You will never get sick

>you will never get sick
immune chads ONLY

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OP is an onions boy

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Based and immunitypilled

Only nonbelievers and sinners get this shit virus.

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yall mind if i just start to


missed digits what a shame

Can coofers FUCK OFF

I believed I'd be immune...

My people don’t dread it we have always spread it

Only faggots get the virus confirmed

Yes... I am also immune...


>respond to roofers
>mutate and turn green
Like pottery.


I’m not infect- oh fugg




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I've been immune all day, fuck you glow niggers, I've got the power of God and Terry on my side

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I think I;m getting better.

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Get in here, healthybros!

No coofs here

i got infected replying to a fuckjin leaf

protip:filter leaf posts. do not respond to leaf posters.

Only fatties and faggots get this virus.

Thanks I am feeling much better.

I forgot if I'm immune

i coof. i no wanna coof

try infect me
protip: you can't

My sick children come and touch my hands and let meme miracles cure you in your disease

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Totally healthy here

What if green is actually immune?

im immune...coof

i am a son of god

Trump will win 2020

reporting in


Immunity chads report in

Muh paynuss

Go-Go Gadget Immunity!

The virgin immune vs the chad recovered

this all shows that you can't even let a hottie in your bunker because everyone lies

My immunity is ever lasting.

I don't give (you)'s to sickposters and sickposter vectors.
I only accept (you)'s, and (you) will give them.

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cooflets btfo

The lemon water every morning is what keeps me healthy :)

this user knows

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I'm immune :3



The redpill is that white people are immune. Thats how it spreads so fast on pol

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im white and immune

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Testing 123



They tried to stop me from posting for my superior immunity. Pathetic mods.

ive been immune on 3 ips so far. You have to be a real fucking moron to get infected lmao.

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user. . . you're infected.

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Infect me pls

Checked and rekt

I'm going along with the theatrics, but I have no concerns about contacting CV at all. I knock back 3/4 of all colds in 2-3 days, never had the flu and can clearly see that CV is a minor health threat exaggerated into oblivion by the lying jew media.

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Getting sick only makes me stronger.

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don't get me sick


Immune here. As long as you social distance from Jannies you'll be fine.

This is also how you prevent getting the gay