So-called "young", "healthy" 39-year-old woman recently reported as scary case of COVID-19 that can strike anybody down.
The bitch didn't even have it.
So-called "young", "healthy" 39-year-old woman recently reported as scary case of COVID-19 that can strike anybody down.
The bitch didn't even have it.
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Damn i wish i was her coroner so i could motorboat those fat dead milkbags
how do i achieve this aesthetic
Subscribe to chapo on patreon, take lots of antidepressants, get a medical weed card, consoom copious craft beers and ethnic restaurants on ubereats, limit physical activity to 15 minutes a day or less.
She probably just OD'd on Xanax.
> 39yo
> Young
Why are there so many Covid-19 denialists out there?
How do I get rid of this green shit bros?
What she was a false negative?
Everybody already knew that.
Cease all biological function until such time as said biology is no longer virus-sustaining.
You idiots, Do you know how many people die per day? 150,000 people die per day. She could've die for any reason and now you are just putting the blame on covid-19 to scare people.
>tfw only walked dog/to the store for a half-hour today and lifted weights for another half-hour
I-I'm gonna be okay right coofbros?
I guess it's possible.
She was tested twice, both times negative.
According to science, she did not have COVID-19.
So what? Healthy teenagers are dying of it now. Obviously the weak die quick, people are on respirators for months with covid and it takes a little longer for healthier people to die.
Little bit of asthma. Drink too much (by nhs standards). Body mass index not optimal. ALL ACTIVELY REPORTED AS
Cowards will delude themselves but deluding others is also their goal as it helps them stay in denial, the media are just liars and misinform on every aspect of the soup-batpocylpse.
Here is some factual content to look at
At any rate, that sucks that she died so suddenly at such a young age. Maybe her "partner" killed her.
That's not the point.
The point is the government/media are using cases like hers to scare us into compliance. The whole "it can strike anybody down" narrative.
user, yes, most likely he killed her
>Maybe her "partner" killed her.
Lockdown would be a fantastic time to do something like that.
>no witnesses on streets
>lots of time to dispose of the body
>legitimate reason to disinfect tools and surfaces.
Dubs, Trips
WOMP WOMP the Soup-Bat is coming out to play
WOMP WOMP the Soup-Bat is simply going to stay
He flutters here he flutters there that Soup-Bat can get you anywhere
So wash your hands and hold your breath
OR WOMP WOMP THE SOUP-BAT will be the last thing you ever get
40 is the new twenty you guyth.
They're not providing the statistics to confirm actual danger. That's the problem. It's all interpretable in multiple ways, and people don't have any idea of how many people there are in the world and how often they die, so it sounds awful when it's just normal.
funny thing... here 650 people died of the flu until 15th feb so it will be around 800-900 people when flu season is finished nobody gave and gives a shit.
Now we have 120 corna death and basically a full on lock down, with billions in economical damage, and we have already a 800k people unemployed, shit is getting real end of april when we will have more than a million people unemployed.
Womp womp
probably an overdose
Doesn't work, I got 00 and it still got worse.
Did you think we were kidding about (((them)))? Did you think they were kidding about you?
>it of asthma. Drink too much (by nhs standards). Body mass index not optimal. ALL ACTIVELY REPORTED AS
he probably vaped.
Not a gamer, then?
anyone dying now is considered a covid death. governors are stockpiling all equipment and ppe. this is the greatest power grab of all time
That took 7 days to kill?
>The bitch didn't even have it.
No retard, that means they can test you twice and not find it
The testing company is probably not doing a good job with false negatives.
It’s sars friend’o
10% die with intervention
20% without
As reinfectious as the common cold
And this has always been taught as the threat most likely to end the species, a virus just exactly and precisely like this.
If it killed everyone it touched like bubonic plague we could suppress it, but it is the perfect species killing machine.
And also it’s kind of undead, is corona. It’s not even properly alive. Not fauna, not Flora, more chemical than living creature. It has no reason to live. No nervous system, no joy, no sex. It just ... is.
grandma face
Not only is 39 not young, she already looks like a senior citizon
Probably this. coof coof
>They're not providing the statistics to confirm actual danger
Indeed. Italy's results do show a little bit of the bigger picture.
For example, Lombardi:
>121k people swabbed
>44k of whom were infected
>24k currently alive
>12k in hospital
>12k at home
>1.3k in intensive care
39 is young to die, moron.
COVID-19 the soundtrack
I love it when happeningfags try to sound smart and talk as if they know anything about epidemiology
no, im to long on pol for not blaming (((them))).
What boggels my mind is we have 4500 death in the season 16/17... nobody gave a shit, hospitals where not overwhelmed or all the other shit they doom and gloom about.
And all the data is all officially can see in the chart in 16/17 there in week 3 there where dying a 100 people a day for a whole week.
Definitely Chinese then like you you shilling Chink cunt.
It gets worse before it gets better. Take fluids and rest, you'll be better tomorrow.
>hospitals where not overwhelmed
Yeah, they normally just let the old fucks die at home.
Until you realize the only tests that count are lab tests.
And that any death while testing "positive" counts towards the death count in the majority of cases
I destroyed epidemiology on here long ago, if you even knew the meaning of the word you’d be embarrassed right now fatty.
Pic related: (You) captain epidemiology. The science that IS NOT SCIENCE. Epidemiology is science like astrology is science you mouth breather.
It's literally the flu. The cure had been known since february. If you feel the symptoms, take pic related, case closed. If you have multiple conditions, you are dead. Not testing people, not treating them, lying about masks and telling people to go to the hospital only after the cytokine storm destroyed your lungs is higly suspicious. It's 9/11 over again.
you're stuck with the green shit forever
>you are just putting the blame on covid-19 to scare people.
The Corona Virus test does not detect the Corona Virus, it detects exosomes released by distressed cells. These exosomes are not released because of exposure to COVID19, but rather ANY distress. Presentation with sources here:
>It's literally the flu. The cure had been known since february
There is no cure for the flu, though.
I'm such a failure, I can't even get infected by this fucking Yas Forums virus.
So what. What’s your point? Use facts and make a point. Twat.
Are you saying
>hurp durp 20% of infected aren’t going to die of infection
Wrong. I told you before this that they would and it’s been proven BY FACTS to be true all along at every point.
Are you saying
>durp Dee doo dar everyone will not be infected.
Our government says they will over the next couple of years
But you fucking cowards and scitzo’s still continue to make arse noises with your mouth holes.
Now fuck off and be ashamed of your subnormal self fatty.
yeah u suck dude
She literally had HIV/AIDS
I know.
This is, PLENTY of other (actually) young, healthy people did die, so this shit doesn't really matter.
Then why did this chick test negative even though she definitely had a distressed immune system?
>The bitch didn't even have it.
Had pillow breathing problems. Bet that bf found her under the pillow he had over her face after she informed him that she gave him HIV from Jamal.
>OD on Xanax
You must have never even dabbled in pills. She likely OD on an opiate and drank on it. Or, she got fentanyl. I’ve OD’d 3 times and it always feels like you can’t breathe when you get really high on them. This woman was old and partied, I’m sure. She even looks like she’s on opiates in the picture with the black circles under her eyes.
>PLENTY of other (actually) young, healthy people did die, so this shit doesn't really matter
Find me some.
it's weird. I don't think it's "just the flu", like, I will tell people to prepare for the worst.
But if you actually watch the news, CNN, Fox NBC News etc. It's odd, cause they actually fear monger the shit out of it.
I also find it odd that they interview people that "have it", but are fine and once in a while let out a cough.
But when they interview people that "had it and recovered", they talk about it like it's the worst thing they ever experienced. that "even talking is hard". That's why I just stopped watching the news on this shit. it seems fucking fishy as fuck.
I am the cure.
seriously seek help
I've been infected, and then cured and then reinfected already
Not gonna do the googling for you, but I've stumbled across numerous articles in all kinds of media outlets the last couple of weeks.
The science behind it:
So...what she die of then? That's scarier than a healthy person dying of coronavirus.
She worked with HIV people...did she have it too?
no one asked about your mum m8
>>the exact cause of death is unclear and is being investigated by the Coroner’s Office
shitty diet and taking in to many dicks
>it always feels like you can’t breathe when you get really high on them.
That's because opiates suppress your lung function and you literally can't breath. As in that is their active mechanism, to attach to and block receptors that your autonomic nervous system uses to tell your body to breath.
Since when is a 39 year old, eggless roastie a young woman? She could be a grandmother at that age. I just love journalist spinsters redefining "young" so they can feel middle aged when they are 60 and childless
You were saying that people test positive if their immune system is distressed, not because of Chinese Virus, but hers was clearly distressed, so why didn't she test positive?
Here are all the facts you need
You do not even need to know what epidemiology means to look at the numbers and see the pattern compared to other diseases. You have a brain to look and think/compare for yourself
Everyone will lie to you. Media. Government. China. Politicians. Dicks on the internet. Shills. You can’t take anyone’s word for anything. Look up sars.
I know that I thought the government was going to send everyone to work and thought everyone was going to die fast. Somehow - probably because it doesn’t make economic sense - they dropped their mad turd immunity ideas and ordered taking shelter. Now they will probably try to monitor everyone like China.
It’s not a good situation but the fucking Virus is real and sars will kill the fuck out of 20% without respiratory intervention because that’s what sars does. Obviously.
Unless there is a cure (any chance?) then they 100% will monitor everyone to defend against reinfection. It’s going to be forced on you and that’s my opinion because nothing else possibly can happen. Not because I asked for or want any of that.
Survive this bit, survive today. Stay alive.
Go clean your room before you get grounded, zoomer
Doctor here. My guess is pulmonary embolism. If she was on hormonal birth control, might have had a blood clot travel to her lungs. If the blood clot is big enough to block flow, sometimes a person could drop dead instantly. Although she could've had several PEs with cumulative effects on her heart.
Mad boomer detected
39 is relatively young, unless you are 17 (which you are). But to your defense, she looks like she is in her 50s.
Did you even read this? Follow the source and it observe this, ding-dong. It happens so rarely in people under fifty that these people have to rely upon a global network of people to try and track down anyone who has it.
>Pediatrics researcher Jean-Laurent Casanova at the Rockefeller University, who specializes in identifying rare genes that can make healthy young people susceptible to certain serious diseases, is drawing on a network of pediatricians around the world to look for the relatively few young people who develop COVID-19 serious enough to get admitted to intensive care. “We study exclusively patients who were previously healthy” and under 50, as their serious COVID-19 illness is more likely to have a genetic basis, he explains.
Excerpt for the simple-minded
> for the relatively few young people who develop COVID-19 serious enough to get admitted to intensive care
The 20% is without respirators, if there’s a rush otherwise by stuffing a tube down their throats half can be kept alive.
Check what doctors in Italy and Spain said they were seeing - exactly this. That is because it’s sars. It’s fucking simple.
So it’s 10%, 20% without respirators for patients.
because she was dead?
That young? If her lungs were clear and she was that fucked up would you not do a clotting test? I forget what it's called but they gave me one when I had my first asthma attack just to make sure it wasn't a clot (family history.)