here and ask ‘how’.



>my late daughter
what is she late for?

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at least then whores would actually have to work for their money.


Yikes moment


>How did we let society get this degenerate?
We welcomed the war on bullying. They subverted our language to turn it agaist us. Truth is not welcomed anymore, being mean to a person who DESERVES it isn't welcomed. Make bullying and ostracism great again. Expose whores to their families, future kids, bosses, coworkers. Take bad the language or wait till this shithole collapses and use force because when chaos emerges, nobody will care about a whore, journalist or an actor.

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so *COOF COOF* got those mom-daughter pics?

Nice pasta bro, exposed some newfags

Every time I hear some woman refer to whoring as 'work' I grow a little angrier.
Getting fucked isn't work, lifting heavy shit is, making shit is, adding value to something is.
Lazy cunts legitimately don't understand what the word even means.

I was wondering the same.

The content of the tweet doesn't surprise me. What surprises me is some degenerate isn't here posting the contents of that OnlyFans account.

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Kill them in Minecraft is what I'm saying.

Don't jerkoff and post here you LARPer

>How did we let society get this degenerate?
Treating women like they are equal to men doesn't make them equal to men, it makes them useless women.

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is there like a site where people post the onlyfans content for free?

>Treating women like they are equal to men doesn't make them equal to men, it makes them useless women.
Gonna save that one.

What fucking year do you think it is? Holy fuck I don’t know how you can be so retarded.

Disposable mother. A continuous trife on the heart of beings. Hell is what awaits her, with her late whore daughter.

The real suicide squad on YT.

Women area nightmare

i came to the thread just to ask this
JFC, what is wrong with burguers?

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