>tfw not infected
Tfw not infected
Nigger. Youre a fucking nigger
Fuck off you dirty Somalian
*Coof* Swedenstan
Good. I'll go hug my grandpa now.
Remove memeflag, retardo.
Clean and pure
Go get fuck by your new sandnigger overlord faggot
plot-twist: the infected are the non-infected ones
*coof* *coof*
give it to me!!!
I'm pure too
never infected
>SEx in the ID
You got the aids, niggerino
Says the nigger
likewise, OP
You're going to be now
Nah, I'm fine. Perfectly fine. I can't be infected. I'm not even 30 yet.
Immune chads rise up
I'm gonna coof
wtf when did I get infected?
This puts a smile on my face.
Immune. Imagine not being it.
So anyone knows how this shit works?
Infectoids raging
Yes. Coof
too busy being immune
You're infected with muslims
Nothing burger
It's just a hoax.
Hahah, I'm sorry burger
distraction thread working perfectly
A bright future awaits the immunechads.
Wtf is with the infected counter?
Too bad you're a shitalian and aren't immune
Feels good man
how the hell do you get infected?
You coof. *COOF* *COOF*
My guess is after a certain amount of posts you start to get infected (anomalies in your "Anonymous" name). If you keep shitposting and don't get any "you's" then officially get infected. You can be cured if you receive enough "you's" and then the biohazard emoji turns into a crying laughing emoji. If you stay infected for too long you get a perma-ban, but it's just an April Fools joke.
someone kiss me
bug catcher joey here. anyone wanna coof on me?
cant catch me
I envy you
Feels good to never be infected
First post in like fitty years. Just checking lol
coof on me
>tfw I've replied to infected anons
>tfw they've replied to me
>participated in a few threads
>still not infected
Me too.
Misterymeat ^
perhaps typing "coof" is what triggers it.
Coof, coof. Coof.
same bro
Sounds about right
Same, get in here healthfags
>even online i am clean and healthy
feels good