Americans find this acceptable

>Americans find this acceptable

fucking savages. Have some respect for your dead

Attached: forklift_cooferinos.png (813x868, 734.03K)

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They got a man in a suit.

Murican as fuck. Fuck yo grandpappies

Attached: 1585689842544.webm (320x580, 2.99M)

How else are you going to lift the average American?

Like what? Having gypsies pick over their corpses first

smart user is smart

Oy vey theugh waz foarklifts to moav all of do bodies
and ova 6 million soles were loast to the etha because of the improper handalin of tha boawdies, NEVA FOARGIT THE CORONACAUST

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>Have some respect for your dead

Refrigerating them so they can be burred later

looks all fake a faggy

How do you get laughing crying emoji?

>Americans won't do shit jobs so we need a gorillion mexicans
Fucking Jews. Based salt of the earth Americans.

Attached: DwrMNu-VYAAZf5c.jpg (750x510, 48.66K)

Made for BBC

Attached: coronavirus-forklift-driver-04.jpg (662x441, 101.41K)

kek, the best thing about this virus is it will drop the obesity rates

As a fork lift operator, I’d be honored to go on one last ride in the ol’ heister when my time has come. Live by the forks, die by the forks

getting carried past a line of 10 other forklifts raised high with the American flag each one beeps 5 times

you would touch it ? didn't think so

it's a good thing they wipe their asses with their hands...only way to block the virus from entering through the masks is to have that poo film coating it.

go and fucking touch that plague-ridden corpse then you mong
fuck me you’re dumb

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>Americans find this acceptable
they're being loaded into hearses and taken to funeral homes. what would you suggest? do you think this is new?

"Three bodies were retrieved by funeral home workers who drove hearses directly up to the loading dock, but a fourth had to be retrieved from the refrigerated truck with the forklift, then loaded into a funeral home van."

can this become a meme?

>for rotting meat
but why

dont know. I went to bed with a slightly fucked up name and woke up to this. you?

>imagine trying to live in a state that refuses to quarantine

Good cat pic

Shut up, forklifts are cool. He should do a burnout and donuts.

..on the bodies.

No one told him his mask is useless? He needs an N95 respirator at the very least.

>respect for useless pile of meat you can't even eat

I went to bed with a slightly fuckie wukie name but I didnt get it

Attached: Leap.png (3840x2160, 117.88K)

Oh hey I'm cured.

You joke but else?

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>Americans getting loaded by forklift
>No 21 Shart Salute brought to you by Wal-Mart as is customary
I don’t believe it.

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What in the god damn...

How the fuck can you be that stupid.

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Riding on a forklift is fun those dead bodies are lucky


Told you they were cool, they hate chinks more than I do. Forklifts are /ourlifts/.

fake and gay
Opie sucks nigger dick

All Fake.

You faggots stop falling for this fake shit.

>lifeless body sticking out rigidly with no head support

No way that’s a real body

Not a hygene prob bro...

As a former forklift operator I agree

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Why is the head of the body leaning up? Everyone with a brain knows the body goes limp when you die.

Forklift operator here, carrying dead people on your fork is really based


He was cremated in 9 minutes flat.

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thas rite!

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They wash it afterwards, no prob.

>Treat this rotting pile of flesh with some respect!
This is why europe has failed.

actually wanted to post that one

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It’s a living

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No eye protection

I think from getting Chan virus and recovering.

based. one last bout of propane poisoning

Sure thing Satan, I guess you'll soon find out. You look terrible.

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I believe you're wrong on that one. People are not getting exercise and they have nothing to do but stuff their faces even fatter.

You've obviously never moved dead weight. Surely dragging the body up a ramp would be more disrespectful. Fuck off romafag