Niggers rekt edition
Yas Forums Humour Thread
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why are americans like this. pathetic
Sorry I couldn't hear you over the sound of my freedom
idk OP, something tells me that's pretty gay, i bet you suk pepe, fagget
You would know yellow teeth.
>nigga paid not to beat some guy
just goes to show how chimpouts can be optional
Inferior race of cowards and negroes, buddy
americans should be permabanned from Yas Forums desu
I can't decide who is the faggest
>Nigs have to gang up to win
What does the 56% human have to say?
Here's one just for you sven.
America is #1
You got BTFO by a nigger
>niggers beat your son and rape your daughter
"hurr durr they did it like pack animals!!! and not individuals!!!"
Fuck you retard
Fix your shit omar!!
Was going to post that one.
Wonder what bet this dude lost.
David Foster Wallace once wrote a piece about David Lynch. In the piece, he coined a new term: "Lynchian". Wallace described a Lynchian tone as "the unbelievably grotesque existing in a kind of union with the unbelievably banal."
He described a husband beating his 1950s housewife to death because she bought the wrong brand of peanut butter. "I told you to buy the JIF," he'd say as he's clobbering her to death. This, he said, would qualify as almost perfectly Lynchian.
I think "I Am Jazz" enters into Lynchian territory. The .webm above shows a simple domestic scene. The women look like average suburban moms. They're relaxing on the couch. One imagines they might be discussing casserole recipes when we cut to them. But it slowly dawns on us that in the living room, with placid expressions on their faces, they're talking about the woman's transvestite son's genitals.
Despite the obvious subtext and the producers' hope to normalize this horror, the average person is totally disgusted. Nevertheless, the viewer is fascinated. We're drawn further into this. The sheer naked horror of what they're saying, the blase quality with which they're saying it, it creates this brutal paradox that almost rapes the viewer's basic sense of what is decent.
>that white boy trying to hop in the water
I've seen enough webm to know that you never want to back your white ass up to a negro like this. She's lucky she didn't get hit over the head or instantly raped.
What'd ya expect.
>check pol
>first thread is some disgusting nigger/cuck
What a surprise
You US guy need some real men over there.
That nigger is as big as the fat lady behind him there at the start.
The white guy is even smaller.
I mean wtf is going on in the west? Not only you guys are cucked, you also seem to shrink and most of you have a skinny body along with a round belly.
Im a 1.97meters tall guy at 110 kilograms of mass. You think Brock Lesnar is big? He is 1.91 meters tall.
If i take steroids id probably snap his spine.
No wonder you get taken over by those monkeys. i could literally break that monkey (after i soften his jaw) on my knee, like in the movies...
Based critical thinking skills on his part. He knows they can't follow after him
I need a woman like this.
Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads
Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers
You forgot the fact that they have weapons
Mutt can't even draw his gun to kill the gorilla in self defense
Police will see the dead nigger and they'll give him a medal anyways
Why are niggers allowed to act like this? Even in Canada they'd either be stomped then or shot to death later.
YOu dont trust me, he has a very protruted belly.
It wont look good in combo with the pussy once shes naked trust me.
I mean i would deepthroat her once, but its a one night stand and mostly oral stuff in my view.
a girl will never be that frisky with me in public
why live
OP gave up.
These discord parties get wild very easily.
incel shooting stomped out
Why would he even contact that fat spic
Even my grandad can get better spic females by just wearing his gucci glasses
your jungle fever everyone dont let it be u
What the fuck
Share the one where he is just swinging her body wildly like how Lenny would deal with a rabbit
I dont want to sound arrogant but wtf is that you see those niggers as big as a woman, with a bit of phisique but still as big as a woman just hitting them white guys.
Just 3 weeks ago i saw a group of like 8-10 arab individuals that came in Romania to work.
The type of small guys that.. i dont know what they are doing here, work i guess.
I kid you not, they were 1.60 meters at most. Thai hookers are bigger than that.
Is this was the west strugles with, give me two bras knuckles and a jail spare and i make a blood bath out of them. Unless they carry knives i dont think they can hurt me, they are so small.
Why don't white people ever stand up for each other faggot. The rules are so simple a nigger can get it. But you white milk toast fucks can die and get outbred with your "honor" and your gay ass outdated middle earth tier chivalry to an enemy that doesn't care for your rules
Because if anyone defended themself in that situation it would be months of 24/7 coverage on CNN about racist hate crimes and the white kids would go to prison.
that white girl in the corner is a cuck like shes trying to get his attention
rather get the goth girl
His reaction is priceless! xd
Leaf’s law
which one of u did this
lmfao are you fucking kidding me? so this is peak european consumerism, interracial cuckporn used to sell orange juice?
freedom soi boy
wanna see a plot twist?.
Thats how you get fucking trichinosis
Stfu chink.
Can somebody pls timetravel to 1938 and show this thread in all anglo countries.
women lust for danger theyll take a horse dick wolf dick nigga dick arab dick
just be dangerous bro
True horror.
He is a 10/10 in Britbong, nigger, that's not fair
why is the nigger animal so violent and disgusting?
Ah yes, the negro's natural enemy - the water.
shes indian, worst of both cultures in terms of enttilement
Turkish cock uWu?
hijabi or gay white kid wtf happened here
Intimations and Inklings of
sodom & gomorrah 2.0
Sweden webm for you too! Some news sites are not available in Sweden to protect us from the wrong ideas.
I have seen that one, have you seen the SAS commercial?
goddamnit schooling, really?
Because you will go to jail for retaliating. District attornies are evil.
God I love girls who look like this the one on the left can get it so hard
There are no white people in OP's video.
kek, I love the dark guy in the foreground. He is alright.
This is how they got Iraqis to stop blowing shit up. (quite as much)
alright wheres the full videos where she takes them pup dicks at
Dat azz
we should build a platform compiling every instance of this behavior on social media and tie it with their identities, so any potential mate or employer can quickly look up their history and avoid making a decision that will cost them their time, money and sanity.
"Humor, humor" poltards chant
But the laughs within are scant
Stupid memes and shitty vids
Posted by autistic kids
"Pol" and "humor" do not mix
Pol is full of racist hicks
Poltards, poltards, don't you know?
Each new thread hits a new low
what happened here?
oh come on and take the stick out your ass, that's hilarious.
Some dank nigga shit in here yao