Goodbye Yas Forums (pic related)

For many years I've come here to enjoy the camaraderie, humor and redpills. Many ppl get their news from Facebook, Twitter or Drudge, but Yas Forums has been my haunt for 8+ years.

But it's time to be moving on. And unlike so many oldfags who’ve gone before me, I won’t blame Yas Forums for changing… it is I who have changed .

After many years of inquiry into buddhism, taoism, hinduism, mithraism, zoasterism, paganism, atheism, copious amounts of smoking weed and jerking off to the finest porn… I have finally found the eternal Truth — Jesus Christ. Catholicism to be exact: the Kingdom of God.

There are many reasons I’m leaving Yas Forums, but my main reasons are:

>lewds and nudes damaging my state of mind
>endless complaining
>blaming society for your problems
>general pervasive sense of filth

I ask nothing of any of you. Carry on.

Those for whom this message hits close to home — it is not me you will be following, but Jesus who leads me.

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Have sex

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Based and Redpilled

all christian communities have been liberalized, yes even "based trad caths". stop being dumb

Go suck the Pope's dick faggot, he's a heretic anyway

Which is why I must leave to begin the work of my Father.

k, see you tomorrow

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>lewds and nudes damaging my state of mind

you're a weak minded coomer, but the mods have removed BBC posting which SAGES the threads i honestly thought it was a good idea. mods are cuck for that
>endless complaining

you'll find that anywhere in life
>blaming society for your problems

It is up to you whether to decide if it bothers you or not i used to blame society myself and quiet frankly it's just a scapegoat that everyone likes to use the sooner you realize it the better.
>general pervasive sense of filth

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Perhaps he is a heretic. That's not for us to judge here. Nonetheless, I pray for his intentions.

You shouldn't, because he has no authority; there is no Biblical basis for a Pope. There is zero need for an intermediary between you and Jesus.

>you're a weak minded coomer
I don't fap. Which is why I'm sick of lewds and nudes

>you'll find endless complaining everywhere
Not in my Catholic library, which is where I'll be.

Very well then i wish you peace then homie.

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Biblical basis? The bible itself is a Catholic book, voted on at the 1st council of Nicea and carefully curated by the extant bishop of Rome (pope) and many other bishops. Tradition has always preceded Scripture.

>Tradition has always preceded Scripture

Wrong, but a super neat way of dodging my argument. The papacy is meaningless. Praying to Mary and other saints is also incorrect. Have a good day buddy.

cuckchan and plebbit are both nigger sites. They expect you to conform to their bullshit or else they harass you.

>leaving Yas Forums

See you in easter user

This is the conclusion I reached as well, /Christian/ on infinitechan was what got me to leave all together, but ever since it got taken down I just pop my head into here from time to time

She single?

Another golem lost to the Mind virus

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Praying to Mary, the Saints and angels is what makes Catholicism Christian. This is the essence of the Christian mythos.

Read St Louis de Montfort.

Funny. I left the Catholic church to join Yas Forums. Now I see the light.

Literally more bluepilled than a facebook/reddit normie. I guess all these years of Yas Forums rotted your brain and lowered you IQ significantly.

see you tomorrow

He was low IQ to start

>8 years
Okay newfag


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>calling anyone a cuck
Dude look outside your fucking house

bro I've been here since the beginning of 2009. there have been times that I've taken a break but I always come back. over the years I've been a part of many other websites but since the 2016 election Yas Forums remains the only place I spend time on. it's quite literally impossible to leave without cutting your internet connection for good. just accept that you're here forever.

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If you pray for pope's intentions then pray for everyone already. Pray for pedos, pray for kikes, pray for fags, pray for the dirty mud feet he kissed etc. etc.

Catholics are bigest hypocrites

>Catholic Christianity
You might as well say you joined Pagan Christianity. Such a thing does not exist.


this isn’t your personal blog


Go back to r*ddit you larp faggot

see you tomorrow

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See you later

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>implying this isn't a concern troll post
>implying Anons call Yas Forums 4Chan mistakenly
Go back, faggot.

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God speed user

Checked and /thread

Nice gay blog faget OP


Nope, I'll just read the Bible, which is the only writing of authority, thanks

Nice, farewell brother and peace be with you.

You will come back, life is cycles, someday you need pol, someday you don't, see you in few months or years, you will be back, it's the only easy accessible free forum where all ideas are discussed

>muh follower count
we could help out small religions by asking our representatives to provide free religious ads on television stations that are apportioned by faith, not by follower count
so even small cults can recruit using their publicly allocated TV ad time


Honestly, you're right. Christians who stay in this shit hole can't escape sin themselves.
Hope you have a good life on the outside, and can escape the temptation to come back.

>Jesus Christ. Catholicism to be exact: the Kingdom of God.
Imagine worshiping a jew.

Fuck I was really hoping this was gonna be an effortpost


>the Kingdom of God.
the Millennium happens after the Tribulation, the Rapture, and the outpouring of Wrath
Problems with Catholicism:
* Jesus said not to repeat prayers, Catholics say hail Mary hail Mary hail Mary our Father hail Mary hail Mary hail Mary
* Jesus says to call no man Father, Catholics call a man in a dress Father
* Jesus says to avoid those who wear long flowing robes
* Purgatory isn't in the Bible
* Mary said Jesus was her Savior. Catholics say Mary was somehow without sin, but at the same time say they're not saying she's God somehow
* Jesus said no man can pluck you from His hand, Catholics say you can lose your salvation and grace isn't the English version of gratis meaning given for free but some kind of magic that magically prevents saved people from sinning

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Thanks bros. Peace be with you all.

>to Mary, the Saints and angel
pray to God only. Jesus, Who is God, is the only mediator between you and God

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sola gratia, sola fide, solus Christus, sola scriptura, sola Deo gloria

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>Get matching orders from a closet fag


He'll be back by the end of the week.

Sin boldly then

Go suck your globalist nigger-feet kissing cuck pope off.


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Someone does not understand that they are here forever. You can never leave.

>Hunter gatherer tribes form
>Hunter gatherer tribes begin to grow in number
>The originals get elevated
>A +1 if you will
>Fast forward
>Tribe continues to grow in number
>More +1's for the originals
>Originals die
>Mythic status gained by the originals
>End result of this process is Religion
>All religions have a story
>Each has figures who are deemed divine in some way or another
>Each hunter gatherer tribe had their own originals
>More religions
>Each claims to have the "true" story
>Religion is irredeemably primitive


I'l pray to God that you will be able to make positive change in the world. Godspeed user

> you see, if you read the Bible, take it seriously, and make sure that your worldview is compatible with the worldview expounded in the New Testament
> "sin boldly" is the inevitable conclusion
> that's why we Catholics read the Bible only through our tradition and chant prayers to Mary which isn't idolatry because Mary was sinless and only God is without sin

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Thanks! You too.

If youve been here as long as you claim, youd know that the only way to truly leave this place is to kys faggot.
So...kys faggot. Oh, and if you actually do it dont forget to stream it for the keks.
Oh....and coof.

I honestly read that as cockdemon.

This post glows as though it were radioactive


I’ve been here 14 years.
You can quit but you’ll be back.
See you space cowboy

what the fuck is so appealing about jesus? i really don't get it

>Leave a place where your ideas and concepts are challenged everyday
>Run off to a hugbox feelgood by a Jewish preacher about equality and love
*Coof* *coof* *coof*, take some AIDs with you

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See you tomorrow, faggot.

lel just another fedpost

Do you always announce it when you leave say, a cafe or a restaurant or a grocery store?
That you made this announcement of yours kind of implies you literally lived on this board, that this board was your reality. That's sad, man. It's not that important. It's just an imageboard. This kind of drama about it is, well, ridiculous.


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