Brit/pol/ Footie Postponed

Will the footie ever come back? What political ramifications does this hold?

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footie is shit


jus dun u 4 avin 2 walks

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reminder that you only have a 5% chance of "surviving" the uk strain if you catch it.

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>void season
>Manchester as a whole has a open top bus parade to laugh at the scousers

Glowies Out

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Remember to write letters and cards to your loved ones and friends. By post.

A letter of good wishes is priceless in today's world of phones and computer screens.


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why does he continue after being btfo so much

they should do a sequel, boris and trump have sex

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DCS World is doing my fucking nut in

>you're not infected, right user?

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>Why doesn't he go away? I keep giving him attention and drawing oc of him? WTF? Havent I already BTFO him?


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Oi oi dickheads
So when we goin' beefa then?

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Ingurland will win euros 2021


70 bloody pence for a stamp fuck that

Ye and let the postman give his germs to your nan
Fuck off and take your twinkle-twinkle little star poofter flag with ya

cringy spastic

Kek I remember those Rhianna shirts, almost as bad as those ones that said
>N E W Y O R K

That is pittance. Consider the distance it has to travel!


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Not white

Surprised they got away with 'Piane Faggot'

I missed the 8pm clap for janny can we have a redo at midnight?

flawed statistics

in which case you'll have English women up and down the country opening their legs for BBC

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It’s called a foreskin

aha look at this bellend acting all hard
you got a problem yeah mate?

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Just received formal confirmation from my employer that I'm to be paid for the duration of the Coronachan crisis, feels good man - Who else here is getting paid money for doing nothing for the first time in their lives?

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Same. Burton's special, innit? It was always a square, washed out picture of the Brooklyn Bridge with a teal/turquoise gradient map overlayed, and a cracked 'N E W Y O R K' with ultra high tracking between characters.
Same lads who worse that shit wore Chinos and filmless glasses from Cineworld, and probably listens to the doors, or 'vampire weekend'.
God I miss Gregg's.

Funny, the whole country is against carrying on, we all want to simply to fuck over Liverpool.

They'll be outnumbered in any argument on the matter.

Sorry black bwoi but most of the ingurland Chads are hwyte

Do people like this really exist? Just dote believe it.

Big British Cock.


Future of English football looks bright

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i'd infect her through her arsehole desu

NBA, NHL, NFL, etc etc already suspended their seasons

speaking from US perspective after all pro leagues here went down, soccer/futball being suspended in EU will change absolutely nothing in your day to day life/living

Primark i think does a hoody now that has a big 69 on the front and vines or flowers growing over parts of it which make it look like a swastika
Seen loads of them, a couple of pakis at work wear it and one laughed with pride when i mentioned it

appears to be a legitimate mutt

My employer is doing it but not everyone. I'm too busy, doubt theyd pick me or theyd get fucked over. Also £2,500 is half of what I earn a month so don't really want a pay cut. Working from home is nearly like being off work anyway.

Reminder that football is for empty-headed poor people with nothing more to hope for in life than that the team they arbitrarily support will kick a bag of air into a goal

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Brits seem to be way more into soccer though theyll probably chimp out if they cant see ngubu or whatever kick a ball into a net

Cunt shit wog twat

do you have alot of repressed rage after years of being bullied by football players at school and your dad forcing you to watch Match of the Day?

>i-it's just a flu, bro


>it's a betacoronavirus
but im alpha tho

Fucking based. Has anyone made a fuss over it yet? That kind of shit usually gets seen to very quickly.
I used to work for CAPITA and there was a muslim paki from Manchester who worked on my team, and he and I were quite vocal about our hatred for jews. Once you get past the disgusting islam, they can be kinda based. Told him I didn't like Islam too and why, and he didn't even fucking deny what Islam is doing to the UK.
He got sacked for sniffing beak in the toilets and leaving it all over his nose, lmao.

British as in being born in Britain? sure


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I earn just over £3.5k a month, so I'll be getting the full £2.5k, for me it's worth the slight pay cut to have this time at home with the kids and being able to get work done on the house.

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Kek fucking guy is huge

Piss is stored in the balls

Reminder that if you don't have any paper or envelopes to hand, a potato does the job.

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Dont think so, its been around since at least last summer and im still seeing fresh ones around so guess not. Ive known a few based muzzies in my time too, the arab guy i was friends with vocally hated kikes but also hated pakis, he used to call them "jews of the east" and refuse to do any business with them at all
My turkish friend absolutely hates other turks ( that arent Besiktas fans) and spits on the ground when talking about them

Nah. There ain't no black on the Union Jack.

What have you lads been eating for this coronavirus lockdown?
For me it has been 3 weeks of powdered mushroom soup and instant noodles.
No, I don't like it.

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Anyone that hates Galatasaray is alright by me, absolute scum.

I'm a slot badger

Fuck. You know what? If we absolutely had to have either a million of those pakis or a million degenerate LGBT fags, I'd honestly have to go with the pakis. Do muslims hate us because they think we like Jews or something?
I'd rather have neither, and only have ethnically British people there of course, but when muslims are based they're actually really based.
The lad I am on about is the only paki I ever saw in my town. My town is still about 99% white (with the 1% being chinks), but I was genuinely surprised with how vocally he hated jews (he also hated Turks too). If they absolutely have to be in our homeland, then let them be the based ones at least.

just bin goin to the shop every couple of days as normal

I've been eating normally because I'm not a tosspot who's scared of going to the shops. Homemade kievs, with swede, carrot, and bioled taties covered in cheese sauce for tea today. HAd rice crispies for brekkie.

I feel it in my lower stomach more when i have to pee really bad though

Oooo i'm completely cured I was fully infected like 10 hrs ago