Looks Like Canada is going total totalitarian

Looks Like Canada is going total totalitarian.

I've got so many luxury soup memes I'm fucked. they are gonna know i'm an in-store price poster nd call me in to get the reward.

Attached: dicksuckdeau.jpg (650x654, 57.7K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Wtf is social media screening?


To prevent incels from partaking in society they will implement follower count checks

>social media screening? For real? He doesn't even hide the fact that Canada is no longer a free country

If you said anything critical of the goverment, women, gays, pedophiles or anything they want to shove down everyone's throat you won't be getting any help and will probably be put on a watch list.

give us your facebook and twitter account information to get the gibs. nothing like big gov't coercion happening in the great white north, eh?

leaf-wing death squads when ?

Lol the day of the rake is here!

Posting on Yas Forums = no corona testing or treatment.

Freedom to be a bigot doesn't mean freedom from consequences.

You already are.

you will now need at least 1000 Instagram followers to apply for your entry level sciences position.

Basically checking for ThoughtCrimes.

fake and gay

I'm fucked, lmao.

My question exactly. What does this mean? And chinks out there who care to explain?

False and homoerotic.
>learn what inspect element is boomer

Say it with me: EMPEROR TRUDEAU

Is this actually what they're doing though? I heard the NHS was looking to deny healthcare to anyone who posted "racist" stuff online. Is that's what's happening here?

Is this even a real tweet? I don't really use twitter but I can't find this on his list of tweets. I wouldn't be surprised if they did something like this, and Canada definitely doesn't have free speech anymore, but if this is fake, fuck you OP.

Yep, I remember the power grabs after 9/11. Same deal.

The virus may be real but there's a bigger agenda at work with shit like this. If all you have to do is give up your facebook link then anyone with any sense isn't in trouble. But if it's a CSIS/Five Eyes/NSA Full Report, we're all so, so, so very fucked.

It's fake, a shit ton of people especially older don't use social media

>economy plummeting
>gibs offered to keep the consoomers consooming
>unless you're a Nazi
fast forward a few years when this level of gibs has been normalized and the economy is even worse
>white canadians, cut off from the gibs and cut out of jobs, begin mugging niggers for their welfare checks
thid is the future you chose

Fake and gay, op sucks cocks

This can't be true. Canada's not THAT bad yet.

op is gay
i like trains

>all you have to do is give up your facebook link
You don't retard, this is false information, the tweet is not real

no leaftard

There are no tweets from Trudeau at 2001...

UK is

Yes, because the last thing our glorious PM wants to do is give relief funds to racists, misogynists, bigots. It's obvious a 5-d chess move by Trudeau's administration to tackle the curb of anitsemetism and alt rights dipshits who think they can terrorize the good people of Canada. If you don't know the story behind the Nazi militia member who was planning a terrorist attack and subsequently got caught by the FBI in the USA or the 2 teenagers who killed a couple and then had the RCMP on a wild goose chase throughout Canada. Let us be clear: We do not want the tainted mess you see in America to begin happening in Canada.

I mean, I’m sure this will be true and is probably in the works, no doubt, but no link and I can’t find this tweet, so looks to be fake...for now.

Fake, OP is a faggot

What. The. Fuck?! Seriously, they just borrowed China's doctrine on social media. Hosers who talk shit online are FUCKED.

It's April fools niggas. There was also an official "announcement" that liquor and beer sales would be severely curtailed starting today.

>luxury soups

Attached: heritage minutes.jpg (1280x720, 110.52K)

You will get arrested for posting that fake tweet, fake covid info will land you in jail, I reported you to the RCMP

Good. Racists, incels, and homophobes shouldn't receive any trudeaubux or coronavirus treatment. Don't respect others' humanity, don't get your humanity respected. Nice to see some consequences happening outside the unwieldily process of the human rights tribunal. Given the sheer number of bigots in Canada, we have to move beyond the tribunal to scale up consequences.

You're right. My fault. OP is still a faggot though.

Yes, it is. The moment "human rights" tribunals started restricting speech and giving "compensation" for hurt feelings was the moment Canada was over as a free and open society. Glad I left that shithole.

t. dual citizen who's going to give up that shithole tier Canadian side

Fake. Here's the closest I could find to that.

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-02 at 8.29.48 am.png (581x302, 71.78K)

This is a fake tweet.

>Faggot OP
The biggest faggot of them all. Only reason grocery jew gets a pass is because fuck leafs.


Attached: 48517879-DF9B-4C89-A28B-4DB922681B0C.jpg (653x1024, 98.09K)

What the hell is going on today? Why is your post like this


it's fake nigger

Good riddance, fuck pussy quiters with dual loyalties. You're no different than one of those democrats who constantly promises to move to Canada when shit happens in the states they don't like.

What would happen if I was Canadian? I don’t have any social media at all.

>social media screening

Attached: hazmathonk.png (640x556, 285.86K)

kek what happens if you have zero social media?

good thing I don't use gay ass social media, fucking Canadian communism

Reminder reminder.

Attached: 32485683.png (617x504, 88.21K)

Did the brainlets reacting to this forget what daybit is today?

A leftist power grab. Never let a crisis go to waste!

Canadians are getting gouged on soup prices. thats whats breaking the economy.

Attached: 4354343.jpg (683x485, 53.64K)

Would be risky to lend to people without a social media credit score

You come party with us on the chans!


Anons are user for a reason OP. Worst case say you have no social media. Never use your real name

...just delete your accounts. Voila!

Sir your social credit rating has dropped 50 points due to the following

>4 uses of a banned word
>1 racial slur

We can not approve you for your lease

Sage for fake and gay

Yes, see
April fools can't even be bother to read a few posts into the thread.


The Government getting a raise and going through with the carbon tax is just a joke, right?

dude you know this isn't real, the second any infringement happens in gov over peoples anonymous rights in canada or usa you damn sure that anonymous burns down a government server room every minute this stays up

Attached: anonymous.jpg (600x400, 34.73K)

this can't be real

Attached: 1584808370326.jpg (720x720, 131.45K)

Imagine being so stupid you can’t figure it out for yourself within seconds of seeing your first green post.