>you will never get sick
immune chads ONLY
You will never get sick
OP is an onions boy
Based and immunitypilled
Only nonbelievers and sinners get this shit virus.
yall mind if i just start to
missed digits what a shame
Can coofers FUCK OFF
I believed I'd be immune...
My people don’t dread it we have always spread it
Only faggots get the virus confirmed
Yes... I am also immune...
>respond to roofers
>mutate and turn green
Like pottery.
I’m not infect- oh fugg
I've been immune all day, fuck you glow niggers, I've got the power of God and Terry on my side
I think I;m getting better.
Get in here, healthybros!
No coofs here
i got infected replying to a fuckjin leaf
protip:filter leaf posts. do not respond to leaf posters.
Only fatties and faggots get this virus.
Thanks I am feeling much better.
I forgot if I'm immune
i coof. i no wanna coof
try infect me
protip: you can't
My sick children come and touch my hands and let meme miracles cure you in your disease
Totally healthy here
What if green is actually immune?
im immune...coof
i am a son of god
Trump will win 2020
reporting in
Immunity chads report in
Muh paynuss
Go-Go Gadget Immunity!
The virgin immune vs the chad recovered
this all shows that you can't even let a hottie in your bunker because everyone lies
My immunity is ever lasting.
I don't give (you)'s to sickposters and sickposter vectors.
I only accept (you)'s, and (you) will give them.
cooflets btfo
The lemon water every morning is what keeps me healthy :)
this user knows
I'm immune :3
The redpill is that white people are immune. Thats how it spreads so fast on pol
im white and immune
Testing 123
They tried to stop me from posting for my superior immunity. Pathetic mods.
ive been immune on 3 ips so far. You have to be a real fucking moron to get infected lmao.
user. . . you're infected.
Infect me pls
Checked and rekt
I'm going along with the theatrics, but I have no concerns about contacting CV at all. I knock back 3/4 of all colds in 2-3 days, never had the flu and can clearly see that CV is a minor health threat exaggerated into oblivion by the lying jew media.
Getting sick only makes me stronger.
don't get me sick
Immune here. As long as you social distance from Jannies you'll be fine.
This is also how you prevent getting the gay